Chapter 118 Fighting alone
As for more, these coaches don’t dare to make random conclusions!
Lin Kai, who was running first, was far away from the other seven opponents.

60 meters, 70 meters, 80 meters, this advantage is still expanding!
Of course, the sports students in the spectator stands didn't take it seriously!
After all, it was just the 100-meter preliminaries, not the 100-meter final, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

You must know that there are countless athletes who performed outstandingly in the 100-meter preliminaries, and Lin Kai is just one of them.

Not enough to attract the attention of these contestants.

Only a coach with a sharp eye can see the clues!
It seems to be the speed on a straight line, but the layman watching the excitement, the expert watching the doorway, the coach with a vicious vision can certainly see that Lin Kai's speed is not simple!
Fast and faster, there is a difference between the two!
Lin Kai, who is running first, certainly has his own thoughts in his heart. Letting go is undoubtedly the best plan at the moment!
After all, Lin Kai is not an impulsive child, so there is no need to try his best in every game!
It does sound like a serious attitude towards each group of games.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, everything depends on your personal opinion.

After all, releasing water is also a way to hide strength and preserve physical strength.

In the last ten meters, Lin Kai started to let off steam. He had to go all out, and this prerequisite was that he had to be enough to threaten Lin Kai's first place.

At least in this group's 100-meter preliminaries, there was no opponent that could threaten Lin Kai.

Crossing the finish line, there was no pressure at all and I gradually stopped.

Standing on the track and field track and taking a breath, I just finished the 100-meter preliminaries. Naturally, there is no pressure, but my physical strength is still exhausted.

The other opponents looked at Lin Kai's back helplessly.

He couldn't catch up even if he released the water, which was helpless.

After all, the gap in strength between Lin Kai and Lin Kai is indeed a bit big, otherwise he wouldn't have surpassed the other party even when Lin Kai let his guard down.

I'm curious about what level of Lin Kai's strength he is, why he is so terrifying!
Only after comparing with Lin Kai in person, did he realize how big a difference there was in strength between him and Lin Kai.


After being eliminated in the first round, Lin Kai could only sigh in his heart: Lu Wen's luck is really bad!
After all, Lu Wen’s strength is such that no matter how bad he is, he won’t be eliminated in the first round!
It can only be said that the luck is really bad, and they met a strong opponent, otherwise they would not have been eliminated in the first round.

Of course, as the younger brother, Lu Bin fortunately advanced to the first round of the 100-meter preliminaries.

If Lu Bin fails to advance, then Lin Kai will not be the only one left in the 100-meter event.

Fighting alone is dispensable to Lin Kai!
In the track and field field, the competition is not about who has more people, and it is not about fighting, but who is the strongest.

There is always only one champion!

In fact, Lin Kai failed in the preliminaries and had already achieved results that were close to those in the academic performance test at the beginning of the semester.

And to run a better result than his own in the start-of-term test, Lin Kai thinks it is imperative for him to do it!
After all, he has managed to reach this level even though he is running low, and his strength of going all out should not be surprising.

We are all from Zhangzhou City and have the same goal of working hard.

They all hope to win an honor for their region!

Ever since he lost to Lin Kai in the city sports meeting, Di Yuancang has been worried about this!
For this reason, during the winter vacation, Di Yuancang did not intend to slack off at all.

Not for anything else, but for the hope that the next time I meet Lin Kai on the track and field, I can avenge my shame!
Maybe in the eyes of others, losing to Lin Kai is nothing.

But in Di Yuancang's eyes, losing to Lin Kai was something that was not allowed and a shame!
He prides himself on being the number one high school student in Zhangzhou City in the 100-meter event. He is a sure winner in the 100-meter championship in the city sports meeting, but he loses to Lin Kai. Of course, Di Yuancang has always been worried!
Specially paying attention to Lin Kai's achievements, Di Yuancang's inner thoughts are naturally like Sima Yi's thoughts, and everyone knows them!
The teammates in the same middle school as Di Yuancang knew that Di Yuancang had always been hostile to Lin Kai, who came from a small county.

Di Yuancang didn't care about Lin Kai's performance in the 200-meter event.

After all, Di Yuancang only participated in the 100-meter preliminaries with a time of 10 seconds, which was not Lin Kai's full performance.

This put a lot of pressure on Di Yuancang. Lin Kai became stronger, and not just a little bit!
Originally, he thought he had full confidence, but now Di Yuancang suddenly didn't have that much confidence.

It is a fact that he has improved, but Lin Kai has also improved, which is unbelievable!

Lin Kai is very strong, both Chen Jinglong and Wang Weihai know this!
Coupled with his performance in the preliminaries, there is no doubt!
Perhaps Lin Kai's strength needs to be redefined.

For Lin Kai, these are not big problems.

Only by being targeted by others can it prove that one's strength is excellent and make the other party feel jealous of oneself.

No one is afraid of sheep, everyone is afraid of hungry wolves.

The preliminaries and semi-finals are just interludes, but they are really tiring!
Of the two events, the preliminaries that have just started are a little easier.

In the subsequent semi-finals, even Lin Kai didn't dare to be too careless, so naturally he had to spend more physical strength and energy to cope with the game.

But these are just trivial matters to Lin Kai!
Tiredness is only temporary, but honor does last forever.

There are also quality points. If you add points to improve yourself, it will become permanent.

Tomorrow is the 100-meter final, and I am the only one left to represent Yundu County.

Lu Wen and Lu Bin, who were able to test their skills in the city sports meeting, completely became a soy sauce existence in the provincial sports meeting!
Before this, Lu Wen and Lu Bin were actually somewhat mentally prepared.

But when the facts happened in front of him, he was more or less unacceptable!
After all, teenagers also have their own self-esteem.

This kind of huge gap will inevitably not be relieved for a while.

If you can't slow down, you have to watch Lin Kai's game. After all, Lu Wen, Lu Bin and Lin Kai are working together as a team, representing Yundu County.

So there is a feeling of sharing weal and woe!
Furthermore, both Lu Wen and Lu Bin are curious about Lin Kai's official strength!
Lin Kai has become stronger again, so Lu Wen, the older brother, is curious about how strong he has become, and so is Lu Bin, the younger brother.


Tomorrow is the 100-meter final, Ma Xinghai is bound to win the 100-meter final!
(End of this chapter)

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