My cold CEO wife

Chapter 874 Strong

Chapter 874 Strong
These eleven Vajras are now so convinced of Long Xiangtian, and even have the idea of ​​​​fighting for Long Xiangtian and the prince, entirely because of two reasons.

The first reason is that the prince is unpopular.

The second reason is that Long Xiangtian has the grace of rebuilding them.

Now seeing Long Xiangtian being humiliated, they naturally couldn't accept it.

But now that Long Xiangtian gave the order, they only came behind Long Xiangtian and knelt down together with Long Xiangtian.

Long Xiangtian lowered his head at this time, he did not dare to let the prince see the anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

In the past, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction with the prince, but it didn't mean that he was really satisfied with the prince's style. The main reason was that he didn't have any support before he met Lu Chen, so at that time, he could only swallow his anger.

But it was different now. Now that Lu Chen was his backer, Long Xiangtian had enough confidence to resist.

The reason why he is not resisting now is because Lu Chen has not yet appeared at Donghua Club. He is afraid that if he resists now, the brothers below him will be suppressed and killed by the guardian kings.

By then, his side will definitely suffer heavy losses, which is not what he wants to see.

"Long Xiangtian, do you know your mistake?"

At this time, the prince asked again.

Long Xiangtian was still a little confused, and he asked: "Prince, please explain clearly."

"Hmph, I heard rumors that you want to start your own business?"

The prince said coldly.

Long Xiangtian was even more shocked. He did have plans to set up his own business, but after he established his own business, he did not plan to go it alone. Instead, he would ask Lu Chen to take charge of his own power, just like Zhao Qing Same.

Zhao Qing is living a very happy life now. In Guiyuan City, except for Lu Chen, the other party has the final say, and Lu Chen usually doesn't care about the affairs of the Sihehui, so Zhao Qing is now the boss of the underground forces in Guiyuan City. Dare to provoke anyone.

"Prince, since that is just hearsay, it cannot be believed."

Long Xiangtian assured the prince: "Since I, Long Xiangtian, have pledged my allegiance to the prince for the rest of my life, I will definitely not betray you."

"Haha, Dragon King Kong, get up."

Hearing this, the prince smiled and said, "I was just joking with you to scare you."

"By the way, why is one of your hands broken?"

The prince saw that Long Xiangtian was still loyal to him, and then asked a question to express his concern for Long Xiangtian.

"It was cut off when I was fighting a strong enemy, but I also got a blessing in disguise because of this, and finally broke through to the realm of the first glimpse of martial arts." Long Xiangtian smiled.

He really wasn't lying when he said that he was able to break through to the first glimpse of martial arts only because of his broken arm.


Hearing this, the prince's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said: "Since you have broken through to the realm of martial arts, according to the regulations of our Donghua Association, you can become a protector. Today I will recommend you to become a protector. .”

He did not ask Dragon Protector whether the arm was cut off by hand. In his opinion, since Long Xiangtian had broken through now, the person who cut off the opponent's arm must be dead.

The prince now had other thoughts.

"Thank you for your kindness, Prince. However, I have a broken arm now and am considered half a cripple. I'd better quietly be my King Kong." Long Xiangtian declined the Prince's kindness politely.

Of course, he also understood that the prince had no good intentions.

Because he understood that if he really ascended to become a protector, then there would be no one in the position of Dragon King Kong below. Then the prince would definitely send one of his own to be Dragon King Kong. In that case, he would be left out. Become a polished commander.

This is naturally not what Long Xiangtian wants to see.

"What, are you questioning my decision?" The prince's face turned cold again.

"Thank you, Prince, for the suggestion."

Long Xiangtian sighed in his heart. He knew that if he didn't accept the prince's proposal now, he might be in trouble, so he agreed.

"Okay, from now on you will be the third protector of my Donghua Society, the Dragon Protector."

The prince laughed and said: "Dragon Protector, you have now become the third protector of our Donghua Association, so your Dragon King Kong position must be vacant."

"Now that you have become a protector, you will have greater responsibilities in the future and will have less time to spend with your family. How about this, I will give you a month's holiday and you can spend time with your family."

"As for the position of Dragon King Kong, it will be temporarily replaced by the right protector. When he finds the successor of the new Dragon King Kong, he will give the rights to the new Dragon King Kong. What do you think?"

Long Xiangtian rolled his eyes speechlessly, you've already made up your mind, and why are you asking me what I think?Do you want to listen to my objection?

"It's up to the prince to decide."

At this time, Long Xiangtian had to say against his will.

He guessed that he was probably going to be ignored, and sure enough, now he was really ignored.

But this is only temporary. He has asked Yu Ji to invite Lu Chen. As long as Lu Chen arrives, he can kill the emperor by then.

"Okay, since you said it's all up to me, then this matter has been settled." After hearing Long Xiangtian's words, the prince said without hesitation.

After finishing speaking, he walked inside and said to Long Xiangtian: "Long Xiangtian, I heard that you have a daughter who is as beautiful as a flower?"

Hearing this, Long Xiangtian's eyes jumped even more fiercely, and then he explained: "Prince, you must have heard wrong. I do have a daughter, but she looks like a boy. Where is it as beautiful as a flower?"

Long Xiangtian knew the prince's pissing nature, this guy is a pervert, how could he really push his daughter into the fire pit.

"Dragon Protector, you don't have to say anything about this matter. Only my prince's say matters. If your daughter is pretty, don't you still have to come and show me?"

The prince said to Long Xiangtian. Seeing that Long Xiangtian was not particularly willing, he continued: "Dragon Protector, don't worry, your daughter is with this prince. You are my father-in-law. This prince will be good for you in the future. Will miss you?"

"Prince, my daughter is not here now. She has gone abroad for further study."

At this time, Long Xiangtian could only find a reason to speak.

"Haha, it's good to study abroad. I like this kind of learned woman. Tell your daughter not to act like a boyfriend abroad. Your daughter belongs to me."

At this time, the prince said to Long Xiangtian very forcefully: "By the way, besides, the prince will definitely not be able to sleep without a woman this night. You should arrange a pair of twin sisters for the prince to come over immediately, otherwise the prince will not be able to sleep today." I won’t spare you lightly.”

"Prince, didn't you give me a holiday? You can leave this matter to the Right Protector."

Long Xiangtian politely rejected the prince.

This guy looks like such a pervert, and he still wants to pick up his daughter, in his dreams.


The prince didn't expect that Long Xiangtian would dare to say no to him, so he said lightly, "Long Xiangtian, are you sure you want Guardian Right to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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