Chapter 121 Reaching the Peak
Small county?
The current Wang Weihai has no intention of looking down on the other party from a small county town!
Who let Lin Kai cure Wang Weihai's discrimination against sports students from small counties!
After all, on the track and field, Lin Kai made Wang Weihai's sense of superiority disappear!
The feeling of being crushed so hard would be extremely uncomfortable for anyone else.

Chen Jinglong himself has the same feeling as Wang Weihai.

It's just that Chen Jinglong is not as strong as Wang Weihai.

The competition is about to start, standing on the stage where you are, with an excellent view, also indicates that the pressure of this stage is not small!
After adjusting the starting block, Lin Kai pondered the strength of other opponents.

Squat on the starting blocks, obviously still have to believe in yourself!
As for thinking about the strength of other opponents, there is no need at all!
It is clearly doing useless work!
"Everyone take your place!"



Thousands of thoughts in my mind turned into the motivation to run out at the moment the gun fired!
Mature technical moves can always give Lin Kai an advantage in one fell swoop!
Fast is not Wang Weihai, nor Chen Jinglong!
Of course, Di Yuancang is not as good as Lin Kai. As for Ma Xinghai, it can only be said that he is a close second.

Not to mention fast, but with the physical fitness that has no opponents in front of his peers, coupled with his smooth technical movements, Ma Xinghai will not be left behind for a while.

Instead, they just followed behind Lin Kai, maybe there was only about half a body gap between Lin Kai and Ma Xinghai!
Taking the lead before they even looked up, Lin Kai would always use his mature technical moves to teach them how to behave.

A small number of coaches in the audience looked like they had expected this.

There is a clear gap between Lin Kai's speed and other players' speed.

With vicious eyes, it is natural to see the clue at a glance.

Lin Kai, who runs first, can always use his outstanding start and speed to surprise his opponents.

It has to be said that Ma Xinghai, who was focused on accelerating, was more or less influenced by Lin Kai.

After all, the opponent's speed was really fast, Ma Xinghai was completely unexpected!
Being extremely confident in his own strength, Ma Xinghai didn't think that this little influence would have any impact on him.

Keep your head down and run according to your usual rhythm. Ma Xinghai believes in himself. If he follows the rhythm, the championship will belong to him!
The audience in the stands were surprised by Lu Wen and Lu Bin's strength.

Maybe Lin Kai on the track and field should not be called Lin Kai, but brother Lin!
After all, on the track and field, Lin Kai's figure became a little distant, and also a little inexplicably huge!
Looking up, Lin Kai looked at the wide field of vision in front of him. Without the opponent's figure, Lin Kai knew that he was in the lead.

But being ahead means nothing!
Nothing is a foregone conclusion until you cross the finish line, everything is possible!
Running first, Lin Kai dare not relax at all!
After all, the 100-meter championship in the Provincial Games is what Lin Kai wants, and it is what Lin Kai thinks he can definitely hold in his hands.

Looking up, Ma Xinghai saw that a player was ahead of him, so he would definitely be nervous, but at the same time, Ma Xinghai firmly believed that he would surpass Lin Kai.

After all, the final ownership of the championship must ultimately belong to oneself.

But Di Yuancang looked up and had a back that was ahead of him.

This made Di Yuancang put all his energy in his heart, hoping that he could be ahead of the opponent!
Whether it is Ma Xinghai or Lin Kai, Di Yuancang hopes to take the lead.

After all, Di Yuancang's idea is not just to lead Lin Kai unilaterally. Of course, what Di Yuancang thinks is to win the championship!
Chen Jinglong and Wang Weihai, on the other hand, have no idea of ​​winning the championship.

You must know that everything has to be reflected in reality, so running at the end of the team, this idea of ​​winning the championship is obviously unrealistic.

Chen Jinglong, who made a late effort, was still running behind Wang Weihai.

What Chen Jinglong pays attention to is the garbage start, but unfortunately he didn't make a comeback against the wind. Obviously, half of this matter has been resolved, and the other half is still half.

The current self is different from the past self. With a speed quality of up to 80 and an endurance quality of up to 83, Lin Kai's speed is boundless.

It is not at all obvious that the opponent has any intention of surpassing Lin Kai.

Even if it was Ma Xinghai, it was impossible. Ma Xinghai, who was running, knew that the one ahead of him was Lin Kai in front of him.

So what Ma Xinghai wants is to be ahead of Lin Kai. If he is ahead of Lin Kai and maintains the first position, he can win the championship.

Although the idea is good, sometimes, the idea must have a prerequisite, which is to put it into reality.

Lin Kai still ranked first in 40 meters, 50 meters, and more than half of [-] meters. Lin Kai, who was running first, was under a lot of pressure at the same time.

There are threatening footsteps behind him from time to time, telling Lin Kai all the time that he must not be careless.

Lu Wen and Lu Bin in the spectator stand shouted awesome from the bottom of their hearts, but they couldn't do it like Li Wei, who could shout like no one else was around.

After all, neither Lu Wen nor Lu Bin has the potential to be a cheerleader.

In this regard, Li Wei is the expert!
After 50 meters, he still ran second, which made Ma Xinghai feel that Lin Kai was a difficult opponent.

However, such a fast first half will definitely indicate a lack of energy in the second half.

This is what Ma Xinghai said about his consistent experience.

So Ma Xinghai thought that Lin Kai would definitely be weak in the second half, and then at that time, it was time for him to catch up.

Why is this not a way for Ma Xinghai to comfort himself.

After all, in the game, it is very important to stabilize your rhythm.

60 meters, 70 meters, Lin Kai's speed is about to reach his fastest running speed, and when the running speed reaches the peak, it will definitely usher in a downhill road.

So Lin Kai knew that he had to maintain his sprint speed and ensure that his sprint speed declined slower than others, in order to stabilize his first position.

Lin Kai was not surprised by the constant threats and frequent footsteps behind him.

This is the 100-meter final of the Provincial Games, so naturally there are talented leaders.

Lin Kai was not surprised at all by this, and Lin Kai knew that if nothing else happened, the person behind him who always brought him such great pressure must be Ma Xinghai.

As for Di Yuancang, in Lin Kai's heart, he is not qualified yet.

Indeed, Di Yuancang's strength is indeed not up to par!
Di Yuancang, who was running in third place, of course wanted to surpass Ma Xinghai, but he couldn't surpass Ma Xinghai at all.

Just like Ma Xinghai wanted to surpass Lin Kai, but couldn't.

The hearts of both of them unconsciously became more restless.

It's just that Di Yuancang was obviously getting into trouble faster, getting closer to the finish line, but he still couldn't catch up to the second Ma Xinghai.

(End of this chapter)

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