My cold CEO wife

Chapter 901 I’m afraid this is not enough

Chapter 901 I’m afraid this is not enough

"Hey, old man, do you think I can accept the same words twice?"

Lu Qing sneered and said at the same time: "Besides, the interest on the money you owed last time has doubled. I'm afraid you won't be able to pay it back in your lifetime."

"Tomorrow should be the last repayment period, right? What did you say to me last time? If you can't pay back tomorrow, your leg will be crippled, right?"

"I don't think there's any need to wait until tomorrow. I'll cripple your legs today. What do you think?"

"No, Boss Lu, I beg you, I can't break this leg. If it breaks, I will completely lose the ability to work. In this way, I will never have the possibility to pay you back."

Zhao Yumin begged, he knew that Boss Lu could really do such a thing, because the half of his broken foot was Lu Qing's masterpiece.

"Hmph, you are a fucking waste. Even if I keep you, you won't be able to make much money to pay me back. I chopped off your leg today so that the people around me will know how powerful I am. I want to set an example to the people around me. prestige."

It was obvious that Lu Qing was determined to chop off Zhao Yumin's legs today.

No one dared to challenge his authority, he wanted to use Zhao Yumin to establish his authority.

"Boss Lu, I beg you."

Zhao Yumin had already started kowtowing.

"What the hell are you doing here? Come on, chop off this old man's left leg."

However, Lu Qing ignored Zhao Yumin's plea and gave instructions to the younger brother below.

The two younger brothers below quickly walked towards Zhao Yumin.

Zhao Yumin's face was extremely pale, and his pleas became more urgent.

"Go away, don't touch my dad. If you want to, touch me. I lost the money. Even if you kill me today, I will have no regrets. If you dare to touch my dad, I and you will Fight."

Seeing Zhao Yumin pleading there, Zhao Huan's heart was touched. He rushed in front of Zhao Yumin and blocked Lu Qing's younger brother from taking action.

His eyes were full of anger, regret, etc. In short, the expression in his eyes was very complicated.

At this moment, he exerted his strength, and Lu Qing's two younger brothers were frightened away by him.

He came to Zhao Yumin, supported him, and said regretfully: "Dad, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I promise you, I really don't gamble anymore. I saw it was embarrassing for you to ask for money in the town. I I wanted to win some money and pay back the money I owed. I was wrong. I was really wrong. As long as we can get through today's difficulties, I promise you, I will go fishing day and night. If you go fishing, I will definitely pay off the debt as soon as possible and provide for you in your retirement."

He really regrets it to death now, but it's too late for him to regret it now.

Life never happens again. Even if he was wrong, Lu Qing would not give him another chance.

Today is considered the death day of their father and son.

"You guys should stop acting here, Zhao Huan, you should have an idea of ​​how much money you owe me. According to your current situation, you won't be able to repay me even if you fish for the rest of your life. I Why don't I waste both of you, father and son, here, and settle the score between us like this?"

Lu Qing looked at the two people condescendingly, as if he controlled their life and death, and then he ordered the younger brother below: "You guys do it for me and destroy them both."

The younger brother below directly picked up the pole and walked towards Zhao Yumin and the other two.

He hit Zhao Yumin with the stick, but Zhao Huan blocked it with his body, and Zhao Huan let out a muffled sound.

The father and son hugged each other, their eyes desperate.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by God for treating human life like this?"

However, just when the two of them were in despair, a figure suddenly appeared here. While this figure said that he knew, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"God's punishment, what a barren punishment. I don't believe in fate at all. I am my fate. Boy, who the hell are you? Do you want to meddle in other people's business?"

Lu Qing looked at the young man who came and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I don't want to be nosy, I must be nosy."

The visitor was none other than Lu Chen. He was carrying a bag of rice, half a piece of pork, and some vegetables.

"They owe you money. It's understandable that you come to collect money normally. But now you want to collect money violently and cause lives. I can't accept this."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said at the same time: "Well, how much money they owe you, I will pay it for them, but I think you are the one who lost their feet and hands, so you can cut off one of them for me." Legs, how about I pay you the money and we settle it?"

"Boy, have you not recognized the reality yet?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Lu Qing was delighted, and said, "There are six brothers behind me, why are you alone, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will beat you to death today?"

"There are only a few of you? I really don't take it seriously. It seems that you don't want to lose your hands and feet. That's fine. I don't think I have to pay back the money I owe you today, but your legs and hands are still You have to leave it to me.”

While speaking, he walked towards Lu Qing.

Seeing Lu Chen make a move, Zhao Yumin did not stop him.

He knew that Lu Chen had some skills. He was not used to Lu Qing at first, but now that Lu Qing could be taken care of by Lu Chen, he felt relieved.

Anyway, it was already a fight to the death with Lu Qing, and there was a high probability that Lu Qing would not let him go.

Until today, he and his son will stay away from here and find a place to remain anonymous.

"Come here and arrest this kid. I will take care of him myself."

Seeing Lu Chen approaching, Lu Qing took a few steps back and waved to the younger brother below, signaling him to take action.

The younger brothers came out and attacked Lu Chen.

It's just that these guys were like weaklings in front of Lu Chen. They were knocked down by Lu Chen without making any move at all.

Lu Qing was the only one left standing there.

Lu Chen walked towards Lu Qing again.

Lu Qing was a little scared, and his upper and lower lips were trembling.

The younger brothers below him are not weak, but they were knocked down by Lu Chen in just an instant. Lu Chen's strength is evident.

He was definitely no match for Lu Chen.

"Brother, listen to me, what? In fact, this debt is not non-negotiable. If you have anything to say, can you talk it over? Can you not do anything?" Lu Qing forced a smile.

"Haha, why didn't you say you wanted to discuss it with them at the beginning? Didn't you want to kill them from the beginning?" Lu Chen asked back.

Lu Qing was stunned by the question, but his desire to survive was still very strong, and he said: "Brother, if I don't want the money they owe, is it possible? As long as you are willing to let me go, the relationship between me and them will be over." Do you think it’s okay to wipe out the grudges with one stroke?”

"I'm afraid this is not enough."

Lu Chen shook his head, glanced at Zhao Yumin and others next to him, and said, "They lost their hands and feet. It must have been you, right? I'm going to break one of your hands and one of your legs."

(End of this chapter)

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