Chapter 130 Risky Decision

"Your mother and I will think about it!"

Not daring to let go rashly, Lin Fugui always felt that this scene seemed familiar.

But I don't know when I experienced this kind of scene.

"Alright then, I'll go back to my room first."

Don't say anything more, even if my parents don't let go today, Lin Kai can continue to do ideological work for his parents tomorrow.

Water drips through stone, everything pays attention to persistence, and the ideological work of being a parent is the same.


The stage given to Lin Kai by Yundu No. [-] Middle School is too small, and it will eventually limit Lin Kai's growth.

The truth is cruel. Coach Ye Jianhui's teaching level can no longer keep up with Lin Kai's progress.

Coupled with the crude training facilities of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

It is indeed difficult to cultivate a second talent like Lin Kai.

The reason why Lin Kai was able to get to this point in this environment is that there is no luck, only strength!
As for strength, the track and field system in my mind is also a part of strength!
As the time approached, Lin Kai couldn't help but become nervous.

It's as if there is a countdown hourglass in my mind, dripping quicksand.

May will definitely become an unforgettable memory for me.

The hotter the weather, the sooner the day will dawn.

When mid-April came, Lin Kai did his parents' ideological work well.

And Lin Kai's own strength has also improved!
This made Lin Kai think that he should be considered ready for everything now, and he only owes Dongfeng!
Waiting is undoubtedly long, but only in the process of waiting will everything become meaningful.

Unknowingly, Lin Kai has lost touch with the other members of the school track and field team.

And Li Wei also found that Brother Lin was drifting away from him.

But in Li Wei's heart, Brother Lin has always been the same Brother Lin in his heart, and nothing will change this.

Recently, coach Ye Jianhui has talked with himself more frequently.

Obviously, after the other party learned that he planned to take the National High-Level Athlete Examination, he couldn't help worrying about himself.

The coach with his hands behind his back in front of him called himself to stop before today's training.

"The sports facilities in this school are getting better and better!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with the plastic track built by the school!"

Expressed emotion about this, I thought I could catch up with the plastic runway that I started to build in advance, but now I find that I still can't catch up.

And coach Ye Jianhui also feels sorry for Lin Kai, a player who may have to start early!
"The plastic runway is expected to be completed in the summer vacation. I also want to spend more time with you. I am also considering the special summer training."

"Yes! Special summer training can improve the strength of teammates, I think it is possible."

The conversation with coach Ye Jianhui was not like the relationship between a player and the coach, but like a pair of friends.

"That's right, this year's National High-Level Athlete Examination, when will you start?"

"Maybe in the next few days, I want to go there to adapt to the environment first."

It does take some time to adapt to a new environment. Lin Kai knows this.

If you don't deliberately allow time to adapt to the environment, rush to the race and want to run an ideal result, it is a bit unreasonable.

My team member has always given me the impression that I am mature, so I don't need to worry too much.

It's just that as a coach, Ye Jianhui didn't accompany Lin Kai to participate in the competition several times, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

No matter what you say, you know better than anyone in your heart.

So as a coach, Ye Jianhui has a bold idea in his heart, but he dare not put it into practice.

Still in the final entanglement in his heart, Ye Jianhui knew that he still couldn't make a decision.


This trip requires financial support from parents.

A penny is hard for a penny, Lin Kai dare not say that he does not need money to go out, without money it is difficult to move an inch.

Today is the last day he stays in school, Lin Kai thinks he will leave tomorrow!
You should fight for your goals!
The national high-level athlete examination will become a turning point in my life.

After all, I didn't go to college in my previous life, I was just in name, and I was still in a sports school.

In this life, Lin Kai doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes as his previous life!
In the school leader's office, Ye Jianhui was asking for leave with the school leader, and it was still a long vacation.

One request lasted for more than a week, who could stand it!
"You ask for leave, I can't approve it, even if it is approved, you have to deduct your salary!"

Anyway, the school leaders disagreed, and planned to scare Ye Jianhui with salary deductions.

The school is quite deficient in talents like Ye Jianhui.

In addition, if Ye Jianhui takes such a long vacation, the school track and field team will never be free!
You must know that no other coach can be spared to lead the school track and field team.

Of course, even if it is possible, the school leaders are still worried that the other party will not be able to lead well.

Ye Jianhui also had a headache when the school leaders left their words here.

It is indeed a bit difficult to ask for leave and have your salary deducted.

The school leaders could also see that Ye Jianhui was hesitating. Obviously, he was moved by the idea of ​​asking for leave just now, and planned to add fuel to it.

"If you take such a long leave, what will happen to the members of this school's track and field team? The school can't spare any extra coaches."

If it’s hard to do, then don’t do it!
In the end, Ye Jianhui felt that he could accept the salary deduction. He had just graduated, he was young and energetic, and he was willing to make some risky decisions.

If he was ten years older, maybe Ye Jianhui would also lose that passionate heart.

"I still ask for leave, deduct wages and deduct wages!"

Be ruthless, Ye Jianhui's heart is bleeding, and he has no savings.

What kind of savings can I have just after graduation, and now I have to deduct my salary. This time I will accompany Lin Kai to take the national high-level athlete examination. After I come back, I guess I will return to the pre-liberation.

But Ye Jianhui really has no regrets. He was unable to accompany him several times before. This may be the last and only time. Ye Jianhui chose me as a coach to accompany Lin Kai to win this tough battle in the national high-level athlete examination.

"Okay! You agree to deduct wages, then I will approve it for you this long vacation!"

The school leaders also let go, whoever told Ye Jianhui to accept the deduction of salary, so there is nothing else to say.

After leaving the office, Ye Jianhui let out a long breath.

The decision I made, I have nothing to regret.

Furthermore, the members of the school track and field team have also communicated with one of the physical education teachers who has a good relationship with them.

The training plan is still arranged by yourself, and you only need to supervise these school track and field team members to complete the training plan.

"As a coach, I will accompany you to win this tough battle!"

Thinking silently in his mind, Ye Jianhui planned to explain this matter to Lin Kai during the break.

At least his team members will not have to fight alone.

(End of this chapter)

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