Chapter 139

As a sophomore in high school, Lin Kai began to study hard.

The abrupt approach made the students in the class curious.

Could it be that Lin Kai, who usually doesn't like studying, suddenly became enlightened when he went out for a trip?
These students, and even his own team members, were all kept in the dark by Lin Kai.

Just because before this matter was done, Lin Kai discussed with coach Ye Jianhui in advance and kept this matter in his stomach.

Putting himself into the bitter sea of ​​study, Lin Kai wanted to cry, and changing his life has never been a simple matter.

After passing the level of sports expertise, there is still the level of culture.

Of course, there is no limit to the sea of ​​hardships, and Lin Kai did not stop his usual training while studying.

Just because training has become Lin Kai's personal living habit, he feels uncomfortable when he stops.

Furthermore, Lin Kai still has to use the six quality points that Lin Kai obtained in the National High-level Athlete Examination!
The quality points won are useless except for improving one's own physical fitness.

It is impossible to save quality points for the New Year. Lin Kai has always believed that by using them to improve his physical fitness, he will be more confident of winning the championship when the next competition comes!

In the last class in the afternoon, when there were 5 minutes left, the head teacher came in and announced the matter!
"After school this afternoon, we will have a holiday to free up the examination room for your seniors and sisters to take the college entrance examination. During this period, I have repeatedly stressed that you must not come to school, must not come to school, must not come to school, do you understand? ?”

"I understand!"

"Oh~, I'm finally on vacation!"

"It would be great if seniors and seniors take exams every week!"


These students who have known the news for a long time, all cheered for it, but they didn't feel it at all. Soon they will become senior seniors and sisters in high school, facing the college entrance examination.

At least for now, these students are only sophomores.

The students in the class were cheering, and the whole classroom was filled with joy and cheerful atmosphere!
"After the teacher assigns homework in each class, take the homework home, and check the homework when you come back from vacation!"

What the class teacher said did not affect the joy of these students for the holiday in the slightest.

"Brother Lin, it's a holiday. It's a holiday."

"Li Wei, you will take over my position as captain from now on!"

"What? Brother Lin, what are you talking about?"

The classroom was too noisy to hear clearly, so Li Wei asked again.

"I said, how about we make a bet?"

Increase the decibel level of his words, Lin Kai shouted to Li Wei.

"What's the bet?"

When he heard about the bet, Li Wei suddenly became interested and his eyes lit up!
"Bet you will be the captain of the school track and field team when you come back from vacation!"

"how is this possible?"

"Are you blocked? I bet you will be the captain of the school track and field team!"

"Bet! Just bet. Who is afraid of whom? I will definitely win. What is the punishment?"

Li Wei believed that it was impossible for him to lose. With Brother Lin here, the captain of the school track and field team would not be able to take his turn.

Brother Lin's performance in the school track and field team is obvious to everyone, and his majesty is also shown here.

"If you lose, train hard for the next year and try to get into a good university. As for me, you can decide whatever you want!"

It was impossible to lose. Lin Kai knew that you would stay in school after he finished the college entrance examination.

There is no doubt that Lin Kai believes in his own culture and can pass the designated line.

Be confident in yourself in everything and do what you say you will do!
"That's fine, if you lose, please let me play for a week."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The juvenile's fist fight also made this bet formally established.


The national college entrance examination, which has never been experienced in the previous life, has to be experienced in this life.

It can be regarded as making up for the hypocrisy of not being able to participate in the national college entrance examination in the previous life.

The national college entrance examination is coming, and everyone is making concessions for you!
Lin Kai could also feel the atmosphere of the college entrance examination.

Write everything you know how to write, and don't give yourself blank questions if you don't know how to write.

"The exam is over! Candidates, please stop writing and stand up!"

Accompanied by the ringing of the bell, it means that the college entrance examination is over, and the three years of high school have officially ended. Of course, for Lin Kai, it is the end of the two years of high school!
Who made Lin Kai save a year of high school on his own.

In Lin Kai's eyes, studying in high school for one more year is a waste of time.

After all, the stage of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is too small for me, and it has restricted my development.


"Why didn't Brother Lin come to school? Do you know what's going on?"

Seeing that Brother Lin's seat was empty without a single book, Li Wei curiously asked his teammates.

"I don't know, I still want to ask you!"

"That's right, Brother Lin doesn't plan to come to school today, does he?"

"Did you oversleep?"

While Li Wei and the team members were discussing, the head teacher also walked into the classroom.

"Li Wei, after class, you can move Lin Kai's desk to the corridor."

He patted the table to signal for silence!
"I said one thing before class."

Hearing this, Li Wei thought the head teacher was going to criticize Brother Lin, but then he thought about it and felt something was wrong.

The head teacher is brother Lin's uncle!
You shouldn’t criticize Brother Lin for this incident!
"Lin Kai, a classmate in our class, took the college entrance examination and no longer plans to come to school!"

As soon as this statement came out, it caused an uproar. The class that was originally quiet suddenly became noisy again!
Frowning, the head teacher Zhang Ru of course had to pat the table again.

"It's all quiet. The other classes are in class. It's not a big deal. There's no need to make a fuss."

Under the majesty of the head teacher, everyone could only suppress their curiosity.

After all, no one wants to get into trouble with the head teacher, and no one wants to be the one who stands out.

But Li Wei suddenly recalled the bet between Brother Lin and himself on the afternoon of the holiday.

If Li Wei still doesn't understand now, he will be a fool!
Brother Lin took the college entrance examination ahead of schedule and obviously achieved good results in the National High-Level Athletes Examination.

This bet, I will lose, Li Wei thinks Brother Lin is cheating!
How can cheating bets count!
It's just that Li Wei suddenly wanted to ask Brother Lin, why didn't he tell himself in advance?

It's not that I don't want to celebrate him!
This is obviously a good thing, there is no need to hide it.

Of course, the young man's thinking is relatively simple, but Lin Kai thinks that there is no need to say something that is not [-]% guaranteed before the matter is settled.

And the students in the class were all wondering what the hell Lin Kai was doing!
Taking the college entrance examination as a sophomore is no joke.

Furthermore, Lin Kai’s achievements are obvious to all.

Wanting to be admitted to a university is simply a dream come true!
Of course, these students don't know the specific situation of the bonus points for sports specialties.

(End of this chapter)

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