Chapter 103 So handsome
With mature technical movements, Lin Kai said that corners are his advantage.

After all, technical movements are still a rather vague concept for teenagers!
I have such mature technical movements, all of which benefit from my previous life experience.

Being able to grow so fast is inseparable from the experience of my previous life.

On the contrary, the track and field system in my mind has been playing an auxiliary role.

However, Lin Kai also firmly believes that the track and field system, which cannot play a big role yet, is destined to play a vital role in the later period.

Running quickly and with mature technical movements, Lin Kai can always look particularly relaxed. While being relaxed, he can also quickly gain an advantage.

This is very angry, but other players don't know, so there is no anger.

After all, the prerequisite for being angry is that you know everything.

He could gain an advantage just by taking a corner, and the students watching were amazed at Lin Kai's strength.

Everyone envies not only the top academics on the ranking list, but also the athletes on the track and field.

Without Brother Lin in sight, Li Wei just felt as if he lacked goals and motivation.

Of course, Li Wei immersed himself in running and temporarily put this idea behind him.

I am the vice-captain of the school's track and field team, No. 2 should be my own, and I can't let other teammates take it away.

Looking up at 30 meters, Lin Kai only felt that there was a dark shadow in the corner of his eyes, but it couldn't be because of the curve.

For this reason, Lin Kai didn't pay attention to it at all.

After all, he was confident enough in his own strength, and he never came here to win the championship. Lin Kai came here to break the 200-meter record in the school sports meeting.

In fact, the onlookers were also wondering if Lin Kai had to break the school sports record in the 200 meters.

It seems that nothing is impossible. After all, Lin Kai has already broken the 100-meter record in a school sports meeting. It is not impossible to break another one.

"Junior Lin Kai is so handsome!"

Xu Meishu also agrees with Huang Susu's evaluation, she is really handsome!
It is undeniable that a boy who exudes confidence on the track and field is indeed handsome. The most important thing is that Lin Kai is handsome.

Isn't this the same as handsome and handsome, really handsome!
But Xu Meishu just admired it, she needed to study, she needed to take the college entrance examination, and she needed to pass the college entrance examination. Xu Meishu didn't have the heart to think about other things.

As for Huang Susu, Xu Meishu looked at her friend, her grades were not bad, but she was still a little behind her.

So Xu Meishu was wondering whether her friend could get into the same university as herself.

If not, then after the college entrance examination, it is the separation.

Thinking of this, Xu Meishu quickly dismissed this slightly sad thought!
Why think so much, there are still seven months before the college entrance examination!
After 100 meters passed, Lin Kai was ahead of the other teammates, taking the lead and riding a perfect horse!
The other teammates were completely reduced to Lin Kai's background wall.

The eyes of the onlookers couldn't help but focus on Lin Kai.

Lin Kai, who was running, never looked back, nor worried.

His face always looked sure of victory, and he was obviously confident enough in his own strength.

What an experience it would be like to know the answer halfway through the game!
Anyway, the students watching were very interested. Even though they already knew the answer, they were still very interested.

There is no suspense in the competition, and only the thought of breaking the record in the school sports meeting can arouse Lin Kai's motivation.

Otherwise, Lin Kai specified that the water should be released.

There is a reason for going all out, and I just want to break the record of the school sports meeting.

90 meters, 80 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, the distance is shortening, and Lin Kai is gritting his teeth to maintain his speed.

After all, it is 200 meters, not as easy as 100 meters.

An extra 100 meters is not as simple as an extra 100 meters.

It would be great if the distance on the track and field was just as simple as one plus one equals two.

In fact, the distance on the track and field, one plus one must be greater than two.

From the beginning of the game, Huang Susu's eyes never left Lin Kai's body.

Unknowingly, Huang Susu has been attracted by Lin Kai.

But Huang Susu didn't know it. You must know that Huang Susu is simple, but she thinks that Lin Kai is no different from other students.

Now Lin Kai's impression in Huang Susu's heart is definitely not as simple as his junior.

Instead, many additional labels have been added, such as handsome, humorous, interesting...

With the finish line approaching, Lin Kai gritted his teeth and sprinted forward. Lin Kai could not avoid the painful feelings of others.

It's just that Lin Kai can still sprint faster than other players despite this pain.

This is the key to Lin Kai's victory in the game!
At the moment when he crossed the finish line, Lin Kai was telling himself that his own school sports meeting had come to an end.

It can be said that I have never left any regrets in the school sports meeting.

I have to say that not long after I was reborn, I have already done a lot of things that I never did in my previous life.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Kai thought that he had to thank God for giving him a chance to be reborn.

He has never been rich and powerful, nor has he embraced anyone, but Lin Kai has made up for the regrets of his previous life, and this is enough.

It is Lin Kai's persistence to always pursue his love, and it can also be called Lin Kai's tenacity to never turn back.

Lin Kai, who crossed the line, formed a stark contrast with the other teammates who had never crossed the line. All the students watching could only sigh with emotion that Lin Kai's strength was so terrifying!
Stopping, Lin Kai listened to many cheers, only felt that he was the protagonist at this moment!
In Lin Kai's eyes, the charm of the school sports meeting is no less than that of the national sports meeting.

After all, it is a competition with the highest standards in the country and a competition with the most atmosphere.

"You're so handsome, Lin Kai, you're so amazing!"

Huang Susu couldn't help but cheer for Lin Kai.

Trumpet-like hands, this action attracted the attention of many onlookers.

With Huang Susu's good looks, and Xu Meishu beside her, two beauties, how could they not be well-known in school.

It's just that the main popularity is in the third grade of high school.

Some girls are thinking, has this flavin found a new target!
After all, Huang Susu did know many juniors and boys in the same grade.

It’s inevitable to be misled!
As for the title of scumbag, there is no such thing, or in other words, there is no such term yet.

It's just that Huang Susu is inevitably disliked by most girls.

Curious about his own results, he raised his leg and walked towards the referee's office. The stopwatch was not accurate, but it could satisfy Lin Kai's sense of accomplishment.

After all, being able to break the record in the school sports meeting and leave your mark is enough to show that this is a cool thing.

He was sure of it and already knew the answer in his heart, but Lin Kai still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Thinking is worse than seeing, seeing is worse than doing!
(End of this chapter)

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