My cold CEO wife

Chapter 983 Li Tuo met the teacher

Chapter 983 Li Tuo met the teacher
"Doctor Chu, please call President Li Tuo Li."

After the bet was signed, Wan Shihao's face lit up and he said to Divine Doctor Chu next to him: "Doctor Chu, please give President Li Tuo Li a call."

"it is good!"

Divine Doctor Chu agreed, and then started to dial Li Tuo's number. The call was quickly connected, and Divine Doctor Chu directly pressed the amplification function to ensure that everyone could hear.

"Hey, Lao Chu, what do you want from me?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Tuo's voice rang from the opposite side.

"President Li, there is a young man here who doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth, and actually claims that he is your master. I want to verify the situation with you. If this is false, I will definitely not spare him lightly. How dare he hit you like this? Acting in the name of a man." Chu Miracle Doctor said to Li Tuo.

Hearing this, Li Tuo seemed a little excited and asked, "You're not talking about my Master Lu Chen, are you?"

For a moment, the entire courtyard was silent.

Li Tuo actually admitted that Lu Chen was his master.

"President Li, have you made a mistake? How could this Lu Chen be your master? How good a master can he be at such a young age? And you are now almost becoming a god in our Chinese medicine community. "

"Old Chu, don't you know this? My master is a young man. His name is Lu Chen, and he is the Lu Chen who is known as the most affectionate person in our city."

"His medical skills are beyond your imagination, and let me tell you, if he hadn't taught me medical skills, my medical skills would not have been able to become a god in the Chinese traditional medicine community."

Li Tuo admitted frankly.

He never felt it was embarrassing to call Lu Chen his master, because Lu Chen did teach him a lot of medical skills, and he had long been impressed by Lu Chen's superb medical skills.

"President Li, are you telling the truth?"

Doctor Chu felt beads of sweat oozing out from his forehead.

Li Tuo actually admitted that Lu Chen was the other party's master.

"What's there to hide about this?"

Li Tuo rolled his eyes and asked at the same time: "By the way, why are you asking me all of a sudden?"

"I just want to prove this to you, because one of my little brothers has a bet with Lu Chen." Divine Doctor Chu looked a little disappointed. He knew that this time he lost, and Wan Shihao also lost.

Wanjia was originally born in a restaurant, so the losses this time will be heavy.

"Well, where are you? If you really want to prove the authenticity of this matter, then it's better for me to meet my master in person." Li Tuo suddenly said to Doctor Chu.

"Okay, I'll send you the location and you come over."

Doctor Chu desperately wanted Li Tuo to come over at this time, because only if Li Tuo came over could he prove to his face whether the Lu Chen in front of him was Li Tuo's master.

He very much hoped that this Lu Chen was not the same person as the Lu Chen that Li Tuo was talking about.

After speaking, Miracle Doctor Chu hung up the phone quickly, and then sent the address here to Li Tuo.

"Doctor Chu, you can't joke with me about this matter. I bet everything on our Wan family today." Wan Shihao was going crazy because he had also heard the conversation between the two parties just now.

Now there is a high probability that Lu Chen is probably Li Tuo's master. In this case, he will be defeated. Moreover, it is clearly written in black and white, and it is also marked, which makes it impossible for him to go there. Deny the bet.

Originally, he thought he could definitely win against Lu Chen, so he proposed such a clause, but now he has trapped himself.

Now the only thing he can only pray for is that this Lu Chen and the Lu Chen Li Tuo mentioned are not the same person.

Li Tuo hasn't seen Lu Chen for a while. He is now a Chinese medicine practitioner and has encountered a lot of confusion, so he is eager to see Lu Chen now.

When Divine Doctor Chu sent him the address, he arranged for a driver to drive him and quickly show up at Chef Li's place.

After entering, he glanced at everyone, then quickly came to Lu Chen's side, bowed deeply to Lu Chen, and said as a disciple: "Li Tuo has met the teacher and the master's wife."

For a moment, the entire courtyard was silent again.

Even Lin Qinghan's eyes widened in disbelief. Although she knew that Lu Chen had excellent medical skills, she did not expect that he was actually the master of someone like Li Tuo.

But then, Li Tuo called out "Master Niang", causing her pretty face to turn red.

"Wan Shihao, what problems do you have now? If there are no problems, then we will implement the bet as stipulated in the bet. I will not force you. I will give you three days to completely dismantle the Wan Yuan Restaurant. .”

Lu Chen's eyes immediately fell on Wan Shihao's face, and Wan Shihao's expression looked particularly ugly.

"You win, we'll see."

Wan Shihao's face was extremely gloomy, and then he shouted at everyone: "Let's go."

Everyone followed Wan Shihao outside. Lu Chen raised his voice and said, "Master Wan, remember your restaurant. Don't let it be handed over in three days."

Wan Shihao's expression became even more gloomy.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry for you. I almost didn't believe you and chose to follow Wan Shihao and the others, but I hope you can understand me. I'm old and afraid of death, and they scared me of an incurable disease." Chef Li At this time, he said to Lu Chen very apologetically.

"It's okay, didn't this happen? My wife and I happened to come over to see you. How about having dinner at your place?" Lu Chen asked with a grin.

"Okay, I'll go prepare dinner right now."

Chef Li now shocked Lu Chen into a heavenly being.

Although he himself is China's God of Cooking, Lu Chen is the master of China's genius doctor. Such a title must be bigger.

Moreover, Lu Chen is still so young and has a bright future.


Let’s talk about Wan Shihao and the others.

After they left, Wan Shihao's face immediately became very ugly, and then he asked Zhou Wei for help: "Zhou Wei, what should we do now?"

"Didn't you sign a bet with them? Then you have to follow the bet."

Zhou Wei said to Wan Shihao: "I think we actually have a way to solve this problem, and we can also expand the influence of our restaurant."

"Oh, how?"

Wan Shihao's eyes lit up. Of course he didn't want to give up the country he had built, which was the Wan Yuan Restaurant, so he still wanted to save it.

"It's actually very simple. You register a new company here and install all the employees in the new company. Even everything in the restaurant is installed in the new company."

"Didn't your agreement just close the 10-yuan restaurant? If your [-]-yuan restaurant is closed, can't it be called the [-]-million-yuan restaurant or the [-] billion-yuan restaurant?"

"So, we will not be in breach of contract at that time."


Zhou Wei talks eloquently, like a dog-headed military counselor.

(End of this chapter)

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