My cold CEO wife

Chapter 922 The Cave of the Ancients

Chapter 922 The Cave of the Ancients
While Wu Zhan was talking, Lu Chen had already entered the scene.

Lu Chen put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked very casually.

Wu Zhan followed behind him, not even daring to breathe a sigh of relief.

He was very afraid that Lu Chen's current behavior would make several major families unhappy.

Although Lu Chen was powerful, there was still a huge gap between him and these top forces in Kyoto.

Just when he was worried, the head of the Lin family, Lin Haomin, came towards Lu Chen with the three heads of the Xu family, the Huang family and the Zou family.

Wu Zhan immediately felt like he was about to faint.

As expected, this damn guy is here to ask questions.

Moreover, the top four families in Kyoto came together to question him at the same time. Lu Chen was going to be in trouble.

He shrunk his neck, and even deliberately walked slower, keeping the distance between him and Lu Chen, just to show that he had little relationship with Lu Chen.

However, at this moment, the scene in front of him made his eyes almost pop out and fall to the ground.

"I met Mr. Lu."

The heads of the four major families actually handed over to Lu Chen at the same time and said, "If I had known that Mr. Lu was coming, we would have been here to welcome Mr. Lu."

Wu Zhan thought he heard wrongly and bit his tongue hard. The severe pain told him that everything in front of him was so real.

The heads of the four major families in Kyoto were extremely respectful to Lu Chen at the same time.

Lu Chen, what is his identity?
Thinking that his Wu family actually wanted to go against Lu Chen, he felt scared in his heart.

"It's okay, just do your thing, I'm just here to take a look."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, thinking of Wu Zhan, and said, "By the way, I have some connection with the head of the Wu family. You can take care of him in the future."

It was his words that turned the Wu family into the fifth largest family in Kyoto in a short period of time.

"Haha, now that Mr. Lu has spoken, our Lin family will naturally do our best to help the Wu family develop."

Lin Haomin was the first to express his position and shouted directly to Wu Zhan: "Wu Zhan, our Lin family is just preparing to develop an industry. This industry still needs some funds. You can also invest some funds in it."

The first family in China can have as much money as they want. Does this sound like they are short of money?
There was no shortage of money at all, but it was just to give Lu Chen face and let Wu Zhan develop with their Lin family.

"Thank you, Master Lin, and thank you, Mr. Lu."

The ecstasy of martial arts.

If they can cooperate with the Lin family, their status in Kyoto will be greatly increased in the future.

This is an opportunity for them to develop the Wu family.

He was somewhat thankful that Wu Lan and Lu Chen had a good relationship, otherwise his Wu family would not have had such an opportunity.

"Wu Zhan, my Xu family also has a project to develop, and it still lacks some top talents. Your Wu family should also provide me with some top talents. When the project is successfully developed, we will make a [-]-[-] profit."

Just as Lin Haomin finished expressing his opinion, the head of the Xu family next to him also expressed his opinion.

Not only was he expressing his stance, but the Zou Family Head and Huang Family Head next to him were also expressing their stance.

Obviously, they were all giving Lu Chen face.

Originally, there was a feeling that the major families were acting independently, but now that Lu Chen has arrived, everyone seems to be led by Lu Chen.

Faintly, Lu Chen became the center among everyone.

When Lu Chen didn't say anything, no one arranged for anyone to enter the Tomb of King Chuang.

It was not until evening that Lin Haomin couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Lu, are you interested in taking everyone in to explore the Tomb of King Chuang?"

Here, only he is more qualified than everyone else.

"Do you really think this is the tomb of King Chuang?"

Lu Chen asked jokingly.

"What could it be if this isn't the Tomb of King Chuang?"

Lin Haomin was puzzled and pointed to the entrance to the tomb not far away and said, "Isn't it written from right to left with the four words "Experimental King's Tomb" written on it?

In ancient times, writing was from right to left, which is different from the writing now, so the words on it are written from right to left.

"Of course this is not the Tomb of King Chuang. Writing a word about King Chuang's Tomb is just for the purpose of hiding people."

Lu Chen said calmly: "These four words are incompatible with everything in the cave inside. King Chuang probably got certain benefits from being inside, and then he set up a tomb outside here because he didn't want anyone to break in." Get inside.”

Lu Chen didn't know how many ancient tombs and caves he had explored. He knew that this was not an ancient tomb at all but a cave, and the strength of the people in this cave was beyond the innate.

As for how much beyond the early innate stage, Lu Chen was not able to judge.

But those who can build such a cave must be a strong person above the innate realm.


Everyone looked at each other in shock, not expecting Lu Chen to make such a judgment.

"Mr. Lu, I would like to ask, if this is a cave, what is the difference between it and an ancient tomb?" At this time, the head of the Xu family asked.

No one has ever seen the so-called cave abode, so everyone is very curious about the cave abode now.

"Dongfu is a place where living people live; it's just like the houses and villas that everyone lives in. It's just a general situation. Those who can live in Dongfu are basically born strong."

"Innately powerful people don't like to live among the crowd. Instead, they like to choose a quiet place and open a cave for themselves. This way they can feel the breath of heaven and earth and make it easier to break through."

"As for the ancient tombs, they are where the dead live, and they should be full of things buried with them."


Lu Chen explained the two places to everyone. After everyone listened, they suddenly understood.

Everyone started to look forward to it.

Because many people present are strong men who have just glimpsed the peak of martial arts. They are only one step away from reaching the innate realm, but they have been unable to break through.

Only a few people know that it is because of the general environment of heaven and earth that people cannot break through to the innate realm, but most people think that it is because there is no way to break through to the innate realm.

Now that I can see the life trajectory of a strong person in the innate realm, it may be of great help to myself and others to break through to the innate realm.

They may be able to break through to the innate realm through here.

"Mr. Lu, do you want to go in and take a look?"

After Lu Chen finished speaking to everyone, everyone looked at Lu Chen curiously.

If he was willing to go in, these people would naturally want to follow him and eat meat, but if Lu Chen was unwilling to go in, they might have other plans.

"You don't have to worry about me, just arrange for your own family members." Lu Chen said calmly, and then he picked up the dog's tail grass again, looking very casual.

"The entry-level martial artist of the Lin family obeys orders and breaks into the cave of the ancients."

"The entry-level martial artist of the Xu family obeys orders and breaks into the cave of the ancients."


After Lu Chen said this, people from several major families began to order those at the entry level of martial arts in their families to start exploring the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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