The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 131 Listening again is the end of the song

Chapter 131 Listening again is the end of the song

No longer will others say that he doesn’t even have a coach and is not an unwanted child.

Before leaving, Ye Jianhui had to make arrangements for his departure.

Otherwise, I would not feel at ease to leave. As a coach, Ye Jianhui hopes to be considerate.

There is no best of both worlds, but there is no regret in doing things!
"Lin Kai, Li Wei, a teacher told you two to go out!"

The students in the class yelled, which also made Lin Kai and Li Wei, who were still chatting in the big class, wondering, what teacher called me?
When I walked out of the classroom and saw the coach standing in the corridor, it turned out to be the coach!
"Will you leave tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow, my head teacher and I have asked for leave!"

He is said to be the head teacher, but in fact he is his uncle, so Lin Kai has no pressure at all to ask for leave!
After all, my uncle also knew what he was going to do.

Who asked my mother to tell her uncle about this matter?

I have to say that I convinced my parents, part of the credit, and my uncle Zhang Ru.

"I'll go with you tomorrow, and I've also asked for leave!"

"Ah! Coach, are you going too?"

Lin Kai was a little surprised. What happened?

Coach Ye Jianhui accompanied me, did I hear it right?
You must know that coach Ye Jianhui has no plans to accompany him in the city sports meeting or the provincial sports meeting.

Why did he go to the capital to take the national high-level athlete examination, and coach Ye Jianhui planned to accompany him?

"Seeing that you are surprised, I want to win this tough battle with you. You are my most proud team member. It is unreasonable not to win this tough battle with you!"

"I'm a little touched by this!"

"You brat, are you kidding me? I'll go with you tomorrow to win this tough battle."

When Li Wei heard the conversation between Brother Lin and coach Ye Jianhui, he just felt that it was foggy.

They are clearly speaking in Chinese, why can't I understand them at all?

For a moment, Li Wei doubted that he was an alien!
"Okay, you go back, here I have a few words with Li Wei."

Lin Kai turned around and left. He also needed to digest the news.

Coach Ye Jianhui accompanied him to participate in the national high-level athlete examination, and he probably made a huge sacrifice.

Lin Kai previously believed that as a coach, Ye Jianhui is undoubtedly a good coach, but as his own personal coach, he cannot be said to be a good coach.

But now Lin Kai withdraws his previous opinion, Ye Jianhui is undoubtedly a good coach, for himself and for the players.

After all, coach Ye Jianhui must have made huge sacrifices for his national high-level athlete examination.

After Lin Kai left, Ye Jianhui turned to look at Li Wei.

This player who was appointed as the vice-captain by himself has indeed been taken away by Lin Kai on weekdays.

But Ye Jianhui is actually quite satisfied with it.

"Li Wei, starting tomorrow, I have a difficult task for you."

"What, coach? I can definitely finish it!"

"Okay, okay, don't rush to win. Let me talk about this first..."

"Can it be done?"


Given such a task by coach Ye Jianhui, Li Wei was under a lot of pressure, and also felt the trust of coach Ye Jianhui in him.

And trust is what young people of Li Wei's age want most.


Pack your bags and leave this small [-]th-tier county where you are born and raised.

At this moment, Lin Kai knew that he should work hard for his own life, and the national high-level athlete examination would be a watershed in his life.

Look up at the five large characters on the only train station in this small county.

"Yundu Railway Station"

Lin Kai felt a little inexplicably, the wheel of history always moves forward, and if you can't keep up, you will be ruthlessly crushed. For this reason, people must constantly improve themselves to avoid being eliminated by society.

For this reason, Lin Kai evaluated it as: the era of cannibalism!
Ye Jianhui next to him didn't know what his teammate Lin Kai was thinking, but he just felt that he was revisiting his old place.

You must know that I have been in the capital for four years.

But this time I revisited the old place to lead my team to win the tough battle of the National High-level Athlete Examination!
"Check the ticket and enter the station, it's almost time for departure."

Lin Kai nodded and followed in the footsteps of coach Ye Jianhui.

The green leather train to the capital takes more than 20 hours, which means that I will stay in the narrow train for a day and a night.

For Lin Kai, this was undoubtedly a torment.

Of course, this kind of suffering must be endured. You must know that Lin Kai is not a rich young man, so he cannot endure hardship.

"Beer, drink, mineral water, peanut and melon seed eight-treasure porridge, give me a leg."

Listening to it again, it was already the person in the song. Lin Kai didn't know why the salesmen on the train were so unified.

It seems that he took the train in his previous life to participate in the competition.

The memories of his past life were like a surging tide, allowing Lin Kai to recall many memory fragments at once.

Instant noodles, mineral water and bread on the road are the food for Lin Kai and Ye Jianhui on the way.

Coach Ye Jianhui has long been familiar with such an environment.

On the hard way to study, I did not miss the green leather train.


Like a sardine-can train carriage, the smells are really unpleasant.

Lin Kai finally came out of the station and breathed in the fresh air, feeling like he had been reborn.

Capital, I see I conquer!
Ye Jianhui, on the other hand, felt that the capital was changing so fast, and he had only been away for a long time before so many high-rise buildings had sprung up.

This may be the fast pace of a developed city, which is different every day, which is completely different from the slow pace of my hometown, where I can still stay on the way home to watch the sun set.

When you come to the capital, you must first solve the problem of accommodation.

There's no way you can sleep in a bridge hole!
The capital already has the concept of cheap hotels, so this time Lin Kai chose to be a little extravagant and stay in a hotel.

After all, sometimes, the province should save, and other provinces should not be saved.

Rest is extremely important for his competitive status, and Lin Kai does not intend to wrong himself in this regard.

As long as the food is edible, Lin Kai is not picky about it.

In his previous life, he could go through a period of nightmare, which was like a nutritious meal that made Lin Kai's mouth look like a bird during that time.

So when it comes to diet, Lin Kai is really not picky.

There are still a few days before the National High-Level Athlete Examination, so Lin Kai has to adjust his competition status these days.

For the 100-meter and 200-meter events registered, Lin Kai also wanted to be on the safe side.

After all, Lin Kai himself was also worried that an accident would happen!
Of course, Lin Kai admits that he is more or less selfish.

If you can get quality points in the national high-level athlete examination, that will of course be the best result.

(End of this chapter)

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