My cold CEO wife

Chapter 985 Do you want to mention something?

Chapter 985 Do you want to mention something?
"Oh, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"How about you come over to my husband's side now?" Lu Yuan said to Lu Chen.

"Okay, let's go right away."

Lu Chen agreed immediately.

Soon, he appeared in Chef Li's villa, and in the courtyard of the villa, ten people were tied up. The faces of these ten people were all ferocious.

"How is this going?"

Lu Chen asked again.

"These people came to kill me and my husband, but they didn't know my strength, so they were subdued by me. According to my analysis, these people should be sent by Wan Shihao, because only he knew that my husband was back, and only He had a conflict with us in the afternoon, and he was the only one who had the motive to attack Mr.

Lu Yuan said: "After all, your life is threatened because of your Lin Group. Do you think you can arrange some more powerful bodyguards to protect your husband? After all, I can't be with you 24 hours a day."

"Okay, there's no problem with this." Lu Chen agreed immediately, while his eyes narrowed slightly.

He hasn't solved the Liu family's matter yet, but now there is an additional Wan family, which is really interesting.

"Okay, then I'll leave these people to you together. I'm really sorry for troubling you." Lu Yuan said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, let me handle this matter."

Lu Chen responded, then he took out his mobile phone, dialed Zhao Qing's number, and said, "Come over here and mop the floor."

His job of cleaning is to clean up people.

Zhao Qing hadn't received a call from Lu Chen to mop the floor for a long time. Now that he received this call, he instantly felt cordial, as if he had returned to that period again.

Not long after, Zhao Qing appeared here.

Then he saw that ten people were tied up. He looked at it carefully for a while and said, "Master Lu, these guys seem to have come out from inside. These people are usually close to Wan Yuan Restaurant. You can't be They will only attack you if you touch the cake of the Ten Thousand Yuan Restaurant, right?"

"You're really right. It was indeed me who touched their cake."

Originally, Lu Chen was skeptical about whether these ten people were sent by the Wan Wan Restaurant, but now this skeptical attitude has completely disappeared.

Since Zhao Qing said so, it should be.

Now Zhao Qing is the well-deserved boss of Guiyuan City, and he has his eyes and ears in the entire city. People like these with criminal records are also the focus of Zhao Qing's attention.

These people have been following Zhao Diao, and Zhao Diao is close to Wan Yuan Restaurant. Zhao Qing knows that Lin's chain restaurant has robbed Wan Yuan Restaurant of its business. It is normal for Wan Yuan Restaurant to retaliate like this.

However, this society is always about survival of the fittest. If Wan Yuan Restaurant has no ability, it should withdraw from the stage of history.

It's a bit shameful for the other party to use such despicable methods.

"Master Lu, since these people are not following the rules, do you want me to give them a heads up?" Zhao Qing's face turned grim when he heard this.

Someone dared to cause trouble for Mr. Lu in his heart. No matter if he was the King of Heaven, he would make it difficult for the other person.

"Forget it, no need, I'll go to their restaurant in person tomorrow to cause trouble."

Lu Chen smiled.

Hearing that Lu Chen was going to cause trouble, Zhao Qing's eyes lit up and asked, "Master Lu, do you want to bring someone with you? I can be your little follower."

Although Zhao Qing is now a strong beginner in martial arts, he feels that every time he sees Lu Chen fight, he has a pleasant feeling. From every Lu Chen fight, he seems to have feelings.

Therefore, when Lu Chen caused trouble, he was happy to be his younger brother.

"Okay, since you want to follow, then follow."

Lu Chen said to Zhao Qing and asked at the same time: "How is the power we secretly trained doing now?"

"Back to Mr. Lu, our secret training force now includes 120 people. The lowest ones have reached the level of second-rate warriors. One-third of them have even reached the level of first-rate warriors, and one-fifth of them have reached the level of first-rate warriors. He has reached the level of a super first-class martial artist, and there are even five people who have reached the level of half-step martial arts entry, and one of them may break through to the entry level of martial arts at any time."

When Zhao Qing said this, his heart was filled with a sense of pride, and at the same time he had deep admiration for Lu Chen.

Because only he understands how explosive these people are together.

In the past, his strength was not even comparable to most of the people here, but now he has become the boss of these people, which was unimaginable before.

He knew that all this was because of Lu Chen's existence.

"That's right, let's do this. You can dispatch a warrior who is a beginner in martial arts, two first-rate warriors, and four second-rate warriors to protect Chef Li here." Lu Chen nodded and said.

"Yes, Master Lu, I will arrange it right away."

Zhao Qing did not reject Lu Chen's words at all.

Soon, Zhao Qing called and arranged for someone to come over.

Lu Yuan was very shocked when he saw these people.

Because he knew how powerful these people sent by Lu Chen were. From these people, he saw himself when he was young.

But when he was young, he was a proud man of heaven, and now he is able to reach such a level. These people look like ordinary people at first glance, but they can reach such a level, which is simply unbelievable.

"Mr. Lu, did I use a special method to cultivate them?"

Lu Yuan asked curiously.

Lu Chen didn't speak, just stared at Lu Yuan for a while and said, "You have a chance to break through the innate realm in your life."

Lu Yuan has a strong foundation. If there is enough energy from heaven and earth, then the opponent may really be able to break into the innate realm.

"Hehe, is Mr. Lu joking with me?"

Lu Yuan was a cultivator at first. He knew that the innate state of being able to fly into the sky and escape from the earth was simply a legendary state and was simply impossible to achieve.

"You'll find out later."

Lu Chen smiled and motioned to Zhao Qing to take away the ten tied up Khans.

As for the nine people he transferred, these nine people looked at Lu Chen with fanatical expressions on their faces.

Lu Chen said to them: "You must protect the owner of this place well. You must be able to ensure that the people inside are intact. After one year, I will reward you heavily."

Lu Chen said that there must be a reward for every effort, so there must be a reward for every effort.

"Master Lu, what are you going to reward, brothers are very curious."

"Yes, Mr. Lu, what are you rewarding? We are all looking forward to it."

"No matter what Master Lu rewards, as long as it is rewarded by Master Lu, even if it is a stinky fart, I think it is delicious."


It has to be said that although these people are very powerful, they still blindly worship Lu Chen and flatter him for a while.

"Okay, stop flattering."

Lu Chen deliberately stopped these people from talking, and said at the same time: "In one year, as long as the people inside are intact, I will give you a set of boxing techniques. If you practice this set of boxing techniques to a great extent, you can physically break the saints and become an innate powerhouse."

(End of this chapter)

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