My cold CEO wife

Chapter 966 Unlucky Zhang Ke

Chapter 966 Unlucky Zhang Ke

"Change the car, change the car!"

The butler quickly gave instructions to the driver.

As a result, the first car I replaced couldn't be driven due to an accident, and the second and third cars were...

"Quick, call an ambulance."

Cold sweat broke out on the butler's forehead, and he quickly gave instructions to the driver.

Zhang Ke's head is bleeding more and more now. If the bleeding continues, Zhang Ke's life may be in danger.

At this time, the housekeeper thought of one thing, that is, when he stopped Lu Chen not long ago, Lu Chen told him that if he did not want Zhang Ke to die unexpectedly, then it would be best for Zhang Ke to ask Lu Chen for help. .

At first, Zhang Ke didn't take this matter to heart, but now everything that happened seemed so strange and strange.

Several cars broke down at the same time, and my young master fell down unexpectedly.

"Are there really unclean things in this world?"

The housekeeper muttered to himself, and then he looked around and found nothing unusual. But after a while, he felt a chill coming from behind, and the chill made him shiver.

Fortunately, after calling an ambulance, Zhang Ke didn't have any accidents and sent him to the hospital in time.

The damage to Zhang Ke's brain was not particularly serious, but the bleeding was terrible at first, and the housekeeper was worried that he would die from excessive bleeding.

After some emergency treatment, Zhang Ke went home.

But after he returned home, another apple magically fell from the sky and hit him on the head. He fell asleep immediately.

When he woke up the next day, Zhang Ke was already a little nervous.

"Butler, butler, where are you? Come here quickly."

He looked around. Inside the sealed room, he felt as if something was moving.

Hearing the cry, the housekeeper quickly entered Zhang Ke's room and asked anxiously: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Butler, do you think there are ghosts in this world?"

Zhang Ke asked.

"Master, don't think too much. How can there be ghosts in this world?"

When the housekeeper said this, even he couldn't convince himself, but now in order to reassure Zhang Ke, he had to say such words.

"No, there must be ghosts in this world." Zhang Ke replied with certainty.

He is now in a semi-collapse state.

The housekeeper still wanted to say that there are no ghosts in the world, but just when he was about to say it, he felt a chill on his back. That chill was not the ordinary chill caused by the wind. It was as if his entire bone marrow had been frozen.

"Master, maybe there is really something unclean in the house. Should we invite a Taoist priest to do a ritual?" the housekeeper asked cautiously and hopefully.

"Yes, yes, please invite a Taoist priest to perform rituals. Go and invite him as soon as possible."

Zhang Ke agrees with the housekeeper's idea. Now he just wants to stop such weird things happening, so he urgently needs to hire a Taoist priest to perform rituals.

"Master, I suddenly remembered. Do you remember that you invited a girl home yesterday, and she was accompanied by a man. The man said that you would die unexpectedly within three days. If If you don’t want to die, go and beg him. Do you think this person can solve this problem?”

At this moment, the housekeeper suddenly remembered what Lu Chen said in front of the door, and he mentioned it to Zhang Ke here again.

When Zhang Ke heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, then he nodded and said, "Yes, please hurry up and invite him over."

The butler broke into cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Young Master, I'm afraid you can't let him come over. We didn't let anyone enter the villa at that time, and others let it slip. If you want to survive, you have to beg him. to beg him."

"I have never begged anyone in my life. You want me to beg someone?"

Zhang Ke's face looked a little ugly and he said in a deep voice.

"Then think about it yourself. If you don't ask him, it's very likely that everything you have will have to be donated in three days."

The Zhang family only has one son like him. If he dies, then after his father dies, he will really have no choice but to donate all the property.

Hearing this, Zhang Ke was so uncomfortable that he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go and beg him now."

"Master, if you ask him, I'm afraid you have to show some sincerity. If you don't have sincerity, he may not agree to take action." The butler reminded.

"Then what kind of sincerity do you think is appropriate for me to show? Prepare 1000 million for him?" Zhang Ke asked.

The housekeeper shook his head and said: "I have already investigated the identity of this person. He is Lin Qinghan's husband Lu Chen. Speaking of which, this Lu Chen is also a legend. A year ago, there was a love saint in our city. He claimed that he tricked more than 500 girlfriends and ruined all his property..."

Then, the housekeeper reported Lu Chen's glorious deeds. Of course, he later analyzed and mentioned Lin Qinghan and Lu Chen.

Since the two got married, Lin Qinghan seemed to have cheated. The Lin Group has grown rapidly from a little-known small company to a star company in Guiyuan City, and is now even There are faint signs of becoming the number one group in Guiyuan City.

All this seemed to be Lin Qinghan's credit, but the housekeeper guessed that it must have something to do with Lu Chen.

"So, if you talk to him about money, he won't like it at all. I suggest you change it to something else that is valuable to him, such as the shop they rented from you."

Finally, the housekeeper gave Zhang Ke a summary.

When Zhang Ke heard this, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "No way, I can't rent that shop to him."

This shop was a bargaining chip that he used to threaten Liu Qian. He couldn't give up this shop so easily. If he gave up the shop, Liu Qian would never be able to be with him.

He had investigated Liu Qian and found that this woman was really suitable to be his wife.

"Master, you are not renting it to him, but giving it to him."

The housekeeper was defeated by Zhang Ke's IQ. He was wondering how this guy came to study abroad, and whether he spent money and bought a diploma.

"Send it away, that's even more impossible. You have to know that my shop is worth over [-] million." Zhang Ke said with a grim face.

The housekeeper waved his hand and said calmly: "Then you just wait here to die. I guess in your current situation, even if you invite a Taoist priest, it will be of no use. At least, I don't think it will be as effective as Mr. Lu."

He had a feeling that Mr. Lu could definitely solve Zhang Ke's problems, otherwise Lu Chen would not have said those words.

"Okay, let's bring the real estate certificate and find this person named Lu Chen."

The richer a person is, the more he is afraid of death. Zhang Ke now has glory and wealth, but he doesn't want to die before he has time to enjoy them.

"Okay, Master Yingming."

The housekeeper couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Ke's words.

(End of this chapter)

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