Chapter 967
In the afternoon, Liu Qian appeared in Lu Chen's office.

"Brother Chen, what should we do about the store?"

Liu Qian was still a little anxious and couldn't help but ask.

She was indeed anxious, because this time Lin Qinghan, the catering chain company, attached great importance to it. Although she was only assisting Lu Chen to start the company, she understood her own importance.

Chef Li is only responsible for kitchen-related matters. Regarding the management of the company, Chef Li is not involved.

As for Lu Chen, he was basically a hands-off shopkeeper who never managed the company's affairs.

And naturally, company-related matters fell on her head.

Lin Qinghan trusted her so much, so she naturally didn't want to disappoint Lin Qinghan.

Therefore, she is now fully focused on opening a restaurant chain company.

"Don't worry, if nothing happens, he will come and beg me to take over his shop today." Lu Chen said confidently.

"Will he really come?"

Although Lu Chen said so confidently, Liu Qian still couldn't believe it, and she asked uncertainly.

"I will definitely come over today or tomorrow." Lu Chen said calmly.

"How about we make a bet. I bet that he won't come today or tomorrow. If I win, I will make a request to you. If I lose, I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future. How about that? ?" Liu Qian asked with a slight smile on her face.

Even if Lu Chen won, she guessed that Lu Chen would not make any excessive demands. In fact, deep down in her heart, she wanted Lu Chen to make some excessive demands.

But she knew Lu Chen's feelings for Lin Qinghan, so she could only feel envious.

But if she wins the bet this time, she will definitely make excessive demands.

The two had just finished their bet when Liu Qian's phone rang immediately.

She took out her phone and looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Because this call was from Zhang Ke.

She had contacted Zhang Ke before, so she saved Zhang Ke’s contact information.

Could it be that Zhang Ke is now preparing to come find Lu Chen?
Otherwise, why would you take the initiative to call her?
With curiosity, Liu Qian answered the phone and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

To be honest, she didn't really want to answer Zhang Ke's call. The other person was not the type of person she liked. She was very afraid that Zhang Ke was here to pester her. At the same time, she was worried that Zhang Ke might talk to her about the store. I had to take this call.

"Ms. Liu, Mr. Lu is not in the company. I have something to ask him about."

However, what Zhang Ke said next made his jaw drop.

Zhang Ke took the initiative to come to Lu Chen. Does that mean that the other party really came to beg Lu Chen?

Thinking of this, she said, "He's in the company, what can you do with him?"

"He's in the company. Can you please come out and take me to find him? I want to discuss things about my shop with you." Zhang Ke said to Liu Qian on the phone.

"Why is this guy so mysterious? Zhang Ke really came to find him within three days." Liu Qian looked at Lu Chen next to him, the admiration in his eyes getting stronger.

This mysterious man can never be seen through by her.

"Okay, you wait on the first floor, I will go out to pick you up right away."

Liu Qian is in a good mood now.

At the beginning, when she went to rent a shop, Zhang Ke was indifferent and wanted to make various demands and even wanted to flirt with her.

As a result, it had only been a day, and the roles between Zhang Ke and them were completely reversed, and they were now completely in the initiative.

Once they take the initiative, it will be much easier for them to talk.

"Miss Liu Qian, I'm glad to see you. You are more beautiful today than yesterday."

Zhang Ke took the initiative to extend his hand and shook hands with Liu Qian in a very gentlemanly manner.

However, Liu Qian did not shake hands with Zhang Ke this time. Instead, he raised his hand in front of Zhang Ke and said, "Mr. Zhang, please come this way."

Zhang Ke was stunned for a moment, a little angry, but thinking about his situation and the fact that he still had Lu Chen to ask for, he could only endure the tone.

Soon after, Liu Qian brought Zhang Ke and the housekeeper outside Lu Chen's office.

Liu Qian said to Zhang Ke: "Mr. Zhang, this is our Mr. Lu's office. Please come in."

Zhang Ke nodded and walked inside, followed by the butler next to him.

However, just when the housekeeper was about to follow Zhang Ke into Lu Chen's office, he was stopped by Liu Qian. Liu Qian said at the same time: "I'm sorry, our Mr. Lu is only willing to receive Mr. Zhang."

Women are all animals that hold grudges, and Liu Qian is no exception. The housekeeper treated Lu Chen like this last night, and she treated the housekeeper like this today. She just felt that this feeling was really good.

The corner of the housekeeper's mouth twitched violently. Wasn't this what he said to Lu Chen last night, and now he sent it back almost intact.

"Master, then you and Mr. Lu will have to talk to each other. I can't help you." The housekeeper said to Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke looked at Liu Qian and said, "He is my butler and my husband. You let him follow me."

"Are you sure you want him to follow you?" Liu Qian raised her eyebrows slightly and asked.

"OK." Zhang Ke nodded.

Liu Qian pointed outside and said, "Okay, just go outside and he can follow you casually."

Zhang Ke's face turned dark immediately. He looked at the housekeeper and said, "Wait for me outside."

Last night, it was his request that only Liu Qian could see him, and now it was his turn to be treated like this.

"How is it? Mr. Zhang, how does this feel?"

Liu Qian looked proudly at Zhang Ke next to him, and Zhang Ke's expression became even more ugly.

Soon after, Liu Qian brought Zhang Ke into Lu Chen's office.

Lu Chen was sitting on the sofa leisurely drinking tea. When he saw Zhang Ke coming, he said unexpectedly: "Hey, who is this?"

He guessed it was Zhang Ke, but he had never met Zhang Ke, so he pretended not to know him.

"Mr. Lu, this is Mr. Zhang who didn't want to see you last night." Liu Qian said with a smile, covering her red lips.

"Oh, since he didn't want to see me last night, there's no need for me to see him."

Lu Chen grinned, poured the tea directly on the sofa, and said, "Oh, Mr. Zhang, I'm so sorry. I saw you were a little excited. I accidentally shook my hand and all the tea was poured. Look at me. This is the only sofa in here, why don't you just sit on this sofa if you don't want to feel aggrieved?"

Zhang Ke felt that the veins on his forehead were popping. This guy definitely did it on purpose. Now he was talking so high-sounding that his hands were shaking accidentally.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Mr. Lu, you're welcome. I usually like to exercise and often stand to talk. It's good to stand like this."

"Really, then since you think standing is good, then keep standing."

Lu Chen smiled, and then said to Liu Qian next to him: "By the way Qianqian, does Mr. Lin have something to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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