Chapter 111 Strength Test
Don't give the team a chance to refute!
Obviously coach Ye Jianhui has made up his mind about today's performance test, and it is impossible to change the time due to other circumstances!
"Lin Kai, lead the team to warm up!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. Coach Ye Jianhui should prepare the equipment needed for the performance test later!
Leading the team to warm up, a set of procedures, Lin Kai has long been familiar with it.


"You two come first, Lin Kai, and you Li Wei, you two take the lead!"

Lin Kai did not expect the shotgun to be replaced.

The school is bleeding a lot!
He was actually willing to replace it with a brand new electronic timing device.

It seems that they have seen prospects from the school track and field team, and this is planning to invest.

Or simply coach Ye Jianhui went to great lengths to convince the school leaders.

But this is not important, what is important is the electronic timing equipment, which can intuitively measure Lin Kai's true level.



Lin Kai and Li Wei gave completely different answers. Li Wei had a secret in his heart, so he wouldn't dare to take the same test as Brother Lin.

If it's the same group of tests as Brother Lin, isn't this obviously courting death!
Li Wei secretly thought that he would not do such a stupid thing!
"What's the matter, don't waste time!"

With a scolding, Li Wei immediately revealed his true colors!
I didn't dare to say a word. The stubborn self in my heart had long been hidden in that corner.

Stepping on the starting block, Lin Kai saw everything in his eyes.

Stepping on the starting block honestly, Lin Kai and Li Wei were the only two people in this group's 100-meter test.

Lin Kai could only pray in his heart that Li Wei's strength would not plummet, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing!
"Everyone take your place!"



The gunshot fired instantly, and even though Lin Kai hadn't heard the gunshot for a while, the muscle memory of the gunshot being engraved in Lin Kai's bones was something he would never forget.

Li Wei, who is out of touch with his technical movements, is in sharp contrast to Lin Kai, who is mature and smooth in his technical movements.

Ye Jianhui frowned on the information revealed in just a start and an accelerated run.

This Lin Kai specified that he would not relax during the winter vacation, but Li Wei specified that he would relax.

How can there be such a big gap before the holiday, the start is pulled away, and the follow-up distance is not properly crushed!
And Li Wei also realized that his starting movements were extremely stiff and completely out of touch.

The most important thing is the decline in physical fitness, which makes Li Wei feel that it is difficult for him to increase his speed.

Your strength will never lie. Your hard work will be fully reflected on the track and field!
Lin Kai only hoped that he could achieve his own results, so Lin Kai had no intention of releasing water at all, and he must go all out.

After 30 meters, I raised my head, and Li Wei, who was in the same group as him, had long since disappeared.

It was obvious that he had been left behind a long time ago, so Lin Kai felt no pressure at all!
It's just that Lin Kai defined his opponent as himself from the beginning to the end, and his goal was to challenge himself.

The teammates who were watching took a breath, the captain Lin Ge's strength was still terrifying.

Don’t give anyone a chance to catch up!
No wonder Brother Lin is the captain, there is a reason for it all!
But as the vice-captain, Li Wei's performance is obviously not enough!
After all, the gap is too wide, and it is out of control!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Wei, the vice-captain, most likely did not train independently during the winter vacation.

And some teammates noticed that coach Ye Jianhui's face was obviously a little stinky, which made everyone dare not speak loudly, and even their breathing slowed down involuntarily.

The speed was getting faster and faster, Lin Kai only felt that he had forgotten the other things, and he was only thinking about crossing the finish line at the fastest speed.

After all, he needs to use real time to verify whether his strength has improved.

Li Wei's face turned bitter while he was running. How could he chase him? Even if he had this fate, he would definitely not be able to catch up with Brother Lin.

Forget it if he couldn't catch up. Li Wei couldn't even keep the distance he wanted to keep, and the distance became wider and wider.

There is no doubt that Li Wei is desperate in his heart, and suddenly feels regretful. If he had known that he would not let himself go during the winter vacation, the distance between him and Brother Lin would not be getting wider and wider now.

Until it became extremely difficult for me to even chase Brother Lin’s back!
40 meters, 50 meters, 60 meters, the speed is accelerating, the distance is getting shorter under the feet, and the end point is getting closer.

With the finish line just around the corner, Lin Kai just wanted to go all out and cross the finish line.

As for preserving strength, or releasing water, Lin Kai thinks it is unnecessary.

Going all out is the greatest respect for opponents on the track and field.

Only when you underestimate will you release water, and if you pay attention to it, you will go all out!
Sprinting, the moment Lin Kai gritted his teeth and crossed the finish line, his whole body seemed to be sublimated.

He gradually stopped running, but Li Wei was still struggling. This was the gap, an obvious gap.

Li Wei, who finished running, bent over and supported his knees with his hands, he really couldn't support himself!
It was so tiring. For Li Wei, this 100 meters was the most tiring, longest and most difficult 100 meters he had ever experienced!
At a distance of 50 meters, he could already feel the rapid loss of physical strength, which made Li Wei find it difficult to lift his legs and swing his arms.

It was as if his body was no longer under his control.

The whole person relies entirely on his own willpower, and his strength is not affected at all!
"Brother Lin, if I knew it earlier, I would have listened to you!"

Regret, first sweet and then bitter, there is a price to pay.

It was great during the winter vacation, but now on the track and field, it was also extremely exciting. Of course, these two kinds of pleasures are not the same kind of pleasure.

Who knows the family members! How cool it is to test after a winter vacation!
Anyway, Li Wei really experienced it once.

With an expressionless face, Ye Jianhui recorded the results displayed on the electronic timing device on the roster one by one.

The players didn't dare to breathe. Everyone knew that coach Ye Jianhui was in a bad mood, very bad.

Almost like the fuse of a dynamite pack, it explodes at one touch!
Ye Jianhui was naturally satisfied with Lin Kai's performance.

This player, whether in terms of character or strength, has never disappointed himself as a coach. Ye Jianhui doesn't have to worry about this!
But the problem is that as the vice-captain, Ye Jianhui feels that Li Wei's performance is indeed a bit poor!
During the winter vacation, I had no training, which is why I ran such a mess.

Anyway, Ye Jianhui was quite dissatisfied with Li Wei.

But I'm also referring to whether other players are in the same situation.

If this is the case, Ye Jianhui feels that it is very necessary for him to rectify the atmosphere of the school's track and field team.

Lin Kai and Li Wei were walking this way.

(End of this chapter)

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