My cold CEO wife

Chapter 794 You Can't Buy Your Life

Chapter 794 You Can't Buy Your Life
"Then I'll call you."

Lu Chen raised his head, a playful look flashed in his eyes.

Then, his figure disappeared.

"Where...where did this kid go?"

Wu Qingtuo was shocked.

At the next moment, his eyes almost bulged out, and before his eyes, countless of his younger brothers fell down in pieces like waves of wheat blown by the wind.

The entire space was filled with people, and those younger brothers had no idea what was going on.

Everyone's eyes were moving with an afterimage.

Two minutes later, Lu Chen returned to where he started, then raised his head and looked provocatively at Wu Qingtuo above, with a playful look in his eyes.


Everyone on the periphery swallowed hard.

That was four hundred people. Lu Chen actually defeated these people like this, and he defeated these people so easily.

How powerful is Lu Chen?
When Li Houqin saw this scene in the distance, she also had a look of horror in her eyes, and then her eyes turned to ecstasy.

Originally, after Li Qinglong betrayed and formed an alliance with her, she felt that she would probably die here today, but Lu Chen turned the tide.

At first, Lu Chen said that he was invincible, but her perception was not strong, but now she realized that this so-called invincibility was really invincible.

"Chu Tie, what should we do now?"

Kanwu Qingtuo, who was standing above, looked at Lu Chen, but he was talking to Chu Tie next to him, asking, "How many moves can you block from him?"

"I...I might not be able to catch a single move."

Chu Tie also swallowed hard. He simply couldn't muster the courage to fight Lu Chen. Lu Chen was too powerful and could completely crush him one-sidedly.

Chu Tie was indeed warlike, but now he didn't dare to fight Lu Chen at all. The gap between the two sides was really too big.

"How could Li Houqin find such a powerful person to take action? How could such a powerful person be used by Li Houqin?"

Wu Qingtuo murmured for a while, and at the same time he slowly retreated back, preparing to retreat from here.

Now all the brothers below him have been knocked down by Lu Chen, and there are even some top-notch warriors, but these warriors don't even know how Lu Chen uses his moves.

Everyone is no match for Lu Chen.

"Mr. Lu, don't let Wu Qingtuo escape. There are traces in his head about the other three people I want to deal with."

Li Houqin's attention had actually been on Wu Qingtuo. Now that he saw Wu Qingtuo trying to escape, he couldn't help but shout to Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen heard this, he quickly chased in the direction of Wu Qingtuo.

When Chu Tie saw Lu Chen coming towards this direction, he really wanted to fight Lu Chen, but when he thought about the scene where Lu Chen had just dealt with hundreds of people, he couldn't think of any intention of becoming Lu Chen's enemy.

Therefore, when Lu Chen chased him to the villa and was about to attack Chu Tie, Chu Tie took the initiative to step aside.

Lu Chen was going to chase Wu Qingtuo now. In the end, he hesitated for a moment, left Chu Tie where he was, turned into an afterimage and chased Wu Qingtuo.

There was a basement in Wu Qinglong's city guard. When he escaped, he went directly into the basement.

Lu Chen quickly chased after Wu Qingtuo.

As for Li Qinglong and Chu Tie on the ground, they stood there without moving.

They knew that when encountering a master like Lu Chen, even running away would be in vain. In this case, it was better to surrender.

Wu Qingtuo was fast, but Lu Chen was even faster.

Wu Qingtuo was soon stopped by Lu Chen in the basement.

"Senior, I want to buy my life, but you have to agree."

Wu Qingtuo knew that he couldn't run away, so he simply stood there and started negotiating with Lu Chen.

"You can't buy your life. I will capture you and hand you over to Li Houqin. She has the final say on what you want to do."

Lu Chen probably already knew about the grudge between Li Houqin and Wu Qingtuo. Wu Qingtuo must have done something wrong in this matter.

Li Houqin's two sisters were brutally killed by Wu Qingtuo. How could Li Houqin let Wu Qingtuo go?
While Lu Chen was speaking, he approached Wu Qingtuo.

Wu Qingtuo knew that he was no match for Lu Chen, so he simply gave up resistance.

The moment Lu Chen grabbed him, Wu Qingtuo said, "Senior, let me go, I can tell you how to break through to the innate secret."


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows.

This was not the first person to say this to him. He did not expect that Wu Qingtuo was also saying this to him now.

"Tell me about this secret. If it has value, I can let you go." Lu Chen said calmly.

"You should know that China is divided into Kyushu, Jiuzhou Jiuding Town, each tripod is a treasure, I know the whereabouts of one of the tripods, this tripod can refine the body, make the body holy, and break through to the innate realm. "

Wu Qingtuo didn't hide it from Lu Chen. Even if Lu Chen knew about Jiuding, he didn't know where the tripod he mentioned was, so he was not afraid that Lu Chen would kill him.

"Are you sure you're not lying to me?" Lu Chen asked lightly.

"How could I play tricks in front of you? What I said is all true. If you don't believe it, then there's nothing I can do about it."

Wu Qingtuo said: "Don't think that you can find that place by killing me. Let me tell you, only four people know about that place. Only I know who the other three people are."

"Do the three people you mentioned have any grudge against Li Houqin?" Lu Chen said calmly.

"Yes, you are right. Those three people are indeed Li Houqin's enemies. The four of us massacred the Li family. All the men in the Li family were killed and the women in the Li family were insulted by us. But let us What I didn't expect was that something slipped through the net. If I had known, I should have checked it carefully. If I could have strangled Li Houqin in the cradle, I wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation today." Wu Qingtuo said with emotion.

Lu Chen sneered and said: "Do you really think that if you didn't let Li Houqin go, you wouldn't end up like you do today? Maybe you will die even worse. Things in this world are all about the cycle of cause and effect. God is evil. , you can still violate it, you will do your own evil, and you will not live. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will be punished by yourself."

"Yes, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will die."

Wu Qingtuo smiled slightly like a maniac, and then said to Lu Chen next to him: "Even if I have done so many evil things, don't you dare to kill me?"

He had determined the cauldron that Lu Chen wanted to use to break through to the innate realm, so he was not afraid of Lu Chen killing him at all.

Because only he knows how to find the tripod.

"Don't dare to kill you? Do you think too highly of your own value?"

Lu Chen smiled coldly and said, "For a person like you to stay here, it is simply a waste of food, so I will send you down there."

While talking, Lu Chen made a move on Wu Qingtuo.

(End of this chapter)

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