Chapter 117 Arrival!
I didn't dare to do it before, but now I just have to bite the bullet.

If Lin Kai knew about it, he might laugh at it unintentionally. Li Wei was forced to do it before, but the other party refused.

After he left, Li Wei took the initiative instead!

There will always be intervals in the middle, stop to breathe fresh air, after all, keep driving, tired driving can easily become a big mistake!
After getting off the bus, Lin Kai felt that the inside of the bus was too stuffy, plus he was always in the bus, so he would inevitably feel dizzy!
Breathing the fresh air, Lu Wen beside him asked.

"It's so far away. I don't know how far it is between my hometown and the capital of Jiangdong Province?"

It is true that this is the first time for the young man to go out so far since he was a child.

After all, teenagers in this era have lived in the place where they were born and raised since they were young. They are not like the later generations. They travel around the world when they are on long vacations.

But I have to say that everyone’s economic conditions are getting worse and worse, and the quality of life is also improving!
"About 300 kilometers!"

"Ah! So far away!"

A kilometer is 1000 meters. Lu Wen just felt that it was so far away. It was his first time traveling to such a far place. Lu Wen would inevitably feel insecure.

For some reason, Lu Wen felt that standing next to Lin Kai would make him feel at ease.

One must know that Lin Kai's age is similar to his own, so how could he feel this way to himself.

Lu Wen, who couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out.


After waking up at night, Lin Kai looked at the darkness around him, and the rising and falling breathing. The bus was also parked by the side of the road, as if everything had become quiet.

Lin Kai’s eyes are like stars in the night sky!
It is not good news to be young and not lethargic. Lin Kai found a relatively comfortable position and closed his eyes again.

Of course, there are no longer a few teenagers like Lin Kai who wake up at night, but they eventually fall asleep again because of sleepiness.

When I woke up again, the bus was already on its way to the capital of Jiangdong Province.

There are all kinds of vehicles on the road. It’s still early and the sky is already bright. This is unique to summer!
I don't know when it will arrive, but it's really boring, the teenagers are chatting together.

Regarding the topic of these teenagers, Lin Kai really couldn't get in his mouth.

On the contrary, Lu Wen and Lu Bin may not have much to talk about with other teenagers, so they might as well chat with Lin Kai.

Of course, all of this was done by Lin Kai in cooperation with Lu Wen and Lu Bin.

A childish heart may not be suitable for Lin Kai, but for a teenager of this age, it is just right.

After all, they are all teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old. It doesn't feel right to say how mature their character is!
It was a full day on the bus, and Lin Kai really felt that the road was bumpy. If he hadn't won the provincial sports championship, he wouldn't have been reconciled.

After all, he has gone through so much trouble to participate, if he has no idea about the championship, and has no plans, Lin Kai thinks that he simply chooses not to participate, but it is more realistic to come!
Lin Kai chose to participate in both the 100-meter and 200-meter events.

After all, with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Lin Kai feels that he can shoulder this important responsibility!
In fact, Lin Kai originally wanted to participate in the 200-meter event, and he was relatively sure.

But in the end Lin Kai thought that he had to challenge himself.

After all, although Lin Kai didn't know the opponent's strength, Lin Kai had full confidence in his own strength!

It has finally arrived!
Arranging accommodation and addressing the top concerns of participating in the competition.

Fortunately, there is no reason to start prices on the ground during holidays, or the price of accommodation around the competition.

After all, in this era, everyone is still relatively simple!
It's still a hotel, so maybe it does have some quality.

But when it comes to hotels, I really can’t afford it.

What's more, the current hotels are all oriented towards high-end, and there are no so-called cheap hotels yet.

The environment is meant to be overcome!
He is not a person who is either rich or expensive, Lin Kai has nothing wrong with him, he just thinks that he has a place to live in.

I am not here to travel, but to participate in competitions, so I have to put aside everything about comfort for the time being!
Thinking about the talented young people in the entire province, Lin Kai felt that there was still a bit of pressure, and the pressure was on himself.

But the more pressure hits, the more motivated Lin Kai is!
Lin Kai is like a spring, the lower it is pressed, the stronger it rebounds!
The 100-meter and 200-meter events will be another tough battle. Lin Kai is ready to face this provincial sports meeting.


A 100-meter preliminaries went smoothly, entered the field after inspection, and followed the staff with the other seven opponents in the group into the gymnasium, stepping on the plastic track, which should have been refurbished.

After all, this gymnasium is obviously several years old, and it doesn't look brand new at all.

In the 100m preliminaries, Lin Kai was under pressure, but not much!
After all, these opponents, Lin Kai is not sure whether he will be able to deceive one or two terrifying opponents, but Lin Kai can be sure that there should be no pressure on him to advance!
And Lu Wen and Lu Bin, who were also checking outside the gymnasium, were also nervous in their hearts.

It's not the city sports meeting, and I don't know which game I can advance to.

Everything is unknown, the only estimate that can be made is to go all out to fight!
When it was his group's turn, Lin Kai stepped forward to play with his starting blocks. The other opponents obviously did not realize Lin Kai's strength.

I just think that Lin Kai is not a big threat. Apart from being handsome, his strength should not be particularly strong.

"Everyone take your place!"



The sound of the gunshot instantly exerted force. Lin Kai kicked off the starting block, quickly swung his arms with his head down, and used his thigh muscles to fully stretch his legs.

With mature technical movements and various physical qualities that Lin Kai has improved a long time ago, Lin Kai has long been no longer himself.

Quick! This word is perfectly interpreted by Lin Kai!
Head up, that is leading!
Within 30 meters, Lin Kai felt that he had no rivals among his peers!
After all, in the face of this superior strength, Lin Kai has enough self-confidence.

Other opponents did not expect Lin Kai's strength to be so terrifying.

Being so handsome and powerful, this clearly means leaving no room for it.

This makes other opponents willing to let Lin Kai surpass himself.

Naturally, he was extremely dissatisfied and wanted to catch up with Lin Kai.

40 meters, 50 meters, half of the [-] meters, Lin Kai, who ran first, basically had no pressure!
After all, there were threats behind him, and Lin Kai knew that these opponents obviously did not pose a sufficient threat.

In the audience stands, coaches and sports students are the most indispensable.

Some of the coaches who noticed Lin Kai's accelerated run were also shocked. This accelerated run is not easy. If the follow-up speed is not bad, it means that Lin Kai's strength, obviously advancing to the 100-meter final is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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