My cold CEO wife

Chapter 878 Large-scale battle

Chapter 878 Large-scale battle


Ya Fei responded.

She understood what Lu Chen was thinking. Lu Chen originally wanted Long Xiangtian and others to grow up, but now Long Xiangtian and others have not grown up yet. If they knew that Lu Chen was going to appear, Long Xiangtian and the others would not fight so hard. If so, it will not achieve the desired effect.

After the two talked, Lu Chen hung up the phone and Ya Fei disappeared into the darkness.

Outside the headquarters of the Tung Wah Association, a long line of cars stopped.

Murong Gaowei walked out of the car and looked at Guardian Zuo next to him.

Protector Zuo understood, and then he raised his voice and shouted to the Donghua Society's headquarters: "The Murong family has come to ask for someone, let Lu Chen come out and talk."

His voice was transmitted with true energy, and the effect was better than that of a trumpet.

So, in an instant, the entire Donghua Club heard this voice.

Everyone knows that the battle is coming, and everyone's nerves are on edge.

Originally, the Donghua Society was a force controlled by the prince of the Murong family. They had some understanding of the overall strength of the Murong family.

Therefore, in their hearts, they are actually a little afraid of the Murong family.

"Come on, let's go out and meet the Murong family for a while."

Long Xiangtian said to Zhong Dongyang and others next to him.

Then, Donghua Club, including Zhao Qing, Zhong Dongyang and others who came to support Donghua Club, walked out.

After everyone came outside, the forces of the two parties faced each other far away.

"Guardian Zuo, Mr. Lu is not here, but Lu Chen has told you that if you want the prince, then you must pay a sufficient price." Long Xiangtian followed Lu Chen's instructions and shouted to Guardian Zuo on the opposite side.

"Long Xiangtian, Murong Gaowei, the second most powerful figure in the Murong family, is here now. He is the most powerful person in the Murong family. Today, he asked me to tell Lu Chen, or you, that he wants to use the prince to threaten the Murong family. impossible."

Protector Zuo’s words or the attitude of the Murong family is very tough, "You can choose to let the prince go, and then swear to surrender to our Murong family again, and we will let you go today; you can also choose to kill the prince, then we Murong The family will slaughter you, Donghua Hui, and leave no one alive."

It was impossible for them to compromise with the Donghua Society. If word spread like that, the Murong family would become a joke.

"Haha, if you put it this way, there's nothing to talk about."

Long Xiangtian sneered and said, "In this case, just let your horses come over and I, Long Xiangtian, will take it all together."

"Second Master, Long Xiangtian seems to be preparing to fight us to the death. What should we do now?"

Guardian Zuo didn't expect that Long Xiangtian's attitude would be so tough. Now he had no choice but to look at Murong Gaowei next to him and couldn't help but ask.

Upon hearing this, Murong Gaowei looked directly at Long Xiangtian, and then he ordered Protector Zuo: "Ask them to call Lu Chen out. I want to talk to this young man."

Protector Zuo responded, looked at Long Xiangtian again, and said: "Long Xiangtian, call Lu Chen out, you are not worthy of negotiating with the second master."

Long Xiangqiang's hair stood up, and then he said: "Guardian Zuo, you are the Murong family's dog. You are not worthy of barking at me here. Mr. Lu is not here. If you want to talk to me, just talk. If you don't want to, just talk. Let's go to war."

Although he now feels the pressure from the Murong family, he also understands Lu Chen's intentions. The two sides are most likely going to start a war, so there is no need to continue fighting with the other party.

"Long Xiangtian, you said that I am a dog. Are you not a dog anymore? You are not only a dog, but also a traitor..." Guardian Zuo barked in the distance as if a pain point was touched.

However, before he finished shouting, he was interrupted by Murong Gaowei next to him.

Murong Gaowei looked at Long Xiangtian and said calmly: "Long Xiangtian, the opportunity has been given to you. Since you are unwilling to hand over the prince, then don't be rude to us and attack us."

With a wave of his hand, the 250 masters below him, who were at least second-rate warriors, flew out in the direction of Long Xiangtian and the others.

The movements of these people are very sharp and uniform.

Long Xiangtian was well prepared, and at the same time waved to the younger brother below and the younger brother Zhao Qing and the others had brought, and also shouted: "Everyone, come on."

Now there is no high-end master fighting, but only low-end people fighting.

Obviously, neither party wanted to start a life-and-death fight from the beginning, they just wanted to gain the upper hand and take the initiative to speak.


When the two sides fought, Murong Gaowei was shocked.

Because he discovered that the power of the people under Long Xiangtian was not weak, and the strength of all of them was at the level of second-rate or first-rate warriors.

Moreover, on Long Xiangtian's side, there were almost 200 people.

"Guardian Zuo, when did the Donghua Society become so powerful?"

With so many masters on the opposite side, they are already a very powerful force. This force is already equivalent to half of the Murong family's strength.

At first, the Donghua Society was just a force formed by the prince, and there were not many experts in the force, so Murong Gaowei didn't take it to heart. But now that the Donghua Society took action, he finally realized that something was unusual.

No wonder Donghua dared to rebel against him.

"We don't know either."

The guardians on the left and right were all confused and said at the same time: "The last time we came to the Donghua Club, there were less than 50 second-rate warriors and above in the Donghua Club."

Obviously, they did not expect that Donghua would develop so quickly. Originally, they thought that Murong Gaowei would take action this time to crush the Donghua Association, but now they imagined that it was not that simple.

"Hmph, you don't know how Donghua will develop, you are really trash."

When Murong Gaowei heard Zuo Hufa's words, anger flashed in his eyes.

There was a trace of resentment in the eyes of the guardians on the left and right. They usually stayed in the magic city to protect the prince, so how could they know the development of Long Xiangtian?
They don't know that these are not all people from Donghua Club, but also people from Zhong Dongyang, Zhao Qing and others. People from four factions combined, there are so many masters now.

Although Lu Chen had methods to train masters, he had only started training these masters for a short period of time, and the time for development was limited. Naturally, there was no way to compete with an established force like the Murong family.

However, this time, with the help of the Murong family, he can let the people of his own forces grow, making the Murong family a stepping stone for their growth.

At this time, people from both sides began to fight.

After the fight, the people on Donghuahui's side were completely at a disadvantage. Firstly, they did not have the advantage in numbers. Secondly, they did not engage in large-scale battles. They were not used to such large-scale battles.

However, as the battle progressed, they gradually adapted to it, and the simple moves Lu Chen taught them were now working wonders.

When the strength of both sides is almost the same, because their moves are more sophisticated, the people from the Murong family are no match at all.

(End of this chapter)

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