Chapter 11

The unconvinced and unwillingness to lose a preliminaries before is now indifferent.

A 100-meter preliminaries, a 200-meter preliminaries, a total of two games, it can be regarded as defeating the Yundu No. [-] middle school sports student.

For Lin Kai's time of 23 seconds, the sports students of Yundu No. 90 Middle School are not surprised at all.

On the contrary, I feel that it is not accurate at all, maybe Lin Kai is faster.

How could Lin Kai's strength be second only to this when all the water was released.

The other contestants gasped, in the eyes of Yundu No. [-] middle school sports students, it was really ridiculous.

Isn't the strength shown by Lin Kai in the game just now not obvious enough?
Still need to be surprised by this result?

Perhaps for the group of sports students, this result is not bad.

But compared with his own results, it is still far behind.


Neither Lin Kai nor Li Wei knew about the performance of the other contestants, but Lin Kai looked at the smiling Li Wei and said that he and Li Wei both advanced in the preliminaries in the 100m and 200m.

Then comes the next round of competition - the 100m semi-finals and the 200m semi-finals.

The two teachers waited bored in the bus, and the old coach disappeared.

I guess he was chatting with coaches from other middle schools and reminiscing about old times.

The coaches from each middle school basically know each other and have a decent relationship. Of course, reminiscing about old times is a routine operation.

There were one or two classmates on the bus, and one of them asked Lin Kai and Li Wei when he saw Lin Kai and Li Wei getting on the bus.

"How? How? They should have advanced!"

"That's not true, this is not simple!"

In front of the classmates he has known for a while, Li Wei is of course full of confidence, no matter how bad he is, the strength of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is second only to Brother Lin.

Lin Kai, who was silently witnessing all this beside him, could guess without using his brain that the student who asked the initiative was designated as a promotion.

As for the silent classmate, it is likely that he was eliminated.

The young man has almost no city, and his emotions are basically shown on his face.

Of course Lin Kai is an exception, who made Lin Kai embark on the train of rebirth.

The other students returned to the bus one after another, and the sky gradually darkened. It was very late in March.

The tight schedule of the County Games is also due to the weather.

It's not that he's not good at chatting, but that Lin Kai doesn't have the desire to chat with these teenagers.

After all, Lin Kai's mind is mature, and he has passed that childish age, so he naturally can't chat with these teenagers.

Silently staring out the window of the bus, you can still see the whole process of the sun setting outside the window.

As the sun went down, the temperature in the air also began to drop. Maybe it was because his body was too sensitive, but Lin Kai felt a slight chill.

There was no morning commotion in the bus, but scattered places instead.

In fact, these students who participated in the county sports meeting are just temporary partners. Because of participating in the county sports meeting, they have never known each other for a period of time and can chat a few words.

But in the final analysis, everyone's relationship stops at superficial friends. As long as they don't contact each other after the county sports meeting, they will soon become familiar strangers.

There is no never-ending banquet in life, and Lin Kai is not affected by the slightly sad atmosphere of these classmates.

In the bus, if you observe carefully, you will find that Lin Kai has not integrated into this atmosphere at all.

The old coach with a slight smell of alcohol got into the car, and Lin Kai smelled the faint smell of alcohol in the air.

The old coach is drinking!
Looking at the old coach, his face was only slightly flushed, and his steps were not frivolous. He should have just drank, but he didn't drink too much, so it didn't affect him.

Of course, Lin Kai's personal opinion is that the old coach is not dedicated enough. During the county sports meeting, he even had a drink with his friends.

But the age of the old coach is only a few years away from retirement. With this qualification alone, even if the other two teachers have opinions, they must hold them in their hearts.

Sometimes qualifications can also serve as the right to speak.

No one wants to cause trouble for themselves for no reason. In the thinking of adults, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

The old coach inquired about the students' game situation with a hint of alcohol, frowned slightly, and then evacuated. As expected, after the preliminaries, none of the advanced students could make up a hand.

Yundu No. [-] Middle School deserves the title of No. [-] in culture and bottom in sports.

"It's okay, we participate in the county sports meeting, the focus is on participation, we still have to focus on culture, and learning is our top priority..."

As expected of an old fritter, a few words dissipated the atmosphere of elimination. At least the students' minds did not stop at the preliminaries elimination, but focused on studying hard after returning home.

Lin Kai, who was sitting by the window, sighed secretly: What a change of mind! Ginger is still old and spicy!
We can deny that the older generation's knowledge and vision are not as good, but we absolutely cannot deny the sophistication of the world that the older generation has realized in decades.

"Let's go!"

With the bus driver yelling, the bus started slowly to take the students back to school.

If you thought you were going straight home, you might be thinking too much.

Participating in the county sports meeting can't change the identity of a sophomore in high school, and the two-session evening self-study arrangement.

The arrangement of the school can be said to want the horse to run, but also not to let the horse graze.

Anyway, the school's arrangement was rejected and complained by a group of students participating in the county sports meeting.

Complaining can't change anything, it's time to study at night, and no one can run away, unless there is a leave note to ask for leave.

Get off at the school gate, ten minutes away, before I know it, I fell asleep!
Rao Lin Kai himself didn't think about it, getting out of the car in a daze, the temperature difference between day and night, the air at night was icy cold, and when the wind blew, Lin Kai's brain immediately woke up.

The old coach negotiated with the security guard and said hello in advance, and the security guard was also very talkative.

"You two brats, are you going to participate in the county sports meeting too?"

Uncle Security recognized Lin Kai and Li Wei in the crowd at a glance, and even shouted out.

Uncle Security, Lin Kai and Li Wei are old acquaintances.

Just because I got in touch with Lin Kai and Li Wei who had an unbearable past.

"That's right, Uncle Li, aren't you trying to win glory for the school?"

With a bright smile on his face, Lin Kai replied to Uncle Li's inquiry.

On the contrary, it was Li Wei who chattered non-stop, no different from a quail in front of Master Li, and didn't say a word.

 Ask for daily follow-up, ask for daily follow-up, ask for daily follow-up, the important thing is said three times. The humble author hereby begs readers to care about it every day. Follow-up reading is really important to the data of new books!!!
(End of this chapter)

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