My cold CEO wife

Chapter 918 Seeking help from Lu Chen

Chapter 918 Seeking help from Lu Chen

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of interest.

If it were in the past, he would not have any interest in exploring small tombs, but it is different now. Now in this world, his strength is also very average.

If he wants to strengthen himself, he must use a lot of resources, and the resources in these places must be very rich and help him practice.

"Tell me, what exactly happened?" Lu Chen asked.

"You may have to wait a while for the specific situation. There were three people on our expedition, two died there, and one was injured on the way back." Wu Zhan said very apologetically. .

"Okay, then I'll wait." Lu Chen raised his drooping eyelids. Anyway, he has nothing to do in the capital now, so he stays in a daze wherever he stays.

But Lu Chen didn't know that it was the time when he stayed in the Wu family that made the Xu family, Huang family and Zou family attack the Lin family.

At three o'clock in the morning, Lu Chen was still waiting for the Wu family to come back. The three major families surrounded the Lin family.

"Lin Haomin, come out and talk."

The three major families were headed by the head of the Xu family, he shouted loudly.

It was this shout that made the entire Lin family almost uneasy. Everyone moved, and the Lin family villa was brightly lit.

"Who dares to act so arrogant in my Lin family?" Lin Haomin was the first to come out and asked.

Under normal circumstances, the older generation of the Lin family would not show up, and Lin Haomin would always live in the family to deal with any problems.

"Haha, Lin Haomin, I haven't seen you for so many years. Your style is still as good as before. It's a pity that you, the Lin family, are all going to die today."

The head of the Xu family looked at Lin Haomin, with black light surging in his eyes.


At this moment, the beads in his arms emitted a special wave.

It was this wave of fluctuation that made Lin Haomin alert.

By the way, the Lin family is the number one family in China, and the country is standing behind it. No matter how bold the Xu family and other families are, they would not dare to take action against him.

But now these families are taking action against the Lin family. There must be a reason for this.

When the beads reacted, he knew the reason.

Now the people in these families have been demonized, and these people have simply lost their minds.

Moreover, these people now obviously want to demonize the Lin family, so that the Lin family will be regarded as the same kind of demons as them, and it is impossible to use the power of the government to suppress them. By suppressing them, they will suppress themselves.

Lin Haomin heard from Lu Chen that these demons were powerful, and ordinary people had no way to compete with these demons.

Even though the Lin family has many experts, there are also many experts from the Xu family, Zou family and Huang family. In this case, the Lin family has no chance of winning.

"Damn it, they happened to attack when Mr. Lu was not around. Could it be that they knew of Mr. Lu's existence and deliberately lured Mr. Lu away by tricking the tiger away from the mountain?"

The more Lin Haomin thought about it, the greater the possibility.

If this was the case, it meant that the Xu, Zou, and Huang families knew of Lu Chen's existence and were a little afraid of him. In this case, he would have to inform Lu Chen even more.

Thinking of this, Lin Haomin didn't even bother to talk to the head of the Xu family. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and started contacting Lu Chen directly.

"Beep beep!"

Lu Chen was closing his eyes to rest, when his cell phone suddenly rang. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and a light spread out in his eyes, and then disappeared into nothingness.

He exhaled, and the air in front of his mouth seemed to twist.

Now Lu Chen's energy is very full, which means that the drop of blood essence he lost has been restored.

Lu Chen took the phone and found that the call was from Lin Haomin. He didn't dare to be careless.

Lin Haomin must have discovered the situation when he called so late.

"Hey, have you found the devil?" Lu Chen asked straight to the point.

"Well, not only were they discovered, but our Lin family is surrounded by them. You come here immediately, otherwise something will happen to our Lin family." Lin Haomin spoke urgently, keeping his voice extremely low.

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

Lu Chen climbed out of the window and quickly rushed towards the Lin family.

It was late at night, so Lu Chen didn't need to take a taxi and ran directly towards the Lin family.

"Haha, Lin Haomin, are you calling your ancestors of the Lin family? But it's useless whoever you call tonight. Either surrender or die." The head of the Xu family said coldly.

Because they were far apart, the head of the Xu family only knew that Lin Haomin was in contact with someone, but he didn't know who he was contacting specifically.

But according to his guess, Lin Haomin had no way to contact anyone else except the old lady.

"Huh, Master Xu, my Lin family can become the first family in China. Do you really think that my Lin family is so incompetent? Today I will tell you that the first family is the first family. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to catch up with the Lin family."

Lu Chen is on his way here, so Ye Haomin has enough confidence to block the attacks of the three major families tonight.

"Haha, you are really too naive. I'm afraid you don't know how powerful our three major families are now, right?" Head Xu said with a sneer.

"Huh, you three major families rely on demonization to improve your own strength. If you don't treat yourself as a human being, you really feel that you are very powerful. Let me tell you, in this world, evil will never prevail against good."

The moment Master Xu finished speaking, a figure walked over slowly.

When this figure appeared, the Xu family leader's pupils shrank slightly, and when this figure said the word "demonization", the faces of the Xu family leader and others opposite him changed even more.

Master Xu smiled, and said in a cold voice: "Hehe, it seems that your Lin family knows some inside stories, but that's okay, I don't need to explain it to you, now you have only two choices, or be demonized by us , or be killed by us."

"Really? Then I want to see what your three major families can do to my Lin family tonight."

The old man ordered: "Sacrifice formation."

As he spoke, a small light curtain appeared in the sky above the Lin family. This light curtain enveloped the Lin family inside.

"Give it to me."

The head of the Xu family waved to the Lin family's villa.

Then, countless people rushed towards the Lin family villa.

However, when these people rushed to the Lin family villa, they seemed to be blocked by something special, making it impossible for people under the Xu family to enter.

Moreover, these actually cut each other.

"Phantom array."

Seeing this scene, the face of the Xu family leader changed slightly, and then he ordered to the group of strong martial arts beginners: "Come up, use your true energy against the light curtain."

The head of the Xu family is also a knowledgeable person, and he knows that what the Lin family left behind is a legacy formation, which cannot be attacked by pure strength.

"Grandpa, this legacy should be able to keep them out until Mr. Lu shows up, right?"

At this time, Lin Haomin looked at the old man next to him and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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