Chapter 144
The huge campus, already walking on the road, can feel the cultural heritage and the smell of books.

For a moment, Lin Kai felt that he had been nurtured!
Of course, this designation is an illusion. If you can be influenced by yourself by staying for a few minutes, it is estimated that countless people will squeeze their heads over.

Coach Cai Quande, who is walking in the front, has been helping Lin Kaike learn about Peking University.

He is ignorant of the historical background of Peking University. In Lin Kai's view, the history of Peking University has little to do with him.

What I want more is the big stage of Peking University and the help that Peking University can bring to me.

Not wanting to be too restrained, but also wants to get the tilt of resources, Lin Kai is thinking beautifully!
Big, for Beijin University, Lin Kai only thinks Beijin University is really big!
After walking for a long time, he still hadn't reached the dormitory where he was assigned, which made Lin Kai sigh in his heart: Maybe he should arrange a self-confidence car for himself!
Lin Kai was not kidding if he dared to say this.

Of course, if Lin Kai wants to buy a car, it is almost impossible. One is that Lin Kai has no money, and the other is that today's car is a proper luxury.

"Considering that you are in summer training, here we plan to arrange you in a single dormitory, and we will use it as a reference when the school starts."

Coach Cai Quande, who was walking in front, specially asked the dormitory manager to get the key, and led Lin Kai into the dormitory building.

As expected of a single dormitory, Lin Kai is quite satisfied with the space!
You must know the single dormitory, that is, the deluxe single room!
And Lin Kai also heard the movement of this dormitory building, so Lin Kai knew that this dormitory building might be occupied by athletes from the summer training of Beijin University.

For this reason, Lin Kai is quite curious about the strength of these athletes.

There should be quite a few students from this school, and Lin Kai felt that he was someone who needed to be involved.

"You can stay here for now. I have some things to do and leave first. The specific training time will be notified later!"

"Yeah, Coach Cai, let's go slowly!"

After Coach Cai Quande left, Lin Kai rolled up his sleeves and planned to clean the dormitory well.

It may be that I haven't lived in it for a while, and there are clearly visible dust on the bed and the floor!
Lin Kai, who was cleaning, was halfway through cleaning when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Who is knocking on the door?
Could it be that other athletes are having trouble with me?

Walking to the door and opening it, a familiar face aroused Lin Kai's memories of participating in the National High-level Athlete Examination.

Isn't the person in front of him Zhang Ze!
The opponent who was defeated by himself in the 100-meter event.

It must be said that Lin Kai was quite surprised that he could meet Zhang Ze again here.

And Zhang Ze's pupils dilated and his mouth opened slightly. It seemed that he knocked on the door unexpectedly, and it was Lin Kai who opened the door.

Lin Kai, who was leaning against the door, of course caught the boy's surprise.

"Hi, let's meet again, your future teammate, Lin Kai!"

"Hello, my name is Zhang Ze. I didn't expect you to be the new one who moved in."

"I'm quite surprised. It's you who I see when I open the door."

Zhang Ze and Lin Kai looked at each other and smiled. The small conflict in the National High-Level Athlete Examination before can be regarded as a smile to end the grievances!
"Actually, I didn't expect that I could be admitted to Peking University. It was a complete surprise to be admitted."

"That's not necessarily true. Peking University agrees with your talent, so don't seize your talent!"


I have to say that it was really unexpected to meet half of my acquaintances at Peking University.

In fact, Zhang Ze's talent is indeed among the dragons and phoenixes.

If it weren't for Lin Kai's track and field system, he might not be better than Zhang Ze in such a short period of time.

With full play and full calculation, Lin Kai was able to improve from 11 seconds to [-] seconds in just three months and only one year. It is impossible to say that the track and field system has no credit.

However, Lin Kai's current strength has actually improved from the national high-level athlete examination.

After all, in the days of studying culture, Lin Kai also did not miss training. In addition, Lin Kai's track and field system still has quality points.

IQ: 65
Speed: 86
Stamina: 83
Power: 74
Flexible: 72
Quality points: 1
The quality of speed alone has been improved from the previous 83 to 86, and the quality of strength and flexibility have also improved a little.

So now Lin Kai is stronger, but how much stronger he has become, this will only be known after testing!
Whether it is 100 meters or 200 meters, Lin Kai hopes that he can reach the level of national athletes.

After all, when you reach the national athlete level, it means that your strength has risen to a higher level, and at the same time, you can be divided into different levels from other people.

There is a huge difference between a national first-class athlete and a national athlete.


I got to know Zhang Ze, and I also got to know several other athletes who came to participate in the summer training of Beijin University like Lin Kai.

But the freshmen admitted by virtue of the 100-meter project were only Lin Kai and Zhang Ze.

As for other projects, basically one or two are admitted.

So most of the athletes are seniors of Peking University.

The time for Beijin University's summer training has been notified, and they will gather at one of Beijin University's track and field fields at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning.

Lin Kai was completely unfamiliar with Peking University.

So tomorrow I have to follow behind the senior.

Otherwise, you might not even be able to find the track and field.

After all, it's mid-July, and it's time for summer vacation. The students are either on summer vacation, or they have something to do.

In addition, other athletes who participated in Beijin University are all seniors.

Otherwise, students from other programs.

On the contrary, Lin Kai and Zhang Ze knew each other and had a pretty good relationship!
Lin Kai knew more or less about Zhang Ze's inner thoughts, and he was just thinking about trying to beat himself in the next game.

After all, if the other party didn't have this idea, Lin Kai looked down on Zhang Ze a bit.

Those who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers!
Those who don't want to win the championship are not good athletes. The two are actually the same.

I got up early the next day and arrived at the track and field of Beijin University at seven o'clock to report.

It was reported for the first time that neither Lin Kai nor Zhang Ze wanted to be late and did not want to leave a bad impression on the coach.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the Beijin University track and field, there were already coaches waiting.

Among them, Lin Kai saw coach Cai Quande, but obviously coach Cai Quande was not the main organizer.

A relatively older coach seems to be the organizer of this Beijing University summer training.

"Gather first, use the right as the benchmark, from tall to short, line up in order!"

The coach with a serious face, first of all let Lin Kai and others stand in line.

After Lin Kai and others stood in order, the older coach spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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