The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 104 In such a cold weather

Chapter 104 In such a cold weather
At the end of the road, it should be time to set off immediately!
No.1, Lin Kai, 21 seconds 86.

No.2, Li Wei, 23 seconds.


I have to say that the stopwatch timing has a large error, which can really make people quite confident.

Even though Lin Kai knew that the stopwatch was only for reference, and everything was subject to electronic timing, he couldn't help but feel confident in his heart.

The 200-meter record in the school sports meeting was 22 seconds, which was easily broken by myself. There is no accident or suspense!
However, Lin Kai still had a trace of curiosity in his heart. Before that, who was this boy who could run the 22-meter record of 09 seconds in the school sports meeting?
I have to say that in terms of talent, he is quite outstanding.

At least Lin Kai thinks so, he has not been stronger than himself, if he is stronger than himself, Lin Kai feels that he has to estimate whether the opponent also has a track and field system.

After all, Lin Kai knew that most of the reason why he could achieve such results now was because of the track and field system in his mind and his mature technical movements in his previous life.

On the contrary, my efforts and talents are too short-lived and have no great use or effect for the time being!
"Brother Lin, did you break the 200-meter record in the school sports meeting?"

After running, Li Wei raised his head and asked curiously.

After all, after the 100-meter final in the school sports meeting, Li Wei suddenly understood Brother Lin's purpose. Where did Brother Lin come to win the championship? He was clearly here to break the record.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to break the school sports record again."

These words were so pretentious that Li Wei rolled his eyes.

Unexpectedly broke again!
He wanted to refute, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Brother Lin did break the 200-meter record in the school sports meeting, so Li Wei thought that what Brother Lin said was his freedom.

"(name of a plant)!"

Turning a blind eye, Lin Kai thought it was normal for Li Wei to have such a reaction.

My excessive modesty can only be described as invisible pretense!
Lin Kai has no interest in staying here now, after all, he has already broken the 200-meter record in the school sports meeting.

The cheers in my ears, especially the cooing girl’s voice.

It does sound a bit pretentious!
"In such a cold weather, don't be so far away from me, come closer to me, but the snow..."

"Brother Lin Kai!"

This song came to mind, but in fact the voice Lin Kai heard was Huang Susu's shout.

For Huang Susu to find him again, Lin Kai was still a little puzzled, did he reveal any charm?
As for Xu Meishu beside Huang Susu, it was probably Huang Susu who brought her back to accompany her.

Of course, Lin Kai could see in Huang Susu's eyes that he was interested in him.

"Senior Sister Huang, Senior Sister Xu!"

For the two beautiful seniors, Lin Kai felt that it was not a loss at all to know each other.

After all, at least the senior sister is particularly eye-catching.

One is lovely and cheerful, and the other is iceberg beauty.

"Congratulations! You won the championship again!"

"It's okay. There are so many people supporting me. I can't let them down!"

"So your winning the championship is actually their fault?"

"Then senior sister, do you two also want me to win the championship?"

She asked Huang Susu instead of answering the question she just asked directly. After all, Lin Kai was not a junior who was speechless in front of his senior.

"Of course! We definitely hope so!"

Xu Meishu was speechless about Huang Susu's pull on her, but she didn't reject it either.

Anyway, I hope that whoever wins the championship is about the same, and it has nothing to do with me.

It's just that Xu Meishu faintly felt that her friend, who should usually have the initiative in front of boys, was being led by the nose in front of Lin Kai's junior.

"Then you two have done a lot of credit."

Accidentally teased Huang Susu and Xu Meishu.

Originally, Xu Meishu blushed and was being teased inexplicably.

As for Huang Susu, who was prepared, she also blushed when she was praised so directly by Lin Kai.

The reaction of the two seniors was noticed by Lin Kai, and he just sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

It's better to be a girl of this age! Simple minded, not looking for money or tickets, one sentence is enough to stir the other party's heart.

Not like those in later generations, who looked like female gangsters and knew more than boys.

Saying goodbye to Huang Susu and Xu Meishu, two seniors, Li Wei, who had been patient for a long time, stepped forward.

"Brother Lin, do you know these two senior sisters?"

"I know!"

"How do you know each other?"

"It's just that they noticed me and then took the initiative to get to know me."

But this got Li Wei's suspicious eyes, indeed, Li Wei suspected that Lin Ge was telling lies, but there was no evidence.

After all, Brother Lin is indeed handsome and capable, there is no doubt about this!
Lin Kai said that he was indeed telling the truth and there was no lie.

It's just obvious that no one seems to be convinced even if I tell the truth!
As the sun sets, the current school sports meeting is gradually coming to an end!
The head teachers of each class are urging the students in their respective classes to return to the class.

After all, the rest of the time is reserved for the winning students.

Naturally, this is not the case with most of the students.

As Lin Kai's uncle, Zhang Ru could only say that his nephew Lin Kai gave him a hard time during the school sports meeting.

This school's sports meeting is really the home field of sports students!
Even though he has only been training for less than three months, and only two months of training, he is already clearly distinguished from other students.

Of course coach Ye Jianhui knew it clearly when he broke the school sports meeting record for the second time.

After all, it seems that coach Ye Jianhui has been maintaining the order of the school sports games and acting as a referee.

In fact, coach Ye Jianhui has been silently watching the performance of the players.

It is always possible to keep an eye on the players without the players noticing.

It is really interesting for the coach to present awards to the players.

As the champion of 100 meters and 200 meters, Lin Kai won two basketballs in addition to the certificate.

Of course, it's the kind of basketball that costs tens of dollars. I don't know what brand it is.

In addition, Lin Kai broke the 100-meter and 200-meter records in the school sports meeting, and the school was generous for this.

Surprisingly, Lin Kai was rewarded with 100 yuan!
The unexpected reward caught Lin Kai a little bit off guard!
Anyway, Lin Kai felt that these unexpected blessings added a little color to his already peaceful life.

At least I didn't come back empty-handed, there was at least a 100 yuan reward.

As for certificates, they are sold at the school gate. A ten cent certificate is not only a reflection of honor, it is more perfunctory than a medal with a layer of gold dust.

With two basketballs, Lin Kai simply serves as the collective asset of the class.

After all, the school’s sports infrastructure is rudimentary.

(End of this chapter)

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