My cold CEO wife

Chapter 969 Tell a Story

Chapter 969 Tell a Story
"Hey, why is Mr. Zhang sitting on this sofa? There are tea stains on the sofa. Why don't you sit on my seat? I heard that Mr. Zhang is an international student, very high-quality and very clean."

After Zhang Ke sat on the sofa, Lu Chen appeared in the office and said to Zhang Ke with a joking look.

The corners of Zhang Ke's mouth twitched.

This guy didn't come early or late, but he just sat down and showed up.

Zhang Ke gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay. The tea stains on it have dried, so it's no problem."

"As long as it doesn't get in the way, let's talk. Mr. Zhang doesn't know what he wants from me. If there is anything I can do to help, I will go through fire and water without hesitation." Lu Chen smiled and said.

Zhang Ke didn't believe Lu Chen's words at all. He said, "Mr. Lu, I'm here to ask you to help me solve the problem."

"Oh, what's the problem?" Lu Chen asked.

Zhang Ke couldn't help but ask: "That's right, I didn't expect Mr. Lu to come to my house in person last night. My housekeeper was ignorant and blocked you outside. At that time, you told me that if I didn't want to die within three days, I’m here to beg you, what’s going on?”

Lu Chenxiao pointed at Zhang Ke's head and said, "Can't the gauze on your head explain the problem? You already have the answer in your heart, so why bother asking me?"

"I want to ask, did you put the dirty things in our house?"

After being forced to stand for four hours by Lu Chen in disguise, Zhang Ke had already forgotten his plan when he came, so he asked with a question.

"Do you think I have such ability? Then you are really looking up to me too much."

Lu Chen said calmly: "I don't have time to deliberately deal with you. If you don't solve the problem, get out of here."

Zhang Ke could tell that Lu Chen was a little angry, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Lu, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that I want you to help me deal with this dirty thing."

"It's okay to take action to deal with this dirty thing, but have you brought your sincerity?" Lu Chen asked calmly.

"I brought it, don't you want to rent my shop? As long as you can solve my problem, I am willing to let you use the shop for free for ten years."

When he first came here, he had agreed with the housekeeper to give the shop directly to Lu Chen, but later, he thought about it and felt that the cost of giving it to Lu Chen was too high, so he gave Lu Chen ten free of charge. Years, Lu Chen must be able to accept it.

"Ten years of free use? Is your life only worth this amount of money?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "If this is really the case, then please come back. I can't save your life."

"Mr. Lu, I am willing to give you free use of this store for 20 years."

Seeing that Lu Chen was unwilling to solve the problem for himself, Zhang Ke immediately extended the time.

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and said, "Master Zhang, let me tell you a story. In ancient times, there was an old man who had two sons. The eldest son was upright, and the second son did not do his job properly, but he often spent lavishly."

"On this day, the old man was falsely accused and imprisoned. The old man's wife found the gentleman in the town and asked which son he would send to Kyoto to smoothen relations. Finally, the husband told his wife that he would send his younger son."

"But the lady said that the younger son is not doing his job, can he get the thing done? The husband smiled and said, if you send the eldest son, it will definitely not be done, but if you send the younger son, it will definitely be done. Do you know why?"

Zhang Ke couldn't help but shook his head.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "It's normal if you don't know, because you have to know that today you are not here to give me free rent."

"At that time, my husband told my wife that because the younger son was generous and didn't care about money, he would definitely be willing to spend money to maintain relationships after arriving in Kyoto, so he naturally saved the old man. But if the eldest son went, then the eldest son is an upright person. , you won’t even give a red envelope, how can you save someone?”

"Now, you're like the eldest son."

Zhang Ke was originally a highly educated person. When Lu Chen said this, he immediately understood that he seemed to be too petty.

It seems that the housekeeper is right. The housekeeper said that he should be generous and give away the shop directly. It really makes sense.

"Mr. Lu, listen to me, that shop is not a small amount after all. You also know that if I give it to you directly, my parents will definitely beat me to death, so I thought of renting it to you. In fact, when the lease expires, I can renew it for you free of charge." Zhang Ke panicked at Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled coldly and said, "Well, who knows what will happen in 20 years? I think you should stop talking about this. As long as you promise to give me that shop, I will solve your problem. question."

"Okay, okay, I'm willing to give you the shop, but the prerequisite is that you must clear away the dirty things in my house."

Zhang Ke said excitedly.

He is now very afraid that if he is unhappy, he will make Lu Chen unhappy. In the end, a situation will arise, that is, Lu Chen will not solve the problem for him.

Although the housekeeper has now helped him find someone to do the ritual, he is not sure yet whether he can find him.


Lu Chen immediately agreed and said, "Let's go, you lead the way, we will go to your home."

"it is good!"

Zhang Ke didn't expect Lu Chen to agree so quickly. He felt it was a bit unreal, and Lu Chen didn't even sign the agreement.

But this was exactly the effect he wanted. When Lu Chen solved his family problems, he could even refuse to acknowledge the agreement between the two of them, so that he would not have to give the shop to Lu Chen.

Although it was a bit shameless to do so, the value of the shop was too great. If he really gave it away, his parents would definitely ask him why.

Moreover, this set of shops will still be used as a bargaining chip to threaten Liu Qian, so he will naturally not let go easily.

Zhang Ke led the way and led Lu Chen to his villa.

While in the car, his cell phone rang.

Then Zhang Ke answered the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Master, is it convenient for you to speak now?" the housekeeper asked.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Zhang Ke asked anxiously after hearing the butler's words.

The housekeeper immediately said: "I found a warlock. He is very good at removing evil things. Others call him Huang Banxian. I also told him about the situation in our home. I told him that if we can remove the unclean things in our home, If the things are cleared away, my young master will be rewarded heavily, at least tens of millions of dollars, but if you can't clear them out, don't blame my young master for being rude."

"In the end, he slapped his chest and promised me that if the unclean things in your villa could not be removed, he would be willing to cut off his head and let you play as a ball."

"He really said that?" At this moment, Zhang Ke was "At this moment, Zhang Ke was excited.

(End of this chapter)

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