My cold CEO wife

Chapter 795 Chu Tie Follows

Chapter 795 Chu Tie Follows
When Lu Chen took action, Wu Qingtuo was enveloped in endless murderous aura.

Although Wu Qingtuo had done a lot of unscrupulous things and killed a lot of people, after feeling Lu Chen's murderous intent, he still felt like he was in a sea of ​​corpses and blood. , his whole nerves were about to collapse.

"look into my eyes."

At the moment when Wu Qingtuo was about to collapse, Lu Chen let out a violent shout.

Wu Qingtuo didn't have any precautions at all, and then suddenly looked into Lu Chen's eyes.

Then he felt that Lu Chen's eyes were like the endless night sky, deep and boundless. He quickly got lost in it, as if Lu Chen had become his eyes and his soul.

"Next, I'll ask and you'll answer."

Lu Chen said to Wu Qingtuo.

Wu Qingtuo's eyes were very blank now, and he couldn't help but look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is naturally using hypnosis on Wu Qingtuo, but for a master like Wu Qingtuo, it is usually not easy to succeed with hypnosis.

But just now, Lu Chen defeated Wu Qingtuo's defense line with murderous intent, so Wu Qingtuo's soul was hypnotized by Lu Chen.

"Let me ask you, where are the three people you mentioned?"

Lu Chen asked Wu Qingtuo.

Wu Qingtuo began to reply: "Those three people are from the Yehe sect. The four of us were four childhood friends. We all have good martial arts talents. Later, we were accepted as apprentices by the old man Yehe at the same time. The strength of the four of us has improved by leaps and bounds, but the martial arts we practice are too overbearing and make us lose our minds, so sometimes we have to kill."

"In the past, when we couldn't control ourselves, we did do a lot of beastly things. Just like Li Houqin, she was also a victim."

"It's just that my three senior brothers later broke through to the realm of martial arts. They must have had some epiphany at this time and felt that they had made a huge mistake, so they went into seclusion. Before they went into seclusion, they took me to We found a place, and the four of us escaped from there with a narrow escape, and it was also there that we learned about the existence of the tripod."

Because she was controlled by Lu Chen, Wu Qingtuo can answer whatever Lu Chen asks now.

Soon, Lu Chen finished asking for all the information he wanted to ask, and then he pointed at Wu Qingtuo's eyebrows.

Wu Qingtuo came to his senses immediately, and then he looked at Lu Chen in horror, and asked in a low voice, "What did you do to me just now?"

"I've done everything I need to do, and I've said everything you need to say. If you follow my habits, I should send you on your way now, but Li Houqin wants me to keep you alive, so you can't die now. .”

Lu Chen grinned, showing a harmless smile, and then he pointed at Wu Qingtuo's Dantian. Wu Qingtuo felt that all the energy in his body seemed to have disappeared.

He looked at Lu Chen now, feeling a little desperate.

"Senior, I beg you, please let me go, I beg you please let me go, or you can kill me, you kill me, otherwise I will fall into the hands of that woman Li Houqin, and I will be miserable. dead."

Wu Qingtuo kept begging for mercy, but to no avail. Since Lu Chen promised Li Houqin to bring him back, he must bring him back.

Soon, Lu Chen appeared at the scene carrying Wu Qingtuo.

Wu Qingtuo's face was full of fear, and his long hair was messy, looking particularly bad.

It is hard for everyone to imagine that this overlord of Wujiang City, the leader of the most powerful gang, has ended up like this.

Chu Tie looked at Wu Qingtuo and stood there without moving.

He didn't dare to save Wu Qingtuo because Lu Chen was too powerful. Lu Chen was more powerful than he had ever seen before. He couldn't mess with such a person.

Li Qinglong in the distance did not leave either, he did not dare to leave.

The scene of Lu Chen's fight just now stunned him. He was very afraid that if he left at this time, Lu Chen would settle with him.

Therefore, he can only continue to stay here.

When he saw Lu Chen carrying Wu Qingtuo back, a hint of joy appeared in Li Houqin's eyes.

I'm afraid she is the happiest person on the scene right now.

She has to avenge part of her vengeance, and when the other three are found and killed together, she will have to avenge her.

By then, she will be able to live an ordinary life.

If a woman is not forced by life or situation, how can she be willing to live a life of fighting and killing?
"Thank you Mr. Lu."

Li Houqin knelt down directly to Lu Chen.

She understood that if it weren't for Lu Chen today, she and others would definitely die here, let alone revenge.

It was Lu Chen who was kind to her and gave her the opportunity to take revenge.

"Okay, get up."

Lu Chen raised his hand to Li Houqin, who immediately stood up. Lu Chen threw Wu Qingtuo in front of her and said, "I have destroyed Wu Qingtuo's Dantian. If you want to ask him, He also told me that now you have no problem dealing with him however you want, and after I finish dealing with him, I will take you to his three senior brothers."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, thank you, Mr. Lu."

Li Houqin originally thought that Wu Qingtuo would have to negotiate terms with him before he was willing to reveal the locations of his three senior brothers, but now he didn't expect that Lu Chen had already learned everything he wanted to know from Wu Qingtuo's mouth. .

Li Houqin ordered to the little brother next to him: "Come here, take him down for me."

To clean up Wu Qingtuo, it is natural to go back and clean up properly. There are still many things that have not been dealt with at the scene.

After the younger brother below took Wu Qingtuo down, Li Houqin said to Lu Chen: "Mr. Lu, what are you going to do with the remaining people here?"

Lu Chen glanced at Chu Tie and others, then at Li Qinglong and others, and suddenly said loudly: "If you are willing to surrender to the Lord of the Moon Palace, I will spare his life. If you are not willing, I will kill him on the spot. "

Lu Chen's words clearly meant that he would not give these people a choice.

These people choose to either die or surrender, and fools will choose the latter.

"Mr. Lu, I want to follow you."

However, just after Lu Chen spoke, Chu Tie suddenly jumped down from the height of the castle and knelt on one knee in front of Lu Chen.

"You want to follow me?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Tie, and said, "You have done a lot of bad things with Wu Qingtuo, right? I won't accept people like you."

"Mr. Lu, listen to me. Although I followed Wu Qingtuo, I didn't do anything too harmful. And the reason why I followed him was entirely because I was warlike and didn't want to care about secular affairs. I beg you to accept me, I feel that only by being with you can I have a future."

Chu Tie's words were very sincere.

Lu Chen carefully examined Chu Tie for a while, and found that Chu Tie did not lie in front of him. Finally, he nodded and said:

"Although you didn't do any big bad things by following Wu Qinglong, I'm afraid you did only one or two small bad things. I won't pursue your past actions too much. So, if you are willing to follow me, you can do it yourself first. Break an arm, if you don't want to follow me, then you can do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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