The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 127 Resist the Temptation

Chapter 127 Resist the Temptation
As long as my strength and flexibility have reached the standard of 80.

Then Lin Kai feels that he can definitely surpass the level of national athletes.

After all, it has been explained in advance that if all physical qualities reach the standard of 80, it is considered to have reached the level of a national athlete. As for all physical qualities to reach 90, it is the level of a world athlete.

You must know that it is the strength that has already stood on the top stage of the world.

At least the current Lin Kai didn't dare to think about it.

The road is at your feet, keep your feet on the ground, this is what Lin Kai personally believes.

Only now, I have won the 100-meter and 200-meter championships in the Provincial Games.

Then the next step, in fact, Lin Kai already has a plan in his heart!
Now that it's mid-March, it seems like it's still too late!
You must know that Lin Kai's performance at the Provincial Games, whether it is 100 meters or 200 meters, is enough to apply for a national first-class athlete certificate!
As a genius who did not come from a sports school or sports bureau, Lin Kai actually attracted the attention of many people the moment he won the provincial games championship.

There has never been a shortage of vicious coaches.

Obviously these coaches have plans in their hearts and have taken action.

Regarding these, Lin Kai may have been troubled a lot in the past two days.

However, these are nothing to Lin Kai, and now he is waiting for the awards ceremony of the Provincial Games.

The Provincial Games is indeed coming to an end, but Lin Kai can't wait to hang the gold medal around his neck.

For pure passers-by, Lu Wen and Lu Bin enjoyed the game.

To what extent, I won't want to watch the game any more in the near future.

The recruitment of the sports schools is still the recruitment of other city sports bureaus.

Lin Kai embodies his talent and the value contained in himself, which also makes the coach flock to him.

Of course, there are many thousand li horses, but Bole does not often have them!
But Bole also hopes to meet the Maxima he wants.

Coaches and athletes, the two themselves are mutual achievements, a proper community of interests.

For these solicitations, Lin Kai undoubtedly refused.

Not for anything else, just because Lin Kai has a university dream in his heart!
There is no such thing as a college dream. Perhaps it is more that Lin Kai does not want to be subject to too much control and yearns for freedom.

Unexpected things happened, who would have thought that he would be recruited by the head coach of Jiangdong University's track and field team.

This is more or less a surprise!
Who makes Jiangdong University the best university in the entire Jiangdong Province, and the only university with 985 and 211 double first-class universities.

For a moment, Lin Kai admitted that he was really moved!
But on the way forward, there will inevitably be temptations, so Lin Kai believes that he must resist the temptation.

Jiangdong University is not enough, far from enough!
In life, Lin Kai thinks that the only thing he does not lack is ambition.

Qinghua Peking University is Lin Kai's goal. Qinghua Peking University and Jiangdong University seem to have little difference between the two, but they are actually very different.


It can be regarded as ushering in the award ceremony that Lin Kai has been thinking about.

Standing on the awarding platform, I accepted the leader to help me put on the gold medal, flowers and certificates.

Lin Kai could feel Ma Xinghai next to him looking at him.

As a half-rival in the previous life, Lin Kai actually sighed from the bottom of his heart. Ma Xinghai in this life will only feel more uncomfortable. Who made him meet himself in Pro max.

The 100-meter award ceremony was over, and Lin Kai still had to participate in the 200-meter award ceremony. Lin Kai was extremely helpless about this. A capable person even stood on the award platform once more.

At the end of the awards ceremony, the two gold medals around his neck represented his own honor. For this, Lin Kai thought to himself: The end of the provincial sports meeting means that his next step is the national stage!

It was not easy to get on the bus back home, but fortunately, I was rewarded.

The depression of a teenager always dissipates very quickly. For most of the contestants, the provincial sports meeting is just an experience.

Naturally, on the bus going back, there was laughter and laughter.

After the provincial sports meeting, Lu Wen and Lu Bin mingled with other teenagers and had a great time.

It's just that there is always one person who becomes different, and this person is Lin Kai.

Lin Kai was really not interested in the topic of teenagers at all.

It was really boring, coupled with the young man's naive temperament, Lin Kai had nothing to talk about, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Coach Miao, who had always paid attention to Lin Kai, felt that Lin Kai's every move was particularly mature.

In terms of character alone, Lin Kai is absolutely mature!
Both character and talent are impeccable, and in the future he will definitely go to a stage bigger than the Provincial Games.

In the provincial sports meeting, Lin Kai successfully obtained six quality points, plus the previous one, now he has seven quality points.

IQ: 65
Speed: 80
Stamina: 83
Power: 72
Flexible: 70
Quality points: 7
A total of seven quality points is too little for Lin Kai!
Whether it is quality points or extremely professional training guidance, Lin Kai urgently needs it.

After all, when his physical fitness broke through from 79 to 80, the first bottleneck appeared.

When the first bottleneck of one's body appears, it means that subsequent bottlenecks will appear one after another.

And the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck will also increase accordingly.

After all, this kind of thing is only the first time and countless times.

For this reason, Lin Kai needs a professional and scientific training plan to help him break through the bottleneck. .

The worst option is to force a breakthrough by adding quality points, but this may consume some quality points.

After all, the quality points are obtained by participating in the competition, and it is true that it is hard to come by!
I was drowsy in the bus, and when I opened my eyes, I had already returned to Zhangzhou City. As for wanting to return to Yundu County.

This may have to be solved by Lin Kai and the three of them.

"I'll ask the bus driver to take the three of you back to Yundu County!"

Since Lin Kai showed his personal value, Coach Miao is willing to sell this favor to Lin Kai.

Accepting it meant that he owed Coach Miao a favor, which Lin Kai knew well.

But when he saw the eager looks of Lu Wen and Lu Bin, and thought that it would be troublesome to go back, Lin Kai accepted it.

"Thanks, Coach Miao!"

"It's okay, it's just a little effort, this little busyness is nothing to worry about!"

Coach Miao showed a satisfied smile when Lin Kai accepted his kindness.

A little effort, in exchange for a favor from Lin Kai.

Coach Miao didn't know if he could use this favor, but at least he was prepared for anything.

What matters in everything is a rainy day!
It may not be used, but it must not be absent!
Furthermore, Coach Miao had a vague feeling that sooner or later he might use Lin Kai's favor.

(End of this chapter)

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