My cold CEO wife

Chapter 900: Try touching you once

Chapter 900: Give it a try

They didn't know that Lu Chen was always on the verge of going berserk.

Now Lu Chen finally heard what these people wanted to do.

This man named Hou Hu actually wanted to sleep with him.

If a woman wants to sleep with him, it means that he is handsome and this woman has a bright eye. Although he will not accept this woman, she will not be disgusted.

How disgusting is it that a grown man wants to sleep with him?
This made Lu Chen feel bad.

Therefore, when these younger brothers attacked him, he did not hesitate to strike hard.

He walked around in the crowd, and these boys lay directly on the ground, wailing incessantly.

The old man next to him had long been dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that Lu Chen was an ordinary person, and he would suffer from so many younger brothers of Hou Hu, but now he realized, how could Lu Chen suffer?

At first glance, Lu Chen looked like someone who knew martial arts.

After Lu Chen took care of the younger brother below, he approached Hou Hu step by step.

Hou Hu finally became a little scared. He slowly took two steps back, but then thought of his identity. He stood still and said, "Boy, let me tell you, I am Hou Tianyao's son. You If you dare to touch me, my dad will definitely not let you go."

"Who is Hou Tianyao?"

Lu Chen asked casually.

Hou Hu was speechless immediately. This guy didn't even know who his father was. He seemed to be an outsider. He couldn't help but said: "Let me tell you, my father is the one with the largest underground force in the local area. Although you have some martial arts skills, there is no way to compete with him." Compared to a bodyguard, if you touch me, you will die miserably."

"Really? Then I'll try touching you. I want to see how miserable my death will be."

Lu Chen was never afraid of threats. After he finished speaking, he came to Hou Hu, stretched out his hand, grabbed the other person's neck, and lifted him up.

In an instant, Hou Hu felt uncomfortable breathing and his face turned red.

"Little brother, stop, if you continue to pinch me, someone will die."

The old man next to him saw something was wrong and couldn't help but interrupt and remind him.

Only then did Lu Chen let go of Hou Hu and threw him to the ground.

Hou Hu breathed in the fresh air. At this moment, he felt how wonderful it was to be able to breathe air.


Lu Chen kicked Hou Hu on the body, and Hou Hu slipped several meters away. He endured the pain and ran away quickly.

At this time, the old man looked around and said, "Little brother, come with me quickly. If Master Hou calls his father here, you may be in trouble."

Lu Chen smiled noncommittally, but disappeared into the town with Lu Chen and went to the village in the countryside.

When Hou Hu called his father over, Lu Chen already had no idea where he was, which made Hou Hu a little crazy.

The old man's surname was Zhao, and his name was Zhao Yumin. It was a very rustic name, but it was very appropriate for his identity as he had been fishing for a living for generations.

He has a son at home, his son is called Zhao Huan.

However, this son did not make him very happy.

In his early years, his wife died early, and he raised his son. As a result, he usually went fishing, so his son was often left unattended. Over time, his son fell in love with gambling.

Now one of his arms was chopped off due to gambling debts, and even he was implicated.

Nowadays, the family still owes loan sharks, and people often come to collect debts, which gives Zhao Yumin a headache.

When Zhao Yumin brought Lu Chen back home, he didn't see his son Zhao Huan, but he didn't care about Zhao Huan either.

After Zhao Huan cut off one of his arms, he became much more restrained. Although he only has one hand now, he has learned to fish with one hand.

This actually made Zhao Yumin somewhat pleased.

"Little brother, come here, have a drink of water."

Zhao Yumin brought Lu Chen to his home and gave Lu Chen a bowl of water. However, the water had a faint fishy smell, and it smelled like seaside water.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything more. Instead, he took the water and took a sip as a sign of respect for Zhao Yumin.

When Zhao Yumin saw Lu Chen drinking water, a smile appeared on his face and he said at the same time, "Sit here for a while, I'll go cook first."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the room.

Lu Chen waited in the room for a long time, and then Zhao Yumin reappeared in his sight, but Zhao Yumin's face was not particularly good-looking.

He smiled awkwardly and said: "Little brother, maybe you have to wait a little longer. I am going to the town to buy some rice. I just found out that there is no rice at home. I went to the village to borrow it, but no one was willing to lend it to me."

No one was willing to lend him money. The main reason was that his son owed money before. He had already wiped out his face, and now everyone in the village owed him more or less money.

"Uncle, let's do this. I'll go to town to buy some food."

Lu Chen saw that Zhao Yumin's legs and feet were a little weak, so he went out and went to the town.

After he left, Zhao Huan went home.

However, Zhao Huan's expression was also not good.

"Where's the fish you caught today?"

Zhao Yumin couldn't help but ask when he saw Zhao Huan returning empty-handed.

"I felt a little uncomfortable when I went fishing. I found a place to lie down for a while, but time passed." Zhao Huan's eyes were a little dodgey when he spoke.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Zhao Yumin couldn't help but asked anxiously when he heard that Zhao Huan was sick.

"It's okay. I took a rest and I feel almost done." Zhao Huan replied.

Hearing this, Zhao Yumin couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

While the two were talking, a group of people suddenly came outside.

The leader, named Lu Qing, is the gangster leader in this area.

"Hey, Zhao Huan, what do you mean you want to run away after losing money?"

His voice reached Zhao Yumin's ears from afar.

When Zhao Yumin heard this, he was almost furious.

He picked up the pole at home and hit Zhao Huan with one pole. At the same time, he said: "How did you promise me? You said you would stop gambling. Is this the promise you gave me?"

"You are still lying to me here that you are not feeling well, saying that you found a place to sleep for a while. I think you just went out to gamble."

"Look, I won't kill you."

Zhao Yumin hit Zhao Huan while Zhao Huan dodged.

Because Zhao Yumin's legs and feet were somewhat inconvenient, Zhao Huan was able to dodge every time he wanted to hit Zhao Huan.

Zhao Yumin slashed at him with another pole, but his pole was pinched by a big hand.

The person who took action was Lu Qing.

He grabbed the pole, looked at Zhao Yumin, and said calmly: "Old man, don't act here with your son. The money that the Zhao family owes me has not been repaid, and now your son owes me money again. You Tell me how to solve this matter?"

Zhao Yumin sighed inwardly, and at the same time he said: "Boss Lu, you see, I don't have any money at home now, why don't I keep it in the account and record it there? When I have money, I can send it to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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