Chapter 10 I can control you all the same
The players suffered a critical blow from Lin Kai and lost their fighting spirit.

The idea that was still struggling with willpower was also defeated by Lin Kai's critical attack.

He simply didn't choose to grit his teeth and stick to his current sprint speed.

The physical education student from Yundu No. [-] Middle School who was running in second was on the verge of tears. After entering the straight line, he was eating dust behind Lin Kai's butt the whole time.

Now there is even the release of water that appeared in the preliminaries of the 100-meter event.

Just like the preliminaries of the 100-meter event, the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School still have no chance to catch up with Lin Kai in front of them.

After scoring twice, the scene reappeared. He was unwilling but powerless. All the physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School could do was be furious and helpless in their hearts.

As for the rest, nothing can be done. Catching up with Lin Kai is simply a fantasy.

For all the players who have been doubting their lives due to the distance gap, the problem is that this is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that their opponents let go and they cannot catch up.

I originally thought that the opponent was just a sports student from Yundu No. 100 Middle School, and that it was an accident that he surpassed me in the [-]-meter preliminaries. This idea has long been dismissed by myself.

The facts are before us, and it is impossible not to recognize them clearly.

Crossing the finish line easily, there is a completely different state between releasing the water for 20 meters and running the entire race without releasing the water.

At least for now, Lin Kai's mental outlook does not show strong fatigue, which is enough to show that releasing water is not only to hide his strength, but also an important means to preserve his physical strength.

Standing on the track and field, the next batch of runners are at least 100 meters apart, looking at each other from a distance, waiting for the end of the previous group of 200-meter preliminaries.

The moment Lin Kai crossed the finish line for other runners, it did not mean that they also crossed the finish line.

Just because Lin Kai can cross the line at the same time as other players does not mean that other players can also cross the line at the same time as Lin Kai.

Lin Kai watched these runners cross the finish line with his eyes. Of course, No. 200 in the 2-meter preliminaries was no surprise.

No matter who is in the 200-meter preliminaries in this group, it will not affect Lin Kai. Who made Lin Kai himself the first in the 200-meter preliminaries!
There is a sharp contrast between the relaxed appearance and the players who are wearing masks of pain.

Li Wei in the audience couldn't help but cheered and shouted, "Brother Lin is so awesome!"

Lin Kai didn't hear Li Wei's yelling during the game, but standing on the track and field after the game, he finally vaguely heard Li Wei's yelling.

In fact, Lin Kai himself was not sure yet. When he looked up and saw that familiar figure, it was definitely Li Wei, and then he was sure that it was his best friend Li Wei.

Being able to watch his own game from the gap between the two sets of games, Li Wei is a true brother.

He stretched out his hand and gave Li Wei a thumbs up. A true brother is in his heart. He is not a moral model. How can he not know who his true brother is?
The sharp-eyed Li Wei responded with two thumbs up to Brother Lin.

Lin Kai's performance on the track and field was really outstanding, whether it was the 100-meter preliminaries in the morning or the 200-meter preliminaries in the afternoon.

The courageous students couldn't help asking Li Wei, because they really couldn't hold back their inner curiosity.

"Hey buddy, which middle school are you from?"

"Yeah, your classmate is too cool!"

There is no adulteration in these words, they are all words from the heart.

Only by witnessing Lin Kai's game can we understand the horror of Lin Kai's strength.

Even if Lin Kai released the water, making his strength unpredictable, but everyone is not blind, of course they know that Lin Kai's strength is terrifying.

Some people specifically asked themselves if this was the first time they felt such treatment.

Before, Li Wei might have been embarrassed to say that he was from Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

After all, everyone knows that Yundu No. [-] Middle School is the first in culture and the bottom in sports.

"Yundu No. [-] Middle School!"

But after seeing Brother Lin's performance and amazing operations, Li Wei felt that calling out the name of Yundu No. [-] Middle School was a kind of spontaneous pride.

We have Brother Lin in Yundu No. [-] Middle School, please tell me, what does your middle school have.

"Yundu No. [-] Middle School?"

"It turned out to be Yundu No. [-] Middle School?"

"How could it be Yundu No. [-] Middle School?"

Everyone was confused. They thought that the big boss just now was from another middle school. They even thought about whether he was from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, but he didn't wear the same uniform.

I just never thought I would be in Yundu No. [-] Middle School!
The name of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is like thunder, everyone knows that culture is the first, and sports is the bottom. He was completely abused by the players of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

These students from other middle schools couldn't accept that Lin Kai was from Yundu No. [-] Middle School. The key was that he was so powerful.

In a subversive contrast, a school with the lowest sports scores actually produced a student with such horrific sports performance.

Anyway, these other middle school students couldn't accept this fact for a while.

Seeing the unbelieving looks on these students' faces, Li Wei wanted to prove it, but suddenly felt it was unnecessary.

What is there to prove? How could the fact that I am a student of Yundu No. [-] Middle School be false?
Li Wei simply turned around and left, so as not to continue to see the disbelieving faces of these people.


The physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School no longer had the aura of being in the second grade before the game. Instead, they just looked like frosted eggplants, dying and depressed.

The other contestants were not much better, they all looked unconfident, and looked at Lin Kai with a little fear of Lin Kai's strength.

It's strange that Lin Kai felt a little bit guilty in his heart. He shouldn't be considered a flower that destroyed the motherland!
At most, at most, it can be regarded as giving these teenagers a complete youth, Lin Kai secretly slandered.

Lin Kai was surprised by the result of 23 seconds, 90 seconds by electronic timer, and 23 meters running on water.

This result was something I had to do my best to achieve in the county sports meet in my previous life.

Now I can achieve this result by letting myself go, and my hard strength has reached the level of a national second-level athlete.

The level of national second-level athletes is 23 seconds by electronic timing.

You can run 23 seconds in 90 seconds just by releasing the water. Wouldn't it be easy to run to the level of a national second-level athlete with all your strength?

I didn’t expect that the national second-level athletes would reach the standard themselves. It was really an unexpected surprise.

Even Lin Kai's whole mood became much happier.

I feel more confident about winning the 200m championship at the County Games.

The physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School were numb after seeing Lin Kai's results.

At first, I thought that Lin Kai was from Yundu No. [-] Middle School, so his strength must not be as good as his own.

However, Lin Kai just taught Yundu Fifth Middle School a bloody lesson!
Students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School can handle you in the same sports!
(End of this chapter)

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