My cold CEO wife

Chapter 796 You'll Know Later

Chapter 796 You'll Know Later

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Chu Tie took a swinging stick almost without hesitation and swung the stick hard on his upper arm.

There was a roar immediately from the swinging stick, and then Chu Tie's right arm just hung down. At the same time, he asked: "Mr. Lu, is this okay?"

"You are quite a man, but it's a pity that you are with the wrong person. Follow me and do your job well. I will take you into the innate world in the future, and your arms will be regenerated when you become an innate strong person." Lu Chen said calmly.

He could see that this Chu Tie was an extremely upright person who did not hide his intentions. It was very likely that he had been taken advantage of by Wu Qingtuo in the past.

After Chu Tie was subdued, Lu Chen's eyes immediately fell on Li Qinglong again.

Li Qinglong felt Lu Chen's gaze, and he felt that his body was trembling. He felt that facing Lu Chen now, he felt like a child facing an adult.

Lu Chen was really awesome, he was no match for him.

"Mr. Lu, I am also willing to surrender."

Soon, Li Qinglong made a choice.

"You are willing to surrender, but I am not willing to accept it."

Lu Chen shook his head and said calmly: "Your situation is different from Chu Tie's. He resists normally and only begs for mercy and surrenders when he loses."

"And you, your relationship with Li Houqin was supposed to be an ally at first, but later you betrayed her and stood on her opposite side. You said you are such a rebellious boy, what am I going to do?"


Li Qinglong was asked, but after a moment, he explained: "Mr. Lu, you also saw it. At first, my mother was arrested by Wu Qingtuo. I had no choice but to do it."

"If it was really your mother who was caught who made you ally with Wu Qingtuo, I would appreciate your filial piety, but to be honest, before your mother was caught, you had already been shaken three times, and why did you want to Using your mother as an excuse to form an alliance with Wu Qingtuo is actually because you have already had the idea and willingness to form an alliance in your heart."

"You just want to show that you are a filial son in front of the brothers below, so that the brothers below will believe you more, otherwise you will care about your mother's life and death?"

Lu Chen's several questions completely stunned Li Qinglong.

Li Qinglong looked at Lu Chen in shock, as if Lu Chen knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"Disband your power and abolish your martial arts. I will let your mother go. You can take good care of your mother in her old age. Otherwise, I will kill you tonight."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he directly gave Li Qinglong his final choice.

Li Qinglong seemed to have aged dozens of years at this moment.

To be honest, he has always wanted to dominate Wujiang City, but because Wu Qingtuo suppressed it, he could only bury this idea in his heart, but now Lu Chen actually revealed his inner thoughts. come out.

"I...I am willing to give up my martial arts skills."

When Li Qinglong said these words, he almost exhausted all his strength.

If possible, he would definitely not want to give up his martial arts, but Lu Chen was simply invincible in front of him, so he had no choice at all.

While speaking, he kept tapping on his Dantian, and then he felt as if his life force was passing away.

Soon, Li Qinglong spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

Lu Chen looked at Li Houqin next to him and said, "I'll give you one night to integrate the entire forces in Wujiang City. In addition, tonight, this place will be mopped up."

"Yes, Mr. Lu."

Li Houqin now dared not disobey Lu Chen's words.

She finally understood that when Lu Chen said that he was all he needed at the beginning, he was not bragging at all, but that Lu Chen was really so awesome that he was all he needed.

After speaking, Lu Chen left the scene, leaving Li Houqin here to handle related matters.

However, Li Houqin directly handed over the handling of the scene to the old woman.

Although Li Houqin's current strength has not reached the level of entry into martial arts, no one is dissatisfied with Li Houqin.

Because everyone knows that behind her, there is a great god.

This great god is Lu Chen.

Chu Tie left with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen specially opened a hotel because he had important things to do tonight.

"You have been with Wu Qingtuo for five years, right?"

Lu Chen took Chu Tie to the hotel and couldn't help but ask.

Chu Tie was obviously stunned, and then looked at Lu Chen helplessly.

How many years he has been with Wu Qingtuo, I am afraid he is the only one in the entire Wujiang City who knows.

Because he had not shown up for three years and had only been active with Wu Qingtuo in the past two years, everyone thought that he had only been with Wu Qingtuo for two years. Only he knew that it was five years.

But how did Lu Chen see it?
"You don't need to be shocked. Your body has been infected with a subtle amount of evil energy. This evil energy was brought to you by Wu Qingtuo. The method he practiced is evil power. This evil power has already affected you. If I hadn't discovered it in time, you might have become a demon and become a demon who only knows how to kill."

Lu Chen explained to Chu Tie.

Chu Tie looked at Lu Chen blankly and asked, "Mr. Lu, what is this demon?"

"You'll find out later."

Lu Chen didn't explain much to Chu Tie. He said, "According to your talent, your current strength could be at least doubled. It's a pity that your body has been suppressed by the devil. I will help you tonight." You suppressed this evil spirit."

The reason why Lu Chen was willing to accept Chu Tie was because Chu Tie himself had no bad intentions. The reason why his character was somewhat evil was entirely due to the influence of Wu Qingtuo.

Moreover, he found that Chu Tie's fighting talent was very strong. Cultivating such a person would be of great help to him in the future.

Putting aside everything else, if he goes out, Chu Tie will be there, which can at least ensure Lin Qinghan's safety.

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

Chu Tie knelt down on one knee to Lu Chen again.

He didn't expect that Lu Chen could explain his physical problems.

He actually vaguely felt that there was something wrong with his body, but he couldn't tell where the problem was. Now that Lu Chen had broken it down, he instantly discovered the problem.

Of course, Lu Chen was most excited about being able to solve his physical problems.

"Since you followed me, I will naturally be responsible for you."

Lu Chen smiled, then motioned Chu Tie to take off his clothes, and he wanted to apply acupuncture on his back.

Chu Tie followed Lu Chen's instructions and began to take off his clothes.

Then, Lu Chen began to use the Nine Sun Divine Needle on Chu Tie's back.

The Nine-Yang Divine Needle is extremely strong and has a restraining effect on all evil things. It also has a natural restraining effect on the demonic energy in Chu Tie's body.

As Lu Chen used the Nine Sun Divine Needle, Chu Tie felt that the suppressed energy in his body seemed to be gone. He felt that every cell in his body seemed to be active.

(End of this chapter)

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