My cold CEO wife

Chapter 877 Deliberately Create Opportunities for Growth

Chapter 877 Deliberately Create Opportunities for Growth

They understood that it was impossible to take the prince away today, and they could only remind Lu Chen not to let the prince be harmed.


Lu Chen didn't say much to the guardians, and just snorted lightly.

However, the guardians on the left and right didn't dare to let out a single fart, and they quickly ran away.

"Long Xiangtian, please take the prince into custody."

Lu Chen said to Long Xiangtian.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, if you stay with me this time, you should be staying here for a while, right?"

Long Xiangtian responded, looked at Lu Chen expectantly, and asked.

His current martial arts has encountered a certain bottleneck. If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely be able to give him some guidance so that his strength would make further breakthroughs.

"Stay here for a while? I'm going back to be with my wife soon, so I don't have time to live here." Lu Chen directly rejected Long Xiangtian's offer to stay.


Long Xiangtian was stunned, and then reminded: "Master Lu, the prince and his friends will definitely have someone coming over soon. Why don't you stay here for a day or two?"

"I understand what you mean. Your current strength has encountered a bottleneck because there is no external pressure. The reason why I keep the prince here is to create pressure for you."

Lu Chen replied calmly: "Don't worry, the prince's family will never show enough sincerity to replace someone. Instead, they will attack the city with troops. Then you will be needed to solve the problem."

"Master Lu, are you kidding me? How powerful is the prince's family? This is totally beyond what I can handle." Long Xiangtian was about to cry.

"Don't worry, I won't have to deal with it alone. I'll send some people here to help you." Lu Chen said calmly.

Born in sorrow, die in happiness.

The reason why Long Xiangtian has encountered a bottleneck in his practice now is that his life is too comfortable.

If a warrior wants to improve, the best way is through actual combat.

Now most of the people on Lu Chen's side have actually encountered bottlenecks, but they have no way to improve themselves now.

Even if they simulate fighting with each other internally, there is still a certain difference between that kind of fighting and real fighting, because they know from the beginning that they cannot die, they will not put themselves in crisis, and they will not be able to stimulate their body's potential.

"Yes, Master Lu, then I will follow your arrangement."

Hearing that Lu Chen wanted to send someone to his side, Long Xiangtian breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Lu Chen left Yuji here, and at the same time he called Zhao Qing and asked Zhao Qing to bring those masters from the Sihehui who had the opportunity to break through to the entry level of martial arts to the Donghuahui to help Long Xiangtian .

Now there are actually many people on Zhao Qing's side who have reached the bottleneck of breaking through to the entry level of martial arts. After these people have been baptized by battle, Lu Chen believes that they will soon be able to break through to a new level.

In addition, Lu Chen also called Chen Yongsheng.

Chen Yongsheng is the boss of a nearby city. Like Zhao Qing, he also surrendered to Lu Chen. Now Chen Yongsheng's power has also produced many masters, but these people are not real masters.

Of course, this kind of power is not enough to deal with the family of the prince who may be coming soon, so Lu Chen transferred Ya Fei there as well, and also transferred the power from Zhong Dongyang.

It has to be said that the power Lu Chen can mobilize now is really too great. When these powers are combined, they can shake almost everything.

Although the current high-end combat power headed by Long Xiangtian may still be far behind the prince's family, the mid-to-low-end combat power is definitely much greater than that of the prince's family.

Long Xiangtian led these people to fight against the prince's family. It was not without a chance.

Moreover, if they attack the prince's family with a crushing advantage, the meaning of the battle itself will be lost, and the strength of these people will still not be improved.

So, now Lu Chen just wants to control the strength in Long Xiangtian's hands and the state of the prince's family, so that the talents under him can get enough promotion.

As long as the prince's family doesn't provide too high-end power, he is not prepared to take action.

Let’s talk about the left and right Dharma protectors.

They returned to the Magic City.

Magic City.

It is a metropolis in China second only to Kyoto. Its political power is not as prosperous as Kyoto, but its economic power is much stronger than Kyoto.

And the prince is the prince of the magic city.

As for the prince's family, it is called the Murong family, with the compound surname Murong.

The head of the Murong family is called Murong Gaoyang.

"This time you went to the Donghua Conference. Is the matter settled?"

When the left and right protectors returned to the family, Murong Gaoyang asked first.

He was not worried about the prince's safety at all, because there were guardians around the prince, so the prince must be safe. He was more concerned about the results of the group's meeting in Donghua.

Because the family is now in some trouble and needs the help of the Donghua Society, Murong Gaoyang is quite concerned about this matter.

The guardians on the left and right looked at each other with ugly expressions on their faces.

Guardian Zuo said: "Master, things are not going well. Donghua will control the prince."

"Donghua will detain the prince, what do I do with you? Are you eating shit?" Upon hearing this, Murong Gaoyang immediately became angry and couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

Originally, he needed the power of the Donghua Association now, but now the Donghua Association has turned against him.

Ordinarily, with the two masters of the left and right protectors, how could Donghuahui dare to resist?
The faces of the two people were a little ugly, and the right guardian explained from the side: "Master, we met a master in Donghua Club. The left guardian fought with this master, and the master didn't even use his hand. He hit the left guardian's hand. When it was on the opponent's body, the opponent directly knocked away the Zuo Guardian."

"That's why the prince was detained. This person said that if you want the prince's life, you must show enough sincerity to exchange for the prince."

Hearing Protector Right's explanation, Murong Gaoyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked: "Tell me the details."

He guessed that the Donghua Society would not dare to directly rebel against their family, because there might be someone behind it.

Then, the Right Protector explained the situation in detail.

After he finished speaking, Murong Gaoyang said to Protector Zuo: "How did you feel when you hit this person with a palm?"

"I felt like I was hitting steel. The opponent's body was too hard and I couldn't hit him. Moreover, I felt the opponent's body tremble and I flew backwards. With my level of strength, I could be easily beaten by him. Zhen Fei, I suspect that he may be an innate old monster, so I dare not let him go." Protector Zuo expressed his feelings.

Hearing this, Murong Gaoyang smiled and said, "You have all been fooled."

"If he is really an innate strong man, do we still need to give us the Murong family to redeem people? His strength is not as strong as you think."

"I guess he may be practicing kung fu like the Golden Bell Cover and the Iron Cloth Shirt, so when you hit him, it will feel like hitting steel. So, we only need to find a tall person who can use softness to overcome hardness to deal with him. The Donghua Society is nothing to be afraid of."

(End of this chapter)

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