My cold CEO wife

Chapter 917 The Wu family is invited

Chapter 917 The Wu family is invited

Lu Chen got the jade, found a new quiet room, threw the jade directly into the Yanding, and then started high-temperature processing.

Generally speaking, jade cannot be melted, but that only represents the general situation, but it does not mean that it cannot be melted under special circumstances.

Just like now...

Lu Chen used Yanding to quickly turn the jade into jade pulp.

Then, Lu Chen dropped another drop of blood essence into Yanding.

When this drop of blood dropped into the emerald pulp, the emerald pulp quickly turned into a light golden color, and also emitted sparkling light.

When the light emitted, Lu Chen began to flick the Yanding. Every time he flicked the Yanding, a drop of emerald pulp flew into the air. Then he wrapped the emerald pulp with his soul power. As if it was weightless, it immediately became an absolute circle.

When the low temperature dissipated, the emerald pulp turned into a crystal-clear golden pearl.

Then, Lu Chen performed soul engraving and put his own mark on the pearl.

When the branding was done, he followed the same method and quickly produced 81 emerald pearls. These emerald pearls exuded a golden light and looked particularly beautiful.

After finishing the jade pearl, Lu Chen handed the jade pearl into Lin Haomin's hands.

"Mr. Ji, what is this? I polished the jadeite I gave you? No, I'm sure that the piece of jadeite I gave you won't have such a golden thing." Lin Haomin asked curiously.

"You don't have to worry about what this is."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said: "Let the people below who go out to search for those demons wear this thing. Once they encounter a demon nearby, this bead will react, which will help you search."


Lin Haomin was overjoyed.

He mentioned to Lu Chen before that it would be difficult for him to send people out to find these demons, because the demons looked similar to normal people, and if it weren't for a master like Lu Chen, he would not be able to recognize the demons at all.

Now that there is a way, that is naturally a good thing.

"Okay, I'll distribute them right away."

Lin Haomin was overjoyed and quickly distributed the golden beads.

Because Lu Chen can be sure with a high probability that there is a demon in the capital, so he has not left the Lin family now, but continues to sit in the Lin family, and if there is any movement of the demon, he can rush there as soon as possible.


In an unknown mountain villa in Kyoto.

At this time, a black air lingered here, and countless people were sitting here.

If Lin Haomin were here, he would recognize three of the figures.

These three figures were none other than the heads of the second, third, and fourth largest families in Kyoto. Moreover, their eyes were frighteningly dark, and the circles under their eyes looked more like they had not slept for ten days and nights.

However, now they appear to be very energetic.

"My king hasn't shown up for a long time, and I don't know where he went, but our dealing with the Lin family must be on the agenda. I always have a faint sense of uneasiness, as if I keep the Lin family, and they will treat you in the future." We inflict heavy casualties and even destroy us.”

The head of the fourth largest family in Kyoto who spoke, Huang Qiankun.

The Huang family can become the fourth largest family in Kyoto, and there are also legendary figures appearing.

The ancestor of the Huang family is Huang Banxian, a real fortune-teller in the pre-Qing Dynasty who told people's fortunes with accuracy.

The fortune-telling skills of the descendants of the Huang family today cannot be compared with those of Huang Banxian at that time, but the descendants of the Huang family can predict the general direction of some things.

For example, Huang Qiankun made a divination for them and discovered that they might be in trouble now, and that disaster was vaguely pointing in the direction of the Lin family.

Therefore, he was a little uneasy.

After his words came out, everyone took them seriously.

After all, they knew what kind of abilities Huang Qiankun had.

"Patriarch Huang, are you joking?"

To be honest, they really don't have enough confidence to deal with the Lin family. The reason is very simple. The Lin family is the first family in China after all. This kind of foundation is not comparable to that of the second to fourth families.

"Do you think I'm joking? We only have one chance, and this chance is only tonight. If we can't kill the Lin family tonight, I'm afraid we won't have a chance in the future." Huang Qiankun said again.

Hearing this, other people became anxious.

"Why don't we three major families gather together and take action tonight?"

The person who spoke was a senior of the Xu family, and his strength was at the beginning of martial arts, and now there was a faint black energy lingering around him.

These people were all demonized by the demon general that Lu Chen killed. Their strength was stronger than that of ordinary people, but their strength also did not break through the boundaries of the innate realm.

But the people present were all heads of the three major families and above, just like the supreme elders of the major families.

After they were demonized, they stayed in this place and used the demonic energy to practice.

"Okay, then let's do it tonight, at three o'clock in the morning tonight."

In the end, the core figures of the three major families, the Zou family, the Xu family, and the Huang family, settled tonight's affairs.

And everyone gave tonight's operation a name, called "Slashing the Forest."

Lu Chen didn't know the specific "Forest Killing Operation", and even the Lin family didn't know about this forest killing operation.

Lu Chen originally lived in the Lin family, but tonight he had something to do and had to leave the Lin family.

Because Wu Changhui is looking for him.

Wu Changhui is Wu Lan’s father.

The last time Lu Chen came to Kyoto, he suppressed the Wu family. Now the people of the Wu family don't dare to embarrass Wu Changhui. Sometimes when they need Lu Chen's help, they have to ask Wu Changhui to tell them.

This time the Wu family met Lu Chen for something more important, so they made an appointment with their own family.

"Wu Zhan, what do you want from me? Do you have to come to your house?"

After Lu Chen came over, he did not give Wu Zhan, the head of the Wu family, a good look.

The head of Wu Zhan didn't dare to be angry. After all, Lu Chen's strength was there. If he was dissatisfied with Lu Chen, he was inviting disaster for himself.

"Mr. Lu, I take the liberty to invite you here this time. I need your help with something important. Our Wu family found a tomb. This tomb may be the tomb of King Chuang. However, we tried several times and found this tomb. It can't be opened, so I want to ask you to take action. The income will be half of our family's income, and you have the right of first choice. Do you think you are interested?"

Wu Zhan was also very direct and spoke to Lu Chen.

They thought about this matter for a long time and finally decided to approach Lu Chen.

Because it took them three years to discover this tomb. During these three years, they tried all kinds of methods but could not open the entrance. Lu Chen was very powerful, so they were thinking that Lu Chen might be able to handle this matter. arrive.

The Wu family has a feeling that troubled times are coming, so they want to increase their strength as soon as possible so that they can protect themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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