My cold CEO wife

Chapter 774 Learn More From Your Cousin-In-Law

Chapter 774 Learn More From Your Cousin-In-Law

"No need, your parents are my parents."

Lu Chen shook his head, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

He had no parents to begin with, and he no longer remembers what his real parents looked like.

However, he still remembered that in order to send him to the path of cultivating immortality, his parents used good connections to seek help from an immortal master, so that he could have the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation.

He has never forgotten this incident.

"Lu Chen, you will be our child from now on. If Qinghan bullies you, tell us and we will help you out."

Li Ruyan didn't know that Lu Chen showed a look of reminiscence, thinking that what Lin Qinghan said touched his sore spot.

After all, they all knew that Lu Chen's parents were so angry that they committed suicide because of him.

Lu Chen might be feeling sad or blaming himself.

Now Li Ruyan is very fond of Lu Chen, and her maternal nature is shining brightly, so she said this to Lu Chen.

"Okay, Mom and Dad."

Lu Chen forced out a smile.

Seeing the pain that seemed to exist in Lu Chen's eyes, Lin Qinghan felt a pain in her heart for no reason, and then she shook her head.

Why do I care about Lu Chen's feelings? There must be some misunderstanding.

Li Ruyan's younger brother is called Li Ruguo.

He does not live in the provincial capital, but because of work, he lives in Wujiang City.

He was a member of a public institution and was assigned to work here, so he settled here directly.

The conditions in Li Ru's country are relatively wealthy in Wujiang City.

Because Li Ruguo's wife, Li Ying's mother Zhou Hui, is in business, and her business is quite large, and she is also well-known in Wujiang City.

Of course, the fact that her business is doing so well has something to do with Li Ruguo, because she made use of Li Ruguo's social connections.

The couple worked hard for the family together, and their family became wealthy.

Zhou Hui has a son and a daughter. Needless to say, the daughter is Li Ying.

As for his son, his name is Li Zhao.

Because both Li Ruguo and Zhou Hui were usually busy with work and neglected to discipline them, Li Zhao also became a rich second-generation playboy.

"Li Zhao, your aunt is coming to our house later. You can drive to pick her up."

Zhou Hui's family also lived in the villa, and she gave instructions to Li Zhao at home.

"Mom, I don't have time, you ask my sister to go."

Li Zhao rejected Zhou Hui directly.

"It seems that you don't want your pocket money this month."

Zhou Hui said calmly.

Li Zhao looked embarrassed when he heard the word pocket money.

His monthly pocket money is 20 yuan, which is higher than the income of many senior executives. However, he often spends his days and nights out, and this pocket money is simply not enough.

He doesn't think he is living a good life now, but to be honest, he owes foreign debts, and now a considerable part of his pocket money is paying interest.

When others lend him money, they also look at his net worth. He has a good mother and is not worried that he will not be able to pay back the money.

Therefore, the other party does not urge him to repay the money, as long as he pays the interest on time.

But if he doesn't even pay back the interest money, the other party may have to blame his mother.

If he really came here, he would be finished.

Therefore, he could only compromise.

"Okay, I'll go."

Li Zhao was extremely reluctant, and then asked: "When will they arrive at the airport?"

"We'll be here around 09:30, you can leave now."

Zhou Hui replied.

The distance between Wujiang City and Guiyuan City is not very far, only an hour's flight, but if you drive or take a train, it will take a long time.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Li Zhao said and walked outside.

When he was far away, Zhou Hui sighed and said to Li Ruguo who was beside him: "Ruguo, what should we do with our son? Him."

"Oh, it's all our fault. We didn't educate him properly when he was a child." Li Ruguo sighed, also looking like he had a headache.

Now that Li Zhao's character has been formed, even if they want to change him, it will be impossible.

Now they are still young and can control Li Zhao. In the future, when they are old and unable to control Li Zhao, what will Li Zhao do?
They were not worried about Li Ying. Although Li Ying had a boyish personality, he was at least well-behaved, obedient, and liked many people.

What made the two of them anxious was that Li Ying never wanted to be friends.

"Sister, do you want to go pick up aunt and the others together?"

Li Zhao went out, but dialed Li Ying's phone number.

He didn't want to face Lin Jiangong and Li Ruyan alone.

Firstly, he didn't want Li Ruyan to talk to him in an educational tone all the time, and secondly, to be honest, he was a little afraid of his cousin Lin Qinghan.

I can’t say why, I’m just afraid. This fear even exceeds the fear of my mother.

"Yeah, Mom asked you to pick them up. Hum, Mom is biased and won't let me go. Just wait, I'll go with you."

When Li Ying heard this, she immediately became unhappy.

She was wearing pajamas and ran outside.

"Xiaoying, where are you going?"

Zhou Hui shouted anxiously when she saw Li Ying running outside in her pajamas.

"Auntie and the others are coming to our house, aren't they? I'll pick them up at the airport."

Li Ying replied, but he had disappeared.

"This girl."

Zhou Hui and Li Ruguo looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Just now, they thought Li Ying was still sleeping, so they didn't call her.

As a result, this girl rushed out without changing her clothes.

At first they asked Li Zhao to pick them up, but Li Zhao decisively refused. Now Li Ying was so enthusiastic about picking up her aunt. They felt that the personalities of the two siblings were completely opposite.

Li Ying's family has a lot of cars. Because Lin Qinghan's family is a family of four, Li Zhao simply drove a seven-seater Mercedes-Benz business car so that everyone could fit in it.

"Sister, I will pick up my aunt and the others later, you have to stand between me and my cousin."

Li Zhao ordered Li Ying.

"Are you so afraid of your cousin? I think my cousin is pretty good." Li Ying said with a flat mouth.

"Harm, you don't know. When I see my cousin, it's like a mouse meeting a cat. I get scared." Li Zhao said frankly without any pretense.

Li Ying smiled and said: "Then let me tell you, you should learn from your cousin-in-law. Your cousin-in-law is not afraid of your cousin at all, and he is often angry with her."

"My cousin-in-law?"

When he mentioned his cousin-in-law, Li Zhao immediately became interested and asked, "I heard that my cousin-in-law's name is Lu Chen, and he is known as the Saint of Love in Guiyuan City. He has had more than 500 girlfriends and dozens of others." My girlfriend committed suicide because of him?”

"It's him."

Li Ying has a black line on her forehead. To be honest, she really likes Lu Chen, but this is indeed Lu Chen's dark history.

"I noticed that after you came back last time, you mentioned his name to me more than once. Tell me what kind of man he is. Is he particularly popular with girls?" Li Zhao continued to ask, very I want to learn a few tricks from Lu Chen, and when the time comes I go out to flirt with girls, and I'll hit them right every time, that'll be exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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