The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 146 Heroes from ancient times gave birth to boys

Chapter 146 Heroes from ancient times gave birth to boys

What is enough to convince a teenager on the track and field is only strength and achievements.

The remaining 50 meters passed in a flash. After Captain Ge crossed the finish line, Lin Kai and the other athletes had only one thought in their minds - hurry up!
Apart from being fast, other athletes, including Zhang Ze, may not be able to think of anything more.

Only Lin Kai felt that Captain Ge still had room for improvement.

At this age and with this strength, it would be false to say that there is no room for improvement.

However, Lin Kai was curious about what kind of results Captain Ge achieved in this 100-meter test.

"10 seconds 41!"

A senior student exclaimed, which satisfied Lin Kai's curiosity. It turned out that the group of 100-meter test just now ran a time of 10 seconds.

To admit how strong the other party is!
Lin Kai definitely would not admit it. After all, in his previous life, Lin Kai had at least run a time of around 10 seconds.

Unless someone can run faster than his previous life, Lin Kai will be able to admire the opponent's strength.

With the experience of his previous life, Lin Kai's vision naturally became higher.

Just looking at Zhang Ze next to him with admiration, Lin Kai knew that the young man was already overwhelmed by Captain Ge's strength.

The 100-meter test was carried out in groups, and almost all the team members had finished their turn. It was not yet their turn for himself and Zhang Ze.

Zhang Ze was inevitably a little anxious, and only Lin Kai sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

If nothing else, he and Zhang Ze should be placed in the last group.

As a freshman, that is, raw melon eggs, it is normal to be placed in the last group!
Furthermore, there is no difference between the first group and the last group. To put it bluntly, they are all tests.

"Get ready, it will be the two of you soon!"

Captain Ge, who finished the 100-meter test, came over to remind Lin Kai and Zhang Ze.

This surprised Lin Kai more or less.

After thinking about it, he is the captain, so it is normal to remind the team members.

This moved Zhang Ze a little bit, thinking that the captain cared about the team members.

It's too easy to get a boy's favor!
"Don't mess up the rhythm later!"

A friendly reminder to Zhang Ze, Lin Kai is worried that his performance later may make Zhang Ze mess up his rhythm.

After all, I know my own speed and strength best!
The physical fitness of the track and field system has improved. If the strength has not changed, ghosts will not believe it!
Anyway, Lin Kai didn't believe it!
"Lin Kai, Zhang Ze, you two team up."

Hearing Coach Wang calling his name, Lin Kai walked to the starting line.

Time to test!
The same goes for Zhang Ze. Zhang Ze felt that what Lin Kai said to him just now was too strange!
What does it mean not to mess up your own rhythm?
Do you seem like the kind of person who messes up his rhythm?

After thinking about it, he decided not to, anyway, Zhang Ze didn't think he was such a person.

It's true that there is no training, but Zhang Ze doesn't think that Lin Kai can distance himself from him.

In fact, Wang Qianxun is still the head coach of this summer training camp of Peking University, leading this summer training camp of Peking University.

I also know that Beijin University will occasionally give one or two places to freshmen.

So Coach Wang reluctantly looked forward to the performance of these two recruits.

As the coach Cai Quande who arranged for Lin Kai to stay in the dormitory, he was even more curious about Lin Kai's performance.

No matter what Lin Kai said, he was also the double champion of the 100-meter and 200-meter national high-level athlete examination.

The title of double champion is not just talk.

Squatting in front of the starting block, Lin Kai was ready to go.

"Everyone take your place!"



Immediately exerting force, Lin Kai's body heard the gunshot, and his muscle memory moved his body, maybe his brain was half a beat behind.

Mature technical movements are enough to make up for Lin Kai's lack of strength and flexibility.

In the starting stage, the most important thing is strength and flexibility.

A starting reaction, in the eyes of coach Wang, there is actually a gap between Lin Kai and Zhang Ze.

The mature technical movements of starting and accelerating are Lin Kai's cheats on the field.

In just 30 meters, Lin Kai was already in the lead. Looking up, he had a wide field of vision. From the corner of his eyes, he could see that other athletes were also paying attention to his group's 100-meter test.

This made Lin Kai feel that he needed to let these seniors know his strength!
It’s true that he is a junior, but his strength is not at the level of a junior!
Zhang Ze looked up, and when he saw that Lin Kai had opened the distance between him and himself, he wanted to catch up.

If you lag too far behind, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing in front of these seniors?
Anyway, Zhang Ze thought so, and wanted to catch up with Lin Kai.

Ge Hong, who was not curious about the two juniors at first, did not expect Lin Kai's start, which made him look at him with admiration.

I murmured to myself: This junior's start and acceleration are so fast! He is almost catching up with himself!
The other seniors did not expect that Lin Kai was completely different from the previous freshmen.

This is obviously a senior who came here to participate in the competition in the skin of a junior!
40 meters, 50 meters, Lin Kai only felt that his running speed was getting faster and faster.

Faster speed than ever before, which means stronger own strength.

It's just that Zhang Ze suffered from the same group of 100-meter tests as Lin Kai.

It's like green leaves with flowers, Zhang Ze made Lin Kai's performance even better.

On the other hand, Zhang Ze was just the opposite. Coach Wang frowned, wondering if there was a big difference in the strength of the two recruits.

Completely forgetting what Lin Kai reminded him before the test, Zhang Ze only wanted to catch up with Lin Kai.

However, the distance is placed here, but they are indifferent!
Zhang Ze, who was running, felt that this was torture, and he even wanted to cry!
It is inevitable to mess up the rhythm, but Zhang Ze can no longer control himself.

The status is online, Lin Kai only feels that the finish line is getting closer to him!
70 meters, 80 meters, 90 meters, press the line, sprint, all in one go!
After crossing the finish line, Lin Kai began to gradually slow down.

"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth!"

Coach Wang, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but praise.

Regardless of physical fitness, Lin Kai is not as good as most athletes in the national team with such mature technical moves at this age.

As for Lin Kai's physical fitness, at this age, having such physical fitness is enough to show that Lin Kai's talent is one in a million, but at the same time, he does not lack hard work.

Zhang Ze, who was pulled off by Lin Kai throughout the whole process, just felt like crying. Is this the sequelae of being slack for a period of time?

But isn't this aftereffect a bit too violent?
Anyway, Zhang Ze felt that the sequelae of slacking off were like a hammer that hit him until he was out of breath and unable to recover.

Standing on the track and field, with his hands on his hips, just looking at Zhang Ze's appearance, Lin Kai knows it well!
(End of this chapter)

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