Chapter 110 School Starts!
It's not precipitation, nor is it to thank the coach, Lin Kai just thanked his previous life's technical movements and knowledge about athlete training.

You can really save yourself a lot of detours!
Lin Kai felt that the memories of his previous life really helped him a lot in his early development and progress.

When it comes to recovery training, Lin Kai has his own professional knowledge as a basis. He really doesn’t have to worry about the weak effect of recovery training, or that recovery training is inappropriate for the body.

The start of school is counting down, and Lin Kai's physical recovery is also counting down!
Of course Li Wei's happy life is also counting down!
Sadness and happiness vary from person to person.

Years ago when Li Wei called Lin Kai, his tone was excited, but after the next year, his tone was anxious!
May Four realizes that the wonderful winter vacation is quietly leaving him.

And the winter vacation is also a complete self-release, and I completely forgot what Coach Ye Jianhui said, "You can't relax completely during the holidays, and you have to take a test when you start school"!
Here, Lin Kai can only wish Li Wei good luck!
I hope that the buddy can survive the achievement test!
After all, if the performance test is not satisfactory, the players have to suffer.

Who makes Ye Jianhui the coach and Li Wei a player?
Li Wei was invited, but Li Wei refused, being daunted by holiday training.

Eating glutinous rice balls on Lantern Festival night, one bite, full of sweet and greasy sesame filling, can only be described as happy for two people.

It's not 2004 anymore, it's 2005!
In 2005, Lin Kai was thinking about 2008. As for 2008?
Everyone knows Sima Yi’s true intentions!
Time waits for me. Lin Kai always has a sense of urgency in doing things.

This may be because Lin Kai believes that this life must not be worse than the previous one.

With the comparison and reference from the previous life, Lin Kai must have a sense of urgency!
After eating a bowl of seven or eight glutinous rice balls, Lin Kai felt full.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, I don't plan to continue eating, after all, I will be very tired after eating.

"Don't eat another bowl, when did your appetite become so small?"

The mother was holding the bowl, and also noticed that Lin Kai had put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Don't eat, I'm a little tired!"

I have to say that Lin Kai does not like sweets as much as he did when he was a child.

There is a possibility that Lin Kai's training intensity is not strong enough, and his mouth is not dull enough!
The faint sound of fireworks could still be heard in his ears, but Lin Kai did not go out to see the nature of the fireworks.

The end of the holiday and the approaching start of school will both cause people to worry about gains and losses. In short, they are hypocritical and upset.


Go out, take your time, never worry about being late.

Lin Kai didn't take it seriously when he was ready to report to the school at [-] o'clock as stipulated by the head teacher.

The talk of eight o'clock is actually waiting dryly in the classroom for ten o'clock.

Lin Kai, an old fritter, will not be fooled. If he is fooled again, Lin Kai thinks that his IQ is 65, and he really should go to the doctor to see if there is a way to save him!
The early bird catches the worm, the early bird catches the worm!
There will always be students who arrive before eight o'clock, and there will always be people who will suffer from this.

It's a pity that Lin Kai is not the one who suffers.

The peak period for registration was missed, and there were very few people on the street.

"Xiao Kai, why are you still wandering around here? Isn't it a registration today?"

"Aunt Xiao, I'll be there later. My registration time is ten o'clock."

Seeing clearly that it was Aunt Xiao, the neighbor, Lin Kai made a fuss casually to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Seeing the back of Lin Kai gnawing on the steamed stuffed bun and leaving, Aunt Xiao scratched her head, did she remember wrongly?
Isn't it the same eight o'clock for the whole school?
Shaking her head, Aunt Xiao felt that maybe she really remembered it wrong!
And Lin Kai, who wandered into the school, even went out of his way to greet Uncle Li.

"Don't worry, I've designated you to be admitted to the university, and I'll show you the admission notice when the time comes!"

Saying goodbye to Uncle Li, Lin Kai walked into the classroom and found that everyone was present, and he was the only one left.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Kai walked to his seat calmly and sat down.

My uncle hasn't even come yet, so these classmates are probably a bit complaining.

After all, it took two hours to sit, and I was stunned to wait in the classroom for two hours.

Banhua Chen Yiling turned her head and glanced arrogantly at Lin Kai, only to think that Lin Kai didn't care about discipline at all.

I promised to arrive at school at eight o'clock, but I have to be late, so I have to do something special!
Of course, if Lin Kai knew the inner thoughts of class flower Chen Yiling, he might really retaliate against him.

"Brother Lin, the coach came just now and said that the test will be done after school in the afternoon, let me inform you!"

Turning his head to whisper to himself, Lin Kai could feel the tension in Li Wei's tone.

Apparently, Li Wei was completely panicked when he heard the news from the coach himself!
Lin Kai could easily guess the young man's thoughts. It was nothing more than a fluke, thinking that the coach was just lip service and not serious.

But it turns out that coach Ye Jianhui is not joking, with such a personality, he can do whatever he says!
"Oh, didn't the coach talk about it when he was on vacation!"

"By the way, Brother Lin, did you train well during the winter vacation?"

After Li Wei finished speaking, he regretted it. Isn't this just a superfluous question!
During the winter vacation, Brother Lin asked himself about his training. Obviously, Brother Lin must have been training.

"What do you think!"

The corners of Lin Kai's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked some jokingly.

This made Li Wei turn around and ask other teammates, obviously hoping to find comfort from other teammates.

After all, it is impossible for him to be the only one who has not trained. If so, Li Wei probably wants to cry.

Lin Kai didn't know if others had trained during the winter vacation, but he could guarantee that Li Wei felt that there was no training.

For this reason, Lin Kai can only pray to his buddy Li Wei for good luck!

Crematorium in the morning, slaughterhouse in the afternoon!
In the morning, he was scolded for homework during the winter vacation, and the shameless scolding passed away, but in the slaughterhouse in the afternoon, Li Wei really didn't know how to deal with it.

However, Li Wei pinned his hopes on the other teammates who told him that he had no training, and hoped that they would all tell the truth.

Otherwise, Li Wei felt that he was doomed!
The road from the teaching building to the playground is short and long, and Li Wei only feels that it is too tormented!
Stepping on the cinder track, Lin Kai felt very familiar.

After a winter vacation without stepping on the cinder track, the blood in my body is excited.

I feel like I can't wait to take a trip.

Lin Kai didn't have to worry like Li Wei, after all, Lin Kai came prepared.

The countdown to winter vacation is also the countdown to Lin Kai’s return to training!
In Lin Kai's eyes, the achievement test is not worth mentioning at all!

"I hope everyone has listened to my words. I will give you an hour and a half to warm up. After the warm-up, you will be tested for grades."

(End of this chapter)

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