My cold CEO wife

Chapter 968 But I want you to take care of me

Chapter 968 But I want you to take care of me

"Well, Lin always has something to do with you."

Liu Qian blinked at Lu Chen and said very cooperatively.

Lu Chen immediately looked at Zhang Ke next to him apologetically and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, but my wife has something to do with me. I'll go to my wife's place first. You can stand here for a while."

After saying that, Lu Chen left with Liu Qian.

Zhang Ke stood there, his face turning green and red.

He really wanted to leave like this, but if he left like this, it would seem that he was very insincere. It was estimated that Lu Chen was not willing to take action for him anymore, so he had no choice but to continue to stay in the office.

He does exercise regularly, but when he does exercise, he keeps moving. Now he is standing in the office. He can only stand but cannot move. The key is that he is still waiting, which makes him very tortured. .

Of course, he is still a sick patient with gauze on his head.

He wanted to sit on the sofa next to him, but when he thought of Lu Chen pouring tea on that sofa, he felt nauseous.

His eyes fell on the boss chair in Lu Chen's office, but he didn't dare to sit on the boss chair. He was worried that when he sat on it, Lu Chen would suddenly come back and find himself sitting in the other person's seat. , Lu Chen will definitely not be willing to help him anymore.

"Brother Chen, you are so cruel."

Naturally, Lu Chen did not go to Lin Qinghan's office, but came to Liu Qian's office. Liu Qian covered her red lips and smiled.

"I don't usually bully others, but if others bully me, then I have to bully them back even more." Lu Chen said calmly.

Liu Qian smiled, as if remembering something, and said, "By the way, I lost the bet we made just now. I can promise you anything."

When Liu Qian was talking, she brushed her hair intentionally or unintentionally. In that way, she was a little more charming in her purity, and she looked particularly attractive.

Lu Chen's heart was filled with excitement.

"Is it really okay to ask for anything?" Lu Chen asked tentatively.


Liu Qian's voice was small, but it was full of temptation.

Hearing this, Lu Chen walked towards Liu Qian unhurriedly, and Liu Qian's heartbeat quickened.

Lu Chen wouldn't want to push her down in the office, would he?So does she comply or not?

For a moment, Liu Qian felt very confused.

"It's close, it's close!"

As Lu Chen got closer, her heart became more and more flustered.

Not long after, Lu Chen came to her and suddenly hugged her head. Liu Qian felt her heart beating.

She knew that the relationship between Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan was good and she couldn't get in, but if she could leave herself to Lu Chen, she could just accompany him silently.

As long as he has a hint of his own place in his heart, it is enough. Her requirements are very low.

I never thought that all of this would come true today.

How could she not be nervous and excited?
"You didn't wash your hair last night, why are there bugs on your head?"

However, just when Liu Qian was feeling complicated, Lu Chen twirled the hair on her head and then asked.

Liu Qian was immediately ashamed and ashamed, and at the same time hated that bug to death, if it wasn't for that bug, maybe Lu Chen would have hugged her.

After Lu Chen caught Xiao Chong, he continued, "What can I ask of you? Just take care of yourself."

The passion rising in Liu Qian's eyes slowly dimmed again.

"But I want you to take care of me."

Liu Qian is a strong woman, but she also has a side of her little daughter, especially when she was at her weakest, Lu Chen appeared time and time again to save her from fire and water.

Therefore, in her heart, she actually belongs to someone already, and she doesn't even care about the world. As long as Lu Chen is willing, she can just be her woman without her status.

However, she said these words in her heart alone and did not say them to Lu Chen.

"Brother Chen, let me tell you about my specific plan. In fact, I think so."

Liu Qian began to talk about his plans for the catering industry, saying: "I plan to build an Internet celebrity restaurant, with Chef Li in charge. As long as this restaurant is launched on the market, it will definitely usher in a huge breakthrough. We just have another Film and television companies directly use film and television companies to build Internet celebrity restaurants.”

"In addition, in addition to this Internet celebrity restaurant, I am also planning to carry out hunger-style marketing. In this case, our restaurant will often queue for several hours. In this case, our reputation will spread."


Liu Qian was very serious when talking about work, just like when Lin Qinghan was serious, Lu Chen looked a little distracted.

The two of them chatted for half a day.

When Liu Qian was done talking, she patted herself on the head and said, "Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I forgot. It seems that Zhang Ke is still waiting for you in your office."

They chatted for four hours, Zhang Ke should be impatient.

That is to say, Liu Qian is kind. If it were anyone else, Zhang Ke would treat Lu Chen like this, and there would be no way to make things difficult for Zhang Ke.

"It's okay, let him wait a little longer and we can eat melon seeds for a while." Lu Chen said to Liu Qian.

Zhang Ke was already waiting impatiently in Lu Chen's office. He had been standing there for almost four hours. Coupled with his head injury, he felt like he was about to faint.

"This Lu Chen may not be reliable. I can't place all my hopes on him."

Zhang Ke felt that Lu Chen was deliberately making things difficult for him. He didn't know that Lu Chen would not really save him, so he had to find a way to break through.

Zhang Ke is not a person who waits to die, he naturally has his own ideas.

Thinking of this, he took out his cell phone and called the butler.

"Oh, Master, you finally called me. I sent you several messages but you didn't reply to me. I didn't dare to call you. What's going on? Why are you staying in the office? It's been so long?" the housekeeper couldn't help but ask.

After hearing the butler's words, Zhang Ke said: "Butler, I think this Lu Chen may not really be able to solve my problem. He might have just said harsh words at the time, and it happened that he was right. I don't think so. Well, you'd better go and ask a Taoist priest for me. If this Taoist priest can solve my problem, then I don't need to ask him."

"The young master is right. I will contact you right away." The housekeeper thought for a while and felt that the young master's analysis was right. They began to fall into a misunderstanding. That was because of Lu Chen's words, they thought that the family was not good. Only Lu Chen can solve the problem.

After finishing the phone call with the housekeeper, Zhang Ke felt that her legs were really weak. She didn't care whether Lu Chen's sofa was dirty or whether Lu Chen had splashed water on it. He just sat there like this. On Lu Chen's sofa.

After sitting down, he immediately felt much more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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