My cold CEO wife

Chapter 984 Destroy if you can't get it

Chapter 984 Destroy if you can't get it
"Haha, Zhou Wei, you are indeed the vice president of our company."

When Wan Shihao heard this, he laughed immediately.

Although he had lost the bet with Lu Chen just now, as long as they evaded it like this, the bet would be meaningless.

It's just changing the name of the store, how big is it?
However, Wan Shihao still became worried. He asked Zhou Wei next to him: "But even if we change the name of the restaurant, without Chef Li in charge, the restaurant's business will still be bleak."

Chef Li was like a mountain, and he couldn't breathe under it.

"Wan Dong, we have two ways to solve this problem now."

Zhou Wei began to give Wan Shihao advice again and said: "The first option is that we make catering more accessible. They deal with mid-to-high-end customers, so we will deal with bottom-end customers. We don't To make brand money like before, we adopt small profits but quick turnover.”

"The poor always account for 80.00% of the world, while the rich only account for 20.00%. As long as we can make money from these 80.00% of people, the business will also be very good."

"What is the second option?" When Wan Shihao heard the first option, he didn't particularly want to adopt it. The main reason was that he felt that the first option was too low and it was very inconsistent with his identity. He He is unwilling to make money in this way, and he cannot hold his head high in front of his friends with the money he makes in this way.

"The second option is relatively simple and crude."

Zhou Wei's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said: "Since Chef Li is unwilling to serve us, then we will kill him directly. Isn't there a saying that those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish?"

"Once Chef Li dies and the hozens disperse, it will be impossible for those famous chefs to stay in Guiyuan City. Then everything will return to the way it was before, with our Wan Yuan Restaurant Club being the only one in the family."

Hearing Zhou Wei's suggestion, Wan Shihao immediately said: "Okay, this suggestion is very good. Let's do it like this. You go hire someone and find a way to kill Chef Li. Remember, you have to do it right." Leave traces and cannot be discovered by anyone. Once discovered, it will lead to fire."

Wan Shihao is not stupid, he is just occasionally overshadowed by Zhou Wei's cleverness, but he is the boss of Wan Yuan Group, and no matter how smart Zhou Wei is, he only works for him.

"Don't worry, Wan Dong, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing."

Zhou Wei was able to become the general manager of Wan Yuan Group not only by his brains, but also by his ruthlessness.

Relationships can be found in his hands.

Lu Chen didn't know that Wan Shihao and the others were going to deal with Chef Li. Chef Li made a table of delicious food, and Lin Qinghan left contentedly.

Of course, Lu Chen also cured Chef Li's illness.

Chef Zhou contacted Zhao Diao overnight.

Zhao Diao was a man who had killed someone and been imprisoned before. After he came out of prison, he gradually took in people who had been imprisoned together to hang out with him.

Moreover, those who have been in prison and those who came out later than him, he also used the same method to let these people win over those who came out later.

In this way, his team gradually grew stronger by pulling one level at a time.

Now he has more than 50 people in his hands, all of whom have criminal records, so they now feel fearless when facing the world.

Zhao Diao usually does shady business, so he spends money lavishly and usually spends money on some high-end occasions.

For example, if you invite the brothers below to dinner, you will choose Wan Yuan Restaurant. After all, Wan Yuan Restaurant is the signature catering industry of Guiyuan City.

He often brought his brothers here to eat, and Zhou Wei became familiar with them as soon as he went there.

Therefore, now Zhou Wei invites someone to serve as Chef Li, and the person he invites is Zhao Diao.

"A bad old man, okay, I will continue, but Mr. Zhou, you can make it clear, it is a human life, less than 500 million, I will not do this matter."

Although he had a personal relationship with Zhou Wei, Zhao Diao was not merciless at all when it came to business discussions and asking for money.

"Okay, 500 million is 500 million, but I also have a request. If something happens by then, you can let your brothers below you take the blame. This matter cannot be brought to my head. If something happens, Who will bear the consequences of this? Our Ten Thousand Yuan Restaurant is willing to give an additional 500 million to compensate his family. Is that interesting?" Zhou Wei was also quite polite. When discussing money with Zhao Diao, he was very generous.

"Haha, my Viagra is as good as my Viagra, it's just domineering." Zhao Diao couldn't help but praise when he heard this.

The two discussed it and Zhao Diao hung up the phone.

Soon after, Zhou Wei transferred 500 million to Zhao Diao through a Swiss account. After Zhao Diao received the 500 million, he immediately arranged for someone to leave to deal with Chef Li.

His men are all ruthless people who have been in prison, so these people are fearless in committing crimes.

He sent ten people out. As long as these ten people completed the task, each of them could get 10 yuan. Everyone was working hard.

Unfortunately, after the ten of them passed, they could only have one result.

That is, these people will never return.

Chef Li is indeed an ordinary person, but Lu Yuan next to Chef Li is a real master.

Therefore, these people are destined to be here.

"Sir, what should we do with these people now?"

When it was approaching twelve o'clock, Lu Yuan tied up ten people in the yard and looked at Chef Li next to him.

Chef Li has a headache.

In fact, he has encountered many assassinations in recent years, and every assassination was avoided because of Lu Yuan's existence.

After all, the existence of Chef Li actually touched the cake of many people.

Of course, there are also people who ask Chef Li to serve them, but Chef Li refuses these people, so these people want to kill Chef Li.

In short, there are various reasons.

This time, Chef Li just came back, and he encountered something like this. He knew there was only one possibility, and that was that these people were definitely sent by Wan Shihao.

"Sir, why don't you leave these people to Mr. Lu? I believe in Mr. Lu's energy in Guiyuan City."

Lu Yuan admired and respected Lu Chen very much. The reason why he suggested telling Lu Chen about this matter was to tell Lu Chen that Chef Li was in danger so as to attract Lu Chen's attention.

It was impossible for him to stay with Chef Li 24 hours a day, so Lu Chen had to think of a comprehensive way to protect Chef Li's safety.

"Okay, let's do as you said. You give Mr. Lu a call."

Chef Li thought for a while and found that this was the only way to solve the problem.

After Lu Yuan received Chef Li's instruction, he started to dial Lu Chen's phone number.

Soon, Lu Chen's voice came from the other side, asking: "Lao Lu, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Lu, I shouldn't bother you at this late hour, but I'm afraid there is an important matter that you need to deal with." Lu Yuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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