Chapter 145 Captain Ge

"My surname is Wang, and I am humble Wang. You can call me Professor Wang, or Coach Wang. That's fine. Of course, I also have another title, Lao Wang. Of course, if you want to call me Lao Wang before the summer training is over, first of all You must meet the goals I set for you!"


Old Wang next door?

Lin Kai admits that the title Lao Wang is true because it was spoiled by later generations!
Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thought of Lao Wang next door as my first thought.

However, Lin Kai was quite curious, calling this older coach Lao Wang, so there is still a request?

As for the so-called requirements - the goals set by the standards, it sounds quite difficult.

Before Lin Kai could continue to think about it, Coach Wang's voice came to his ears again.

"Last year I was also invited by Peking University to wait for your summer training, but last year no one could call me Lao Wang, so this year's summer training, I hope you can make a breakthrough from zero to one, understand Is it done?"

"I understand!"

Shouting along with these seniors, Lin Kai became inexplicably interested.

Why is it so difficult to call out Coach Wang and Lao Wang?
It just so happens that I like difficult things!
Who made Lin Kai think that life must be full of challenges, otherwise life will be boring!
"Ge Hong, you are still here to lead the team to warm up and serve as the temporary captain."

Coach Wang spoke, and an athlete named Ge Hong also came out to lead the team to warm up.

"I heard that Senior Brother Ge is already a junior and has the level of a national athlete, but he also wants to take a step further."

Zhang Ze, who was next to Lin Kai, whispered quietly next to Lin Kai.

Nodding silently, that is indeed the case. They are all at the level of national athletes. Naturally, they still want to continue to break through their own strength.

Furthermore, just because of the level of a national athlete, coupled with the status of a graduate of Beijin University, it is easy to be a physical education teacher.

Furthermore, Senior Brother Ge can definitely try to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

With this professional level, the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination is also greatly reduced.

If you succeed in the postgraduate entrance examination and perform well, you can stay at Beijin University.

It can be said that Senior Brother Ge has a bright future!
In words, Lin Kai could also feel Zhang Ze's envy.

Indeed, Brother Ge has already become most of the talented athletes like Lin Kai who choose to go to college.

After all, I have no intention of developing into a professional athlete at all. To put it bluntly, I also want to pursue a better life.

Compared with Yundu No. [-] Middle School, I have to say that Beijin University’s summer training led the team to warm up, which is quite professional.

Even Lin Kai has almost nothing to criticize.

The movements that are about to warm up are all similar, and the ultimate goal is to allow the body to move, so as to avoid injuries during training.

During the summer training at Peking University, Lin Kai was not the so-called captain.

At most one team member, as for whether the performance is outstanding or not, we have to look at the test results to know.

Lin Kai, who originally thought so, soon learned from Coach Wang that the project was being tested.

Those present are all sprinters, that is, the 100-meter and 200-meter events.

So the tests were conducted in two events: 100 meters and 200 meters.

We started testing as soon as we came up. This was to give everyone a head start before summer training.

Lin Kai still knows this little thought.

However, the test also has an advantage, that is, it allows the coach to understand your personal strength and level.

It's really not the first time Lin Kai has met the coach of the national team.

In his previous life, Lin Kai also received guidance from the coach of the national team.

It's nothing to make a fuss about, at most, I think that in this life, I will approach the height of my previous life so soon.

The speed of progress caught Lin Kai off guard a little!
"After you were admitted to Peking University, did you train?"

When Zhang Ze asked this question, Lin Kai could feel the other person's guilt.

After I was assigned to Peking University, I kind of let myself go!
However, the other party's willingness to come to participate in the summer training is actually extremely rare.

"What do you think!"

Asking Zhang Ze back, the meaning of Lin Kai's words is self-evident.

In fact, Lin Kai was quite curious about the strength of these sophomores and juniors.

But Lin Kai didn't want to ask abruptly if he didn't know them.

Of course, there are athletes from other universities, not just those from Peking University.

Otherwise, how could we gather so many players.

Having said that, Zhang Ze still doesn’t know if Lin Kai has been training!
That must be training!
Then wouldn't he be the only one left, Zhang Ze felt that Lin Kai had left the organization!
The 100-meter test venue was quickly arranged, and Coach Wang still held the roster in his hand.

The roster may also include the data of each player.

Of course, it may be that only Lin Kai and Zhang Ze's data is still in the national high-level athlete examination.

“Test against the roster.”

"Ge Hong."


He called Captain Ge when he came up, and it was obvious that Captain Ge was the center of attention.

You must know that they are all at the level of national athletes. Anyone who is more powerful can bring glory to the school in competitions.

Lin Kai, who didn't call out his name, stood by the track, wanting to observe the strength of these seniors, or other school athletes.

"Everyone take your place!"



I just felt that there seemed to be a light in front of my eyes. Captain Ge's reaction ability and activation speed were so fast that even Lin Kai was a little surprised!
It turns out that Captain Ge's advantage was in the first half of the race, and with this speed, he really gained the advantage instantly.

The technical movements were not sloppy at all. At least from Lin Kai's point of view, there was nothing too picky about the opponent's movements!
Of course, Lin Kai couldn't see the details.

In the final analysis, Lin Kai was also a professional athlete in his previous life, not a professional coach, and his vision is not so vicious!
Hearing the gasping sound around him, Zhang Ze knew without guessing that Zhang Ze was shocked by Captain Ge's strength.

The level of national athletes and the level of national first-level athletes are completely different levels.

In the 30 meters that passed in an instant, Captain Ge had already gained a huge advantage.

I speculated in my heart that if I let myself do it, I might be thrown off in the first 30 meters.

Lin Kai's mature technical moves may still have an advantage against Captain Ge, but they are quite weak.

In terms of technical movements, there is almost no difference.

Other players are also watching the game.

The captain's test, everyone is curious whether the captain can run out of the level of national athletes in the test.

Don't look at the results as just a number, but the charm of it may only be deeply understood by these athletes.

And Lin Kai was immersed in the pleasure of shortening the number.

(End of this chapter)

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