The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 128 1 mountain is higher than 1 mountain

Chapter 128 A mountain is taller than a mountain
As for when this favor will be used, Coach Miao doesn't know.

Of course, Lin Kai's value is obvious. He will definitely make great achievements in the future, and he is destined to remember this small favor of his.

Get on the bus and watch Coach Miao wave goodbye to himself.

Lin Kai murmured to himself: Although he is in this position, even if he is not a good person, at least he must be better than ordinary people in dealing with people!
Lin Kai thought it might be a bad thing to owe Coach Miao a favor.

At the very least, if he encounters some trouble in the future, maybe Coach Miao can help him.

You must know that what people pay attention to is to pay back what is owed, and to deepen the relationship.

It's a good thing for Lu Wen and Lu Bin that they don't have to go to a lot of trouble.

As for Lin Kai, Lu Wen and Lu Bin were already in admiration at this Provincial Games.

This strength can only be looked up to, and cannot be surpassed!
After all, although we are all human beings, there are huge differences between us.


Bringing back the 100-meter and 200-meter championships in the Provincial Games, Lin Kai can be said to have become famous in school again!
Everyone in the school knows it!
Anyway, Lin Kai knew that he would inevitably have to speak at the commendation meeting again.

Who won the 100m and 200m championships at the Provincial Games!
He even made a special speech when he won the 100-meter and 200-meter championships at the Municipal Games, so his performance at the Provincial Games naturally required a speech.

In addition, the school here is actually rushing to make a brand new banner.

It is inevitable that before the next day, a conspicuous big red banner of our school student Lin Kai who won the 100m and 200m championships at the Provincial Games will be posted on the school gate.

This is a great opportunity to promote our school's honor, and the school certainly does not intend to miss it.

After all, the title of Provincial Games Champion alone is enough to scare people from the eyes of outsiders.

And Li Wei is a big talker, hyping up Brother Lin's victory in the Provincial Games.

Even Lin Kai had to hold his forehead and sigh with emotion at Li Wei's enthusiasm for this matter.

It seems that he is happier than winning the championship himself.

Of course, Lin Kai knows that this is his best friend, and he can be a bit poisonous on weekdays, but he is really happy for you.

Because Lin Kai's performance in sports seems to have a special aura, it also makes Lin Kai no longer have any prejudice against Lin Kai in the eyes of his classmates.

Of course, according to class star Chen Yiling, this is not the case. After all, sports are still sports, and going to college must rely on culture.

Without culture, no matter how good you are in sports, it will be useless!
Of course, if Lin Kai knew what the class flower Chen Yiling was thinking, he might have to tell the other party, and he would definitely slap him in the face.

As Lin Kai's coach, Ye Jianhui was sincerely proud of Lin Kai when he learned that Lin Kai had achieved such a performance and won the championship at the Provincial Games.

He really strives to win glory for himself. Even if Lin Kai graduates from now on, Lin Kai is destined to be a proud player that Ye Jianhui can brag about throughout his coaching career.

The news spread quickly, and there were only a handful of things that happened in the school, and it quickly reached the ears of the two senior sisters, Huang Susu and Xu Meishu.

"Wow! Junior Lin Kai is so awesome! He even won the championship at the Provincial Games, and he even won two at once!"

While speaking, there was light in Huang Susu's eyes.

"Indeed! Unexpectedly, there is a character like Lin Kai in the school."

Feeling from the bottom of my heart, Xu Meishu thinks that Junior Lin Kai is really amazing!
If it is not good, it is really difficult to win such honors in the provincial sports meeting!
Originally, Huang Susu planned to meet junior Lin Kai sometime, but Xu Meishu settled the proposal on the grounds of sprinting for the college entrance examination.

In the end, Huang Susu had to give up.

It’s the end of March, is it still far away from the national college entrance examination in June?
If it wasn't for the [-]-day countdown to the college entrance examination, Xu Meishu and Huang Susu might have already entered the [-]-day countdown to the college entrance examination.

In addition, Xiao Yuerong, who transferred to another school, also learned about Brother Lin's victory in the Provincial Games from his classmates and the banner at the school gate.

From the bottom of my heart, I just think that brother Lin is really amazing!
In fact, I also wanted to go to Brother Lin, but in the end Xiao Yuerong gave up the idea.


Lin Kai thought that he had to make good use of the six quality points in the provincial sports meeting with a full load.

In addition, Lin Kai plans to give himself some time to settle down.

There is not much time left for myself!
Who makes Lin Kai want to be one step ahead of others? Otherwise, Lin Kai would be given enough time.

10 seconds 81 is far from enough for Lin Kai.

For the top universities in the country, it is almost meaningless.

Of course, if you rely on luck, you might as well give it a try.

It's just that Lin Kai never pays attention to luck. There is no luck, only strength!
But when asked by others, Lin Kai would use luck to cover up his hard work.

Maybe this is the inherent humility of the Chinese people.

There is still a big gap between Jiangdong University and the top universities in the country.


"Brother Lin, you said you are so fast, there is no need to work so hard!"

Li Wei was puzzled by Lin Kai's hard training.

Coach Ye Jianhui's own standards for Brother Lin are high, but Lin Kai will always practice extra and never falls behind.

"Do you think you'll stop when you've tasted the sweetness?"

Asking Li Wei, Lin Kai smiled mysteriously.

Shaking his head, Li Wei didn't particularly understand the meaning, but he understood the simple truth.

"Probably not?"

"That's right, every mountain is even taller!"

As for my plan to take the national high-level athlete examination in the second semester of high school, that is, in 2005 this year.

And this is the same as last September, 2004, when I was just reborn, and more than half a year.

In the past half year, Lin Kai's strength has undergone a radical change.

Don't dare to relax, there is really not much time, the past day is really the past day.

It is absolutely impossible for the national high-level sports meeting exams to be scheduled behind the national college entrance examination.

Think about it, Lin Kai thinks that after the training is over, he needs to ask coach Ye Jianhui.

Although the time for the national high-level athlete examination has not been determined yet, if we want to determine the specific time, it should be during this time.

Before his training was over, Lin Kai beat his sore thighs and walked towards the starting line.

Although the environment can hinder people's training, it can also hone one's will.

With a whistle hanging around his neck, Ye Jianhui really didn't find anything critical of Lin Kai, a player.

(End of this chapter)

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