The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 122 Don’t want to be a coward

Chapter 122 Don’t want to be a coward

This is what makes Di Yuancang so able to stabilize himself.

Even if you want to be stable, you can’t be stable!
If he keeps going, Di Yuancang suspects that he will be the third child at the bottom!
Ma Xinghai, who ran second, couldn't catch up, let alone Lin Kai, who ran first.

The most helpless thing is not the numbness and pain in the body, but the helplessness of losing the game and being unable to surpass the opponent!
As for Ma Xinghai, he clearly realized that if he couldn't surpass the opponent who ran first in front of him, he might miss the championship.

The finish line is close at hand, and it is estimated that there are only the last 20 meters left.

In the last 20 meters, Ma Xinghai became no longer confident.

Whether he can catch up with and surpass Lin Kai in the last 20 meters, even Ma Xinghai himself cannot guarantee!
One must know that Ma Xinghai had never been so embarrassed in previous games.

In the last 20 meters, they have not surpassed their opponents.

In the past, Ma Xinghai had encountered tough opponents, but they were always at a position of about 50 meters, so he caught up with other opponents.

If you don't meet a strong opponent, you will start in the lead.

Before the finish line, no one wants to lose, and no one wants to be a coward.

It's okay to lose the game, but Ma Xinghai doesn't allow himself to shrink back in the face of difficulties.

This is not allowed by Ma Xinghai, how can there be hope if you don't fight!
Lin Kai, who ran first, kept his eyes on the finish line that was just in front of him, aiming at the championship.

Entering the track and field field, every player wants to win the championship, but winning the championship depends on the final strength of each player.

If a kite wants to take off, first you have to let it fly.

Lu Wen and Lu Bin in the spectator stands were breathless, staring straight at Lin Kai who was running in the first place.

Don't miss any details at all!
All the coaches were amazed at Lin Kai's speed, it was so terrifying, so rare!
Of course, a small number of coaches with vicious eyes know it well!
It is not surprising that Ma Xinghai's coach is included.

No matter whether Ma Xinghai ran first or Lin Kai ran first, the result of choosing one of the two was nothing surprising.

After all, in the eyes of Ma Xinghai's coach, the candidate to win the championship is nothing more than choosing from his apprentices Ma Xinghai and Lin Kai.

It's just that if Ma Xinghai can't win the championship, as Ma Xinghai's coach, he will inevitably feel regretful.

After all, the Provincial Games may only have such a chance.

As for the holding of the next Provincial Games, it is still uncertain when.

Next year? Or delayed for some reason?
Everything is in suspense before it is determined.

At 90 meters, half of the feet have crossed the finish line, but there are still half of the feet that have not crossed the finish line.

Things are not over yet, and everything is not [-]% certain.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Kai saw the timing, pressed the line, sprinted, all in one go!
Lin Kai, who has mature technical movements, can be so confident when sprinting!
As for Ma Xinghai, who was only one step away from Lin Kai, he was extremely unwilling.

Even if he crossed the finish line, the scene that emerged in his mind was still the scene where Lin Kai was ahead of him and crossed the line early.

Di Yuancang, who has been struggling since he raised his head, has nothing to say.

There should be no other adjectives in the world to describe Di Yuancang's personal mood at this moment.

After all, Di Yuancang did not think that he would lose before he participated in the competition, before he fought against Lin Kai and Ma Xinghai! Even if he would lose, Di Yuancang also believed that he would take the second place properly .

But in the 100-meter final of the provincial sports meeting, Di Yuancang was severely slapped in the face.

The speed never stopped, and after running at least ten meters, Lin Kai stopped his steps.

In the 100-meter final, Lin Kai put his hands on his hips, it doesn't matter if he is tired, as long as he wins the championship, everything is worth it.

With his head held high, Lin Kai's self-confidence was fully revealed at this moment.

The twin brothers Lu Bin and Lu Wen were so shocked by Lin Kai that they didn't know what to say.

Words cannot describe Lin Kai's performance in the 100-meter final of the Provincial Games.

All the sports students were shocked by Lin Kai's performance!
I just feel that this strange man is really amazing.

Even in the 100-meter final of the Provincial Games, they were able to lead from beginning to end and finally won the championship.

There is no need to question this strength, there is no doubt that this is a proper strength, not the so-called luck!
Stopping, Ma Xinghai's attention couldn't help but focus on Lin Kai.

To Ma Xinghai, Lin Kai seemed to be a magnet, and Ma Xinghai was iron.

He was extremely proud of himself, but lost to an opponent whose name he couldn't even name.

In Ma Xinghai's opinion, this is a disgrace!
But this kind of shame, Ma Xinghai can't escape at all, he can't even hide!
After all, the 100-meter final of the Provincial Games has just ended!
In just ten seconds or so, a game determines the final honor.

What makes Ma Xinghai unhappy is that this honor does not belong to him.

So Ma Xinghai hoped that he could remember the other party's name.

The next time, the next time we meet on the track and field, I must beat the opponent.

In Ma Xinghai's mind echoed a sentence his father once said to him.

"Don't be too arrogant in everything. Your wins are only temporary, and there will always be losses waiting for you!"

But at that time, I couldn't listen to my father's words at all.

Now Ma Xinghai felt that his father's words were like thunder.

I am really strong, but when I meet Lin Kai who is stronger than me, I can't stand it at all!
A mountain is even higher, and the strong have their own strong hands!
Di Yuancang, who stopped in his tracks, felt extremely ashamed.

Just like the city sports meeting, Di Yuancang didn't even want to watch his own results, all he wanted to do was escape from this place.

For me, staying here will only make me more painful.

As for Lin Kai, he naturally knew that he had won the championship!
However, Lin Kai never got cheap and acted like a good boy, but he was relatively low-key.

Part of the reason is that in the audience stands, there are not many people I know.

No one chanted his name. If he raised his hands high, it would be a bit of a violation.

Inadvertently noticed that Ma Xinghai, his nemesis from the previous life, was staring at him, Lin Kai just wanted to say.

"Meet me in Pro max, Ma Xinghai, you have no chance of winning!"

And Lin Kai didn't know whether the flapping wings of his own butterfly would hurt Ma Xinghai's self-confidence.

After all, Lin Kai vaguely remembered that Ma Xinghai seemed to have won the 100-meter championship in the provincial sports meeting.

If nothing else, it should be my class.

Of course, Lin Kai would not think that he had taken away Ma Xinghai's 100-meter championship at the Provincial Games. After all, the 100-meter championship at the Provincial Games did not bear his name, Ma Xinghai's name.

(End of this chapter)

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