My cold CEO wife

Chapter 873 Long Xiangtian’s request for help

Chapter 873 Long Xiangtian’s request for help
Yafei felt that she had endless power, and she guessed that her current strength was already comparable to that of Lu Chen.

"Don't think that because you have improved, you are better than me. You have to know that your current strength is entirely because of my help."

Seeing Ya Fei's proud look, Lu Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Well, I'll just stand here and let you beat me. If you can hurt me, how about I lose?"

"Is that what you said?"

When Yafei heard this, she became interested.

Lu Chen nodded.

After receiving Lu Chen's confirmation, Yafei punched Lu Chen with five points of strength. The force was not too strong, mainly because she was afraid that her force would be too strong and really hurt Lu Chen.

The [-]% force hit Lu Chen's chest. Yafei felt as if she was hit on steel. Lu Chen didn't move at all, but her fists hurt a little.

"No, my strength was too weak just now. I only used five points of strength. Now I have to use seven points of strength." Yafei was a little unconvinced and increased her strength and attacked Lu Chen again.

However, there was still no change in the outcome. Lu Chen stood there without moving, but Yafei's fist felt even more painful.

"No, I only used seven points of strength just now."

At this time, Yafei was still a little unconvinced, and then said to Lu Chen next to him. He was obviously preparing to attack Lu Chen with all his strength.

"bring it on."

Lu Chen hooked his fingers at Ya Fei.

Yafei Yinya bit it and attacked Lu Chen with all her strength.


As a result, she still felt as if her punch had hit steel. Lu Chen stood there motionless, but she herself staggered back several steps before she stabilized her body.

" are so good, people won't play anymore."

Seeing that she couldn't defeat Lu Chen, Yafei gritted her silver teeth tightly and spoke.

Lin Qinghan and Zhong Xue laughed next to them.

As long as Ya Fei is fine, everything is fine.

Now Lin Qinghan has accepted Lu Chen's high strength and mysterious identity, but she doesn't believe that Lu Chen is the reincarnation of some immortal emperor who came just to protect her and want to be with her.

Man's mouth, liar ghost!
This guy probably wanted to lie to her, so he said such things, but she, Lin Qinghan, was not an ordinary woman, so she would not do this.

Therefore, Lin Qinghan continued to ask Lu Chen about his true identity. Lu Chen still said that he was the Immortal Emperor. The two did not reach an agreement on this matter, and their relationship still persisted tacitly.

Lin Qinghan's spiritual power is quite powerful. Although she was kidnapped, she recovered in only half a day.

So, she returned to Lin Group the next day and started busy work.

As for Ya Fei, she continues to be Lin Qinghan's bodyguard.

Now that Ya Fei is very powerful, even if Xiao Ji comes back alive, he may not be able to get it from Ya Fei.

Therefore, with Concubine Ya guarding Lin Qinghan, Lu Chen felt very relieved.

As for Zhong Xue, she still stayed at home.

Lu Chen was the same as before. He seemed to have no facts every day, but he controlled all the changes around him. However, he would secretly find ways to eliminate any factors that were detrimental to the development of Lin Qinghan and the Lin Group, so that the Lin Group could develop again. up a level.

When Lin Qinghan is happy, he is happy.

Happy days are always short-lived, and several days pass in a hurry.

On this day, Yuji appeared.

Yu Ji is Lu Chen's third apprentice.

The eldest apprentice is Ding Dang, and the second apprentice is Yafei.

Yuji has a talent for cultivation. Some time ago, he followed Lu Chen and was given some guidance by Lu Chen. Lu Chen also stimulated Yuji's physical vitality, allowing her to break through to the entry-level stage of martial arts.

However, because of her good talent, Yu Ji broke through to martial arts, but she broke through too quickly and her realm did not settle, which was not a good thing for her.

Therefore, Lu Chen simply arranged for Yuji to be with Long Xiangtian and let her practice beside him.

Long Xiangtian is the second-in-command of the Donghua Club, but now that the prince of the Donghua Club has not appeared, Long Xiangtian can basically be the leader of the Donghua Club.

In the Donghua Association, there are still many things to deal with.

Don't look at South Donghua and North Xihua. In fact, there are many people under the Donghua Association who are not convinced. At this time, they need to be convinced.

Therefore, Yu Ji followed Long Xiangtian and went out to perform tasks, which helped to hammer her down.

Now, she's back.

When Lu Chen saw Yu Ji, he found that her aura had completely restrained, and now she looked like an ordinary person.

If Yu Ji hadn't settled this aura, it would be easy for a master to see her specific strength and realm, but now it's not easy to see through her.

"You have settled down well during this period."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and asked at the same time: "I asked you to stay at Long Xiangtian's place for three months, why did you come back before you finished your stay?"

"Master, I miss you."

Yuji was originally a taciturn woman, but in front of Lu Chen, she also had her own elf side, because she felt that Lu Chen was good to her.

If it weren't for the other party's help, she wouldn't have known that she would be able to break through to the entry-level stage of martial arts, and there would even be no hope.

Even though Lu Chen just gave some random instructions, if you don't peek into that door and see the world behind it, you will never have a chance to break through.

Yu Ji is in such a state.

"I don't need you to think."

Lu Chen calmed down and said, "Tell me, did something happen at Donghua Club?"

He knew that this girl Yuji had actually been immersed in martial arts.

The other party told him directly at the beginning that if he could teach her martial arts, she would even be a girl who warms the quilt, which shows her persistence in martial arts.

She is so dedicated to martial arts, and Donghua Club is so good at training people, there is no reason for her to come back.

"Hmph, I still can't hide it from you, Master."

Yu Ji was speechless, and at the same time she said: "Master, the real situation is this. Junior Brother Long said that the prince will be back soon, so he wants to invite you to Donghua Club as a guest, and let me pick you up."

Yuji confessed.

Long Xiangtian must have sensed something was wrong, and now he had no choice but to ask Lu Chen to go out and go to town.

"Oh, the prince of Donghua Club."

Lu Chen couldn't help but raise his eyes, with a little interest in them, and then he said, "Well, I'll ask Ya Fei to accompany you."

He wanted to stay next to Lin Qinghan now, so he thought about it and sent Ya Fei to take charge.

After all, Yafei's strength lies there, and there really aren't many people who are Yafei's opponents now.

"Master, Junior Brother Long said that the crown prince of Donghua Hui has two great guardian kings. Both of them are masters of martial arts. If you send Sister Yafei over, that won't work. You can only handle this matter yourself. Let's go."

Yuji said to Lu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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