Chapter 970

"He really said so."

The housekeeper said to Zhang Ke: "Moreover, in order to show his sincerity, the other party also said that he can perform rituals for us first. After the rituals are performed, one week will be the time limit. If there is nothing weird on your side within a week, If he appears, it means that the ritual was successful, and he will be paid the fee when the time comes."

Zhang Ke became even more excited when he heard the butler's words.

If the other party dares to say this, it means that the other party is certain.

Thinking of this, he quickly ordered the driver next to him: "Stop, stop."

"Master, what's wrong?"

The driver found a spot to park the car on the side of the road and asked.

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Zhang Ke said something, then looked at Lu Chen next to him and said: "Those named Lu, get out of here."

He started to be respectful to Lu Chen because only Lu Chen could solve the unclean things in his house. Now that there was someone else who could solve the unclean things in his house, he no longer had to give Lu Chen face and just called Lu Chen. Get out of here in the morning.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Are you sure you want me to get off the bus? I can tell you that if you let me get off the bus, the price for asking me to get off again may be the same as now. The price is ten times or even a hundred times higher. It depends on whether I am in a good mood at that time. If I am in a bad mood, I will not take action."

"Can you die if you don't pretend?"

Zhang Ke said in a deep voice: "Get off when I ask you to get off. Where does all the nonsense come from?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Remember, next time you come to beg me, you'd better bring your parents with you, because the price then will not be something you can afford."

After saying that, Lu Chen got out of the car directly.

"Hmph, you think I'm a fool. I won't be fooled by you."

After Zhang Ke saw Lu Chen leaving, he cursed in a low voice: "I will not only have to pay for a store worth hundreds of millions to let you deal with unclean things, but I also have to look at your face. Am I going to eat too much? "

After Zhang Ke drove Lu Chen out of the car, he gave instructions to the driver next to him and asked him to drive his car home again.

After returning home, the housekeeper had already invited the warlock named Huang Banxian.

Huang Banxian has long silver-white hair and a long beard. He is tall and thin and wears a warlock robe. At first glance, he looks like a fairy-like person.

"Zhang Ke has met a half-immortal."

Zhang Ke came to Huang Banxian and saluted Huang Banxian, showing special respect.

This is the person you want. This person can definitely solve the unclean problem in your home.


Huang Banxian clasped his hands behind his back, accepted Zhang Ke's gift calmly, and said, "I don't usually take action, but I am willing to take action because I think I have a fate with the young man."

"The housekeeper has already told me about the situation in your villa. If it was before, you could actually just change the villa, but that can't be done now, because this unclean thing has been contaminated on you, so you must now A grand ceremony will do."

Huang Banxian said to Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke felt that what Huang Banxian said was too reasonable. He nodded and said, "Banxian is right. What should I do next?"

"Did you know that there is a saying called giving up money to avoid disaster?"

At this time, Huang Banxian spoke.

"Know, know!"

Zhang Ke nodded quickly and said, "What he literally means is that he knows that he may be facing a disaster. At this time, he can give up his money and donate it to do good deeds, so that he can avoid the disaster."

No matter how you say it, he is a highly educated person, so he still knows this idiom.

"Since you know, what you have to do now is to donate 1000 million to a charitable foundation. The Lezan Charitable Foundation I know is very good. If you donate to this charitable foundation, they will give you Pray for blessings, and then there will be a void mind blessing on your body, ensuring that you are immune to all evil."

"Of course, a simple donation is not enough now, because now the unclean things in your villa have grown to a very terrible state. I have to perform rituals. I need ancient peach wood to perform rituals. This kind of As for ancient peach wood, you can't buy it in ordinary places. I happen to know that a friend of mine can buy it, but this is a thousand-year-old peach wood, and the price is 500 million."

"Of course, you don't have to buy the thousand-year-old peach wood, but if you don't, I can't guarantee that I will be able to remove the unclean things from your home."


Huang Banxian said a lot of things directly to Zhang Ke. Zhang Ke listened confusedly. He always felt that something was wrong at this time, but he couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

The housekeeper had eaten more salt than Zhang Ke had eaten. At this time, he realized that this warlock was probably an old liar.

Because the other party did not charge a fee if they failed to solve the problem, they were asked to donate tens of millions, and they were also asked to spend 500 million to buy thousand-year-old peach wood, which was equivalent to their initial expenditure of 500 million.

However, the butler did not reveal it now because he knew that once he did, he would be dead.

Huang Banxian was found by himself, and because of finding Huang Banxian, Zhang Ke offended Lu Chen. Now if he wanted to invite Lu Chen again, the price would be high.

Now he can only pray that this Huang Banxian has some real abilities, that the other party can solve the problem, and that he can earn the money he deserves.

The next step is to donate money and buy thousand-year-old peach wood and other things.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Ke went out with 500 million.

Huang Banxian also kept his word and actually performed things in his house.

After completing the ritual, Huang Banxian left with satisfaction.

Because the rituals were performed and all the unclean things in the house were dispersed, Zhang Ke slept very soundly.

But in the middle of the night, he got up to go to the toilet because he had to urinate urgently. He felt as if a red shadow was floating around in the villa.

Zhang Ke felt as if his throat was being strangled, which was uncomfortable.

"Let... let go of me!"

Zhang Ke tried his best to spit out a few words, but he felt as if he was being lifted out, and his whole body actually rose into the air.

Then he was put down again and fell to the ground, hurting his feet.

"Ah ah ah, help, housekeeper, help."

Zhang Ke screamed immediately, with a look of fear on his face.

Not long after, the butler appeared here. He asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"I saw the unclean things in the villa, they were red, and I was lifted up by this. You see, my legs were smashed. Quick, take me away, take me out of here. Also, that Didn’t Huang Banxian perform rituals? Why are there still unclean things? Please contact him quickly."

Zhang Ke felt that his nerves were a little confused, and he shouted urgently.

Upon hearing this, the housekeeper took out his mobile phone and dialed Huang Banxian's number, only to hear a notification tone on the phone.

Sorry, the user you dialed has shut down.

"It's over, it's fooled."

The butler's face was ashen.

Because Huang Banxian told him that he was online 24 hours a day and could be contacted if he had any questions, but now his phone was turned off.

(End of this chapter)

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