Chapter 143 Peking University
"You guessed it all!"

"This can't be guessed casually! But I have the honor to be a college classmate with Senior Sister Xu."


"Because senior sister Xu is so beautiful!"

The simple and direct compliment made Xu Meishu blush a little.

It’s up to you how to reply, and the compliment is too direct!
In fact, Lin Kai seems to have a different view of senior sister Xu Meishu in his heart.

Before, the two senior sisters Xu Meishu and Huang Susu looked for me together, but Xu Meishu almost didn't speak.

The appearance looks cold, like a goddess of icebergs, coupled with the fact that she doesn't speak, it really gives Lin Kai an illusion that senior sister Xu Meishu is difficult to get along with.

But after a few words, Lin Kai realized that he seemed to be judging people by their appearance and missed Xu Meishu. The senior sister clearly had a cheerful and lively personality.

It's just that I might have been dissuaded by Senior Sister Xu Meishu's appearance before!
"Hey~ Which university did Senior Sister Huang get admitted to?"

"Jiangdong Normal University."

"In the province, that's pretty good!"

Lin Kai didn't think too much about senior Huang Susu staying in the province.

It was agreed that nothing happened between me and Huang Susu.

At most, it can be confirmed that Huang Susu has some affection for him.

There is nothing to be sad about, Lin Kai thinks that being sad is all about being full.

You still have to pursue your passion and get ahead.

There are so many pretentious thoughts. Regarding Huang Susu, Lin Kai just regarded her as a passer-by in his life, and he never even had a beautiful misunderstanding.

Originally, Xu Meishu thought that junior Lin Kai would have a look of regret on her face.

But staring at Lin Kai's face for several seconds, he never caught any emotion from Lin Kai's face.

"Hey, hello, senior sister, do I have flowers on my face? Or do you like me?"


Xu Meishu felt embarrassed when she realized it, and it was no wonder that Huang Susu liked such a boy.

Such a boy is indeed very attractive, and Xu Meishu never denied Lin Kai's confident charm.

In Lin Kai's opinion, the girls these days are too careless, so this should be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow!

Set off!
This time our goal is the sea of ​​stars!
What is indelible in reality is Lin Kai's love for track and field!
For Peking University's summer training, Lin Kai inevitably has some expectations!
This is a race against time!
I always remember what Senior Ike said.

"Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it!"

This is true. After the college entrance examination, it will be nearly three months of summer vacation. Lin Kai plans to use this summer vacation to participate in the summer training of Beijin University. In Lin Kai's opinion, he has not wasted time.

Riding on the green leather train again, Lin Kai traveled lightly.

Of course, the money is specified to be enough, a full 1 yuan, which is equivalent to a huge sum of money.

The small city outside the window of the green leather train is getting farther and farther away. The low-rise buildings and green plants form a sharp contrast between the greenery at a glance and the tranquility and chaos inside the car.

Embarking on a new journey, Lin Kai thought that in this life, he must bring his talents to the international stage.

On the domestic stage, Lin Kai felt that his ambitions needed to be bigger and aimed directly at the international stage.


And Xu Meishu, who had frequent contact with Huang Susu during the summer vacation, also told Huang Susu about meeting Lin Kai's junior when she took the admissions resume.

"When I have time, I will definitely go to you."

Huang Susu made a vow, but Xu Meishu didn't know what to say.

The geography teacher once said in class that it is nearly [-] kilometers from this small county on the [-]th line to the capital.

Nearly [-] kilometers, Xu Meishu doesn't know how far?
But I think it must be a long, long way away.

College should be the first time I travel far away, the first time I leave my hometown.

Therefore, Xu Meishu cannot guarantee whether Huang Susu will still remember what she said today.


It was true that the boat was exhausted. Just doing the green train made Lin Kai feel confused in the carriage, and he had no specific concept of time.

Of course, Lin Kai still knows the most basic day and night.

Walking out of the station, in the overcrowded station, Lin Kai didn't care about being squeezed by the passing passengers. Only after breathing the first breath of fresh air did he feel alive!
The top priority now should be to report to Peking University as soon as possible.

One must know that it was getting late, Lin Kai didn't want to stay out tonight.

Immediately, he took out the mobile phone he had bought, and dialed the contact information of the coach that the admissions office had given him before.

As for the teachers in the admissions office, they are probably busy recruiting students, so they must have no time to take care of themselves.

"Arrived in the capital?"

"Hmm, teacher, am I going directly to Peking University?"

"Yes, go directly to the entrance of Peking University and call my number."


After a simple communication, Lin Kai reached out to stop the taxi and set off for Peking University, where he would stay for the next four years.

"Master, go to Peking University."

With all kinds of buildings and vehicles, Lin Kai felt that his life had opened a new chapter.

"Okay, you can do it, young man. He will become a pillar in the future."

Lin Kai didn't take the taxi master's praise seriously, because the country always associates universities with talents.

But in Lin Kai's eyes, the two are not true.

Of course, teaching or educating people, which is more important, Lin Kai still hasn't figured it out!
Get out of the car and look at the huge gate of Beijin University. The four big characters on the gate - Beijin University, have a historical heritage and a scholarly atmosphere.

I secretly thought in my heart: Maybe this is the background of the top universities in China!
He called the coach again and waited quietly at the gate of Beijin University.

Lin Kai simply carried a backpack, but he never took care of his family.

In Lin Kai's opinion, he doesn't have this need at all. If he has money, he can naturally buy daily necessities. In addition, the school usually provides beds and quilts.

So it's more about bringing some items that you think are valuable and bringing people with you.

Seeing a middle-aged man walking towards him, Lin Kai guessed that this might be the coach who came to pick him up.

Just by the outfit on his body, Lin Kai guessed it!
"Hello teacher!"

"You are Lin Kai. You arrived two days before the summer training. It's not bad. My full name is Cai Quande. You can call me Coach Cai from now on. Let's go. I'll take you to the dormitory now."

"Trouble Coach Cai, Coach Cai, it's not too late for me!"

"Not counting, there are still a few players who are also participating in summer training, and they haven't come yet."


Follow coach Cai Quande and walk into this Peking University.

(End of this chapter)

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