The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 140 Today Is A Fool's Chapter?

Chapter 140 Today Is April Fool's Day?

Lin Kai estimated the score at home, and the estimated score was very dangerous.

It happened to be a few points above the passing line, and Lin Kai became inexplicably worried about this.

Your own estimated score must be low, not high!
Otherwise, wouldn't I have to pass by on the passing score line.

If he hadn't crossed the line in culture, Lin Kai felt that his mentality might be cracked.

After all, it can be said that it is the saddest thing to step into Peking University with half of your foot and get stuck with one foot.

How could an arrow that had left the string be retrieved?
Anyway, Lin Kai thought that his plan to go back and study for another year was a waste of his time, and his career as an athlete only lasted for ten years.

I can't bear to waste myself like this!
Lin Kai admitted that his culture does have some elements of gambling.

But most of the time, life can not be smooth sailing!
Even if he is a reborn person, there is no exception for the track and field system.

You are your own protagonist, not the protagonist of this world. Without yourself, the earth will still turn.

Why worry, only training!
Lin Kai used training to alleviate the worries in his heart!
Improving your strength is your top priority at any time.


After returning to the campus and training in the afternoon, coach Ye Jianhui nodded in satisfaction as he watched Li Wei take the initiative to take over Lin Kai's job of leading the team to warm up.

Originally thinking that Lin Kai was not here, maybe this warm-up session would be messed up.

In the past, it was Lin Kai who led the warm-up session well, but he himself became the hands-off shopkeeper.

It was a childish warm-up, but at least there was nothing wrong with this warm-up session.

You can't use Lin Kai's standard to standardize other players. You must know that Lin Kai is a special case.

So coach Ye Jianhui thinks that Li Wei is doing quite well.

I already have a plan in mind!
Assemble the team and make an announcement!
"Starting from today, Li Wei will be the captain, and I will refer to the performance of your other players as the vice captain in the past few days, to be determined!"

Hearing Coach Ye Jianhui's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems that Brother Lin really doesn't plan to come back!
At first I thought Brother Lin was just one step ahead of everyone, but now it seems that it is so simple to be one step ahead!
It is clearly a whole year ahead of everyone!
"Do you understand everything?"


"Well, Li Wei will be your captain from today on. As for Lin Kai, everyone is waiting for his good news!"

With a wave of his hand, coach Ye Jianhui signaled to start today's training.

After teaching Lin Kai out, Ye Jianhui hoped that he could teach the rest of the team members out.

To be full of peaches and plums should be something that every coach hopes from the bottom of his heart.

The moment coach Ye Jianhui announced that he was the captain, Li Wei thought silently in his heart: You won this bet, Brother Lin, I will keep my promise and train well!

It was worth the hard wait of more than ten days.

When he heard the dial on the phone, Lin Kai's total score was just over the score line, just one point more.

For a moment, Lin Kai felt that he wanted to give away all his points.

My mother sat in front of the landline, weeping with joy.

I can't wait to tell Lin Kai's father this good news, so that Lin Kai's father is also happy!
At first, I was worried that Lin Kai's grades would not be good, and the days when he would not be able to pass the university entrance exams had become a thing of the past.

The moment Lin Kai heard that his cultural score had crossed the line by one point, Lin Kai had already been admitted by Peking University!
Passing the cultural score means that you have been admitted to Peking University.

Lin Kai was a little excited, and now he has truly changed the trajectory of his life!
My identity in this life is a college student of Beijin University, not a professional athlete in a sports school.

Telling the good news to coach Ye Jianhui, Lin Kai believed that coach Ye Jianhui did have a credit for his admission to Peking University.

The news that Lin Kai had passed the Peking University soon spread among the teachers, and for this reason, it also reached the ears of the students.

For this reason, the students who knew Lin Kai were greatly surprised!
What's the matter? This is it?

Is today April Fool's Day?

Why are you making this silly joke in broad daylight?
But this is not a joke at all, but the real fact!
Class flower Chen Yiling, as Lin Kai's classmate, hadn't been able to see sports students like Lin Kai clearly before, but now she couldn't figure out why Lin Kai was admitted to Peking University.

When will such poor students be admitted to Peking University?
Li Wei, who heard the news, only had admiration in his heart, and only admiration for Lin Kai.

Lin Ge is really awesome!
I thought this was just a simple matter of getting into college, but things always seemed too simple. How could this be a simple matter of getting into college?
This is clearly the entrance to Peking University!
All of a sudden Li Wei understood why Brother Lin didn't tell this matter.

Before this matter has completely become a fact, it will only be seen as a joke if it is said.

So Lin Ge deliberately concealed something before he was [-]% sure, which is understandable.

The spread of the news was terrifying. When Lin Kai received a call from the Admissions Office of Beijin University, he also got a piece of news.

The school track and field team of Beijin University will officially start training in mid-July this year's summer vacation.

If you have an idea, you can come here in advance to adapt to the training.

He said that he would come if he had an idea, but what he said was that he hoped that he could come directly to receive summer training.

Lin Kai also knew that it was nothing more than his own talent, which was valued by the coaches at Peking University.

Otherwise, how could he specially vacate a spot for himself.

You must know that this kind of summer training is actually usually for those who are talented.

It is similar to the reserve talent pool of the national team.

In addition, such a euphemism is just to see if I am self-motivated.

Lin Kai is very familiar with this kind of temptation in disguise.

They are all old fritters, if Lin Kai can't hear it, then it's really a waste of time!
After accepting the coach's proposal for summer training, Lin Kai couldn't wait to improve his strength.

How could Lin Kai not yearn for a brand-new big stage where he could display his talents!
And the time is set in mid-July, there is actually no conflict in time.

But recently, Lin Kai specified that he needed to get busy.

It's not for anything else, it's simply that there are huge interests involved, and it's because of Lin Kai's admission to Peking University.

There is a saying in later generations that if you work hard for ten years, you will not be able to pass the Peking University.

Therefore, the value of being admitted to Peking University is unimaginable.


He came to the school specially, for no other reason, and was admitted to Beijin University, which alarmed the school leaders of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

There are students from my own school who have passed the Peking University, so naturally they are highly valued.

(End of this chapter)

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