My cold CEO wife

Chapter 923 I want to worship you as my teacher

Chapter 923 I want to worship you as my teacher
Soon, people from several big families rushed inside.

Two hours have passed!
As a result, after two hours of being out, these people rushed in and came out in a panic.

Some people even came back with serious injuries, and several people seemed to have never come back and stayed inside forever.

"what happened?"

Lin Haomin stepped forward, looked at the first person to exit and asked.

"Master Lin... inside... it's so strange inside. I met a lot of enemies, and then I kept fighting, but these people couldn't be beaten to death."

At this time, a young junior came to Lin Haomin and began to report.

"No, I didn't meet any enemies inside. I seemed to have reached a dead end. No matter how many times I walked, I just couldn't get out of that circle." At this time, someone else objected.

"I met a beautiful woman inside and almost slept with her." Another person said with great nostalgia.

After hearing these words, the expressions of those outside who had not entered changed slightly.

Because there seemed to be a lot of things happening inside, how big the cave was, and how big it was that it could allow these people to enter different places.

While these people were talking, all the masters who were beginners in martial arts withdrew. The remaining few who did not withdraw were the only corpses left and were eventually taken out.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little dull.

These were masters who were just starting out in martial arts. As a result, such masters were killed inexplicably after entering.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on Lu Chen again.

Lin Haomin stepped forward and said to Lu Chen: "Mr. Lu, it seems that this cave is not particularly easy to enter. Can you take everyone in?"

Now only Lin Haomin has a better relationship with Lu Chen, and he is also the head of the first family in China. It is best for him to communicate with Lu Chen.

"You should continue to send masters who are new to martial arts to go in and have a look."

Lu Chen said calmly: "To be honest, this is a kind of training for you. During the process of practice, you are too lacking in training, so you will not be able to grow into a truly strong person."

"I can take you in easily, but if I take you in like this, you have no experience, and it may not be beneficial to your future practice."

After hearing Lu Chen's words, everyone fell silent.

Normally, they are not so cruel during martial arts training because they always hit the mark, but the reality taught them a hard lesson.

If you go in now, you will most likely die.

But everyone also understands that many times, breakthroughs are achieved between life and death.

"Dear friends who are new to martial arts, if you want to go in and explore, you can go in and explore with me. As for the strong people who are beginners in martial arts, just stay outside."

Lin Haomin gritted his teeth and walked in the front.

Naturally, he also wants to find an opportunity to break through, because now his strength has reached a bottleneck.

Lin Haomin is the first Patriarch of Huaxia, so his leading the team is a good thing for everyone, and everyone followed him to go inside.

More than twenty strong men who had just glimpsed martial arts followed Lin Haomin and rushed inside.

Wu Zhan's strength has not reached the first glimpse of martial arts, so he can only stay outside with Lu Chen.

Another three hours of this stay passed, and Lin Haomin came back in embarrassment.

Behind him, people came back one after another.

However, in the end, there was still a strong man who had just glimpsed martial arts who did not come out.

"Mr. Lu, no one can enter. I suspect that it is an ever-changing field. After different people enter, they will enter different scenes. In that scene, our strength seems to be secondary. , and more importantly, I don’t know what is testing us." Lin Haomin expressed his true feelings.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "You are right. It is indeed an ever-changing field inside. However, it also has a name. It is called Illusion."

"To put it in modern terms, there are VR scenes one after another. After you enter, there will be endless scenes, but these scenes are all imagined based on your inner thoughts."

"Whatever you are afraid of will be the scene it conjures up. If you can overcome your fear, you will naturally be able to come out of it."

"But if you can't overcome the fear in your heart, then you will be lost in it forever, or you may even be unable to bear it and commit suicide."

Lu Chen explained it to everyone carefully. This was the first time everyone had heard of this, and they listened with great interest.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, the head of the Xu family asked: "Mr. Lu, according to what you said, that means we all have fear in our hearts now, so there is no way for us to go in?"

"of course not."

Lu Chen shook his head and then raised his hand to a middle-aged man in the distance.

The middle-aged man didn't know what Lu Chen asked him to do, but he still came over and asked, "Huang Yuhe, do you know what Mr. Lu wants from me?"

"Are you from the Huang family? Your Huang family should have a Feng Shui practice, right? And you should have some attainments in this practice. I'm right."

The ancestor of the Huang family in Kyoto is Huang Banxian, a Feng Shui master who left behind a lot of things, but many of the descendants of the Huang family have no interest in these things.

Huang Yuhe has been studying this since he was a child.

"Mr. Lu really has sharp eyes and sharp eyes."

Huang Yuhe was quite impressed.

To be honest, no one in the family knew that he was studying the family's Feng Shui, but Lu Chen actually saw it.

"Then let me tell you, the phantom formation inside is actually a four-image formation. Go try it and see if you can break the formation." Lu Chen reminded Huang Yuhe.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yuhe's eyes lit up.

To be honest, he is also a strong man who has just glimpsed the martial arts, but he really didn't think about the place in this way just now.

Now after hearing Lu Chen's prompt, he reacted instantly and felt that what the other party said made sense.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for your advice."

Huang Yuhe bowed deeply to Lu Chen. This was Lu Chen's guidance today, but it was of great help to him.

He originally thought that the Feng Shui method was used to change people's luck, but he did not expect that the Feng Shui method could actually kill the enemy invisible.

After Huang Yuhe finished his thanks, he quickly rushed into the cave.

Several people followed.

After everyone waited for more than ten minutes, he laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Lu is really a god. It's broken. This illusory formation is broken."

He already had certain attainments in Feng Shui, and Lu Chen just mentioned the key four-element formation to him, so he had a chance to break the illusion.

As his words came out, countless people rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

However, Huang Yuhe did not continue to follow. Instead, he ran in front of Lu Chen and said loudly: "Huang Yuhe, thank you Mr. Lu for your advice. Mr. Lu, I want to become your teacher. Is that okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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