My cold CEO wife

Chapter 916: Gaining Prominence Again

Chapter 916: Gaining Prominence Again
"I'll try."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and came to Yang Ding. Then he held one of Yang Ding's ears with one hand and pushed it outward.


With this exertion, he found that he could not move the Yangding.

He couldn't help but put his other hand on it, and then used both hands at the same time, but the final result was not satisfactory, because he found that he could not move the cauldron even if he used both hands at the same time.

Lu Chen began to observe the surroundings, but in the end he found that just as the old man said, there was no focus at all around, but the tripod was embedded here for safety reasons. Even he himself was confused by this situation. There is no way to explain it.

"You guys go out first and I'll do some research."

Lu Chen gave instructions to everyone in the Lin family.

He had some secret methods that he couldn't use in front of the Lin family, so now he had to call these people out.

Everyone in the Lin family immediately obeyed Lu Chen and walked out.

After they all went out, Lu Chen began to use a series of secret methods, but he found that even these methods were useless.

"As expected of Jiuding, it does have its reasons. Some of the principles even I can't understand."

Lu Chen muttered and started thinking at the same time.

At a certain moment, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Each tripod can sense each other, and when sensing, these tripods will vibrate, can he use this vibration force to move the tripod out?
Thinking of this, Lu Chen thought and summoned Ji Ding from his Mustard Seed Space. When Ji Ding appeared, as expected, Yang Ding began to move.

Moreover, at this moment, the entire secret room seemed to be shaking.

"This... back off quickly."

Seeing this scene, the old man's expression immediately changed, and he ordered the other members of the Lin family to retreat at the same time.

The Lin family's secret room is in the back mountain of the Lin family. Now the back mountain is shaking violently. This kind of shaking is not a simple shaking, it is like an earthquake.

If the mountain fell down, it would definitely not be something humans could withstand.

They didn't know what happened in the secret room and why there was such a big commotion, but they guessed that it was definitely Lu Chen.

It was hard for them to imagine how powerful Lu Chen was, being able to make the mountains shake.

"Weng Weng Weng!"

Lu Chen didn't know the changes in the outside world. At this time, he only felt the buzzing sound coming from Yangding, and then he grabbed the tripod's ear again.

This time, Yang Ding was finally moved by him, and with a thought, Lu Chen directly brought Yang Ding and Ji Ding into his mustard space.

"not good."

At this time, Lu Chen discovered that the inside of the secret room was shaking very hard. It seemed that the secret room could collapse at any time.

He knew that he had to get out, otherwise even if he was buried alive here based on his strength, the possibility of survival would still be very small.

Lu Chen rushed out very fast, but the changes in this secret room were even faster.

Before he could completely rush out, the mountain suddenly collapsed.

"not good."

Lu Chen's face changed wildly. At this moment, he summoned Ji Ding with a thought, then turned the tripod upside down and quickly entered the tripod.


Countless stones hit the cauldron, and the loud sound entered Lu Chen's slap. He felt his brain buzzing and his blood boiling from the slap.

If it weren't for Ding, he might have been seriously injured by the mountain, and then buried here. If he couldn't get out for a long time, he would die here.

Fortunately, he has preserved his strength now.

"It's over. Mr. Lu is probably dead inside."

When the mountain collapsed, the Lin family members outside witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they all murmured to themselves.

Although Lu Chen was extremely powerful, everyone knew that manpower could not defeat a natural disaster. No matter how powerful Lu Chen was, there was no possibility of surviving in the center of such a shock.

"Grandpa, let's arrange for the excavator to come in first. There may be hope of rescuing Mr. Lu. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for him."

At this time, Lin Haomin suggested to the old man.

Others followed suit and nodded.

Although if such a mountain collapsed, Lu Chen would most likely die inside, but he might also survive.

Just like a city earthquake, many people may die if they are buried alive, but it cannot be ruled out that some people survive. Lu Chen is so strong, the possibility of him surviving is still very high.

"it is good."

The old man agreed, and said: "Haomin, I will leave this matter to you. Hurry up. If there is a chance to save Mr. Lu, he must be rescued."

They understand how useful Lu Chen will be to their Lin family now. The other party is a strong man who is much more powerful than them, and he also has many secret techniques in his hands.

If the Lin family wants to reach a higher level, it must rely on Lu Chen.

"Yes, great grandfather."

Lin Haomin responded and walked outside, while the others looked at the ruins in the backyard with uneasiness in their eyes.

"no need."

However, just when Lin Haomin was about to find the excavator, a disembodied voice sounded, as if it came from the soil.

Then, a figure blasted through the mud and flew out like this, standing in front of everyone.

At this time, Lu Chen was wearing white clothes and looked spotless.

Because he hid in the cauldron at first, and no outside substances could enter the cauldron, so he kept his body clean.

"Mr. Lu, it's great that you're okay."

Lin Haomin was the most excited person. He quickly greeted Lu Chen.

Seeing that Lu Chen was alive, others also had a hint of joy in their eyes.

"It's okay, but Master Lin, I accidentally destroyed your secret room. Maybe you need to build a new one." Lu Chen said apologetically.

"It's okay. The secret room can be rebuilt at any time. As long as everything is okay."

Lin Haomin smiled and asked at the same time: "By the way, Mr. Lu, have you got the tripod yet?"

"I got it. Next, I will fulfill my promise to your Lin family."

Lu Chen nodded lightly, and said at the same time: "By the way, you can help me find some special materials, preferably jade."


Lin Haomin never refused Lu Chen's request.

He quickly went to prepare the jade.

The Lin family was the number one family in China, and it was extremely easy to get jade. He went straight to find a large piece of unprocessed jade, which weighed a full kilogram.

"Mr. Lu, do you think this jade is OK?"

This piece of jade is a king jade worth over [-] million, but now Lin Haomin gave it to Lu Chen without blinking an eye, which shows how terrifying the Lin family's financial resources are.

(End of this chapter)

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