Chapter 157 Longevity Noodles

The training itself before the start of school is of the same nature as summer training.

It was not a mandatory training. Coach Cai didn't take it to heart that Zhang Ze didn't come to the training.

For the other two students who were admitted to Peking University but might be having fun at home, Cai Quande thinks that Zhang Ze’s performance is not bad!
At least Zhang Ze also specially participated in the summer training, and his strength has also improved.

This was greatly improved by the other two students who did not come.

Training is a boring thing. In Lin Kai's opinion, it is no different from the hard training in fantasy novels.

The only thing that can make a big change in Lin Kai's mood is to participate in competitions and improve his strength.


"School is about to start, and I realize that the holidays are really boring. I'm almost tired of it!"

Listening to Huang Susu complaining to her beside her, Xu Meishu didn't know what to say.

Who made Xu Meishu not completely release herself in the summer vacation after the college entrance examination like Huang Susu.

"You said before that class is boring!"

"Yeah! This is not going to school and thinking about taking a holiday, and then suddenly miss going to school after the holiday."

Xu Meishu, who is not close to strangers, looks extraordinarily cold.

However, Xu Meishu was complaining in her heart. She didn't know if she should say something, people are cheap!
It's obviously a holiday, but I still think about going to school, and when I am in school, I want to have a holiday again.

"We won't see each other when we go to school."

"No way? I missed you and I came to see you. We are best friends."

"Yeah, then you have to come to me, and I will take you to meet Lin Kai."

"It's better to say goodbye, I don't plan to have a long-distance relationship!"

It is true that he has a good impression of Lin Kai's junior, but it is limited to a good impression, at most it can be regarded as liking, not love, so Huang Susu chooses to give up.

Xu Meishu, who had never been in a relationship, didn't understand either, but Xu Meishu had contact with only a handful of boys.

Who made Xu Meishu look like a stranger, with a cold appearance.

Even though Xu Meishu's personality is lively and cheerful, this appearance alone is enough to dissuade 90.00% of the boys.


"Do you want to participate in the competition?"

Coach Cai suddenly asked himself with great interest.

Lin Kai, who was still squatting to relieve the lactic acid after training, also looked up at the young coach.

"Think about it, coach, are there any games recently?"

"Yes! But maybe it's just going there for a formality!"

Go through the motions?

I was just about to say no, but when I said it, I had a different meaning!
"It's good to exercise yourself."

"Okay, then I'll sign you up, and you should train hard during this time."

Didn't even say what the game was recently?

It was so mysterious that Lin Kai couldn't figure it out.

What game is it?

I can only go through the motions?

You must know that you have at least stepped into the national athlete level in 100 meters and a half.

The other 200 meters has reached the standard of national athletes.

Now is not as good as later generations, the Internet is so developed, and a lot of news can be known at a glance!
So Lin Kai was trying to guess what kind of competition there was in China, but he could only go there and go through the motions.

Don't say that Lin Kai thinks this competition is really a big face!
Let the athletes of the national sports master level go through the motions!
Curiosity came, but Coach Cai didn't seem to say anything, he was really naughty.

Helpless, Lin Kai planned to go back and wash his body. Lin Kai couldn't stand the stinky sweat all over his body!
Lin Kai returned to the dormitory, but the phone rang!
"Hey! Dad, why are you calling here?"

"You brat, you don't know how to come back. You don't know that today is your birthday. Your mother and I don't know how to celebrate it for you!"

own birthday?

Before I knew it, I even forgot my own birthday!
Sure enough, when people get busy, many things will be forgotten unconsciously.

"Dad, I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me. Besides, I have grown up, so there is no need to celebrate a birthday!"

In Lin Kai's view, birthdays are dispensable.

After all, in my previous life, I was perfunctory a lot of times, and I treated it as my own birthday after eating longevity noodles casually!
"Stinky boy..."

Lin Kai's words made Lin Fugui at a loss for words for a while, he didn't know what to say, this old father, like most Huaxia fathers, was not eloquent.

"Hey, son, your dad called because he wanted you to come back. Let's take a look at you. You said it was the first time you left me, and I still missed you..."

The mother on the other end of the phone, Zhang Yu, was rambling on for a long time, but Lin Kai wasn't impatient at all.

Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Those who are worried about their children suffering and suffering outside, should be their own parents!
The feeling that blood is thicker than water is here, and parents don't want too much, they just want their children to have a good life.

"Yeah, mom, I see, you two have to pay attention to your health at home."

"Hmm, when will you come back? Your dad and I will make up for your birthday!"

"Okay, Mom, I'm not sure when I'll be back!"


When the call was hung up, it lasted 53 minutes. Lin Kai was not a sensationalist, so he felt a little sore in his nose for no reason.

Only after being reborn in the first life can I inexplicably feel the importance of loved ones.

Thinking about waiting until the holiday, I have to go back to see my parents.

Don't be too busy with training, in fact, the days you can spend with your parents are getting less and less day by day!
Today, September 9st, is his birthday. Lin Kai doesn't plan to spend it grandly. He plans to simply have a bowl of longevity noodles in the evening.

Today's self is officially full!
Finally, he is no longer a boy under eighteen, but Lin Kai believes that his youth has just begun!
After training in the evening, Lin Kai came to the cafeteria and asked the cafeteria aunt to make him a bowl of longevity noodles.

"Son, what's your birthday?"

"Well, it's my birthday today."

"Then Auntie will give you a free bill, and I won't charge you for your birthday."

"Thank you auntie."

A move of others in life can make Lin Kai feel warm in his heart.

He didn't expect that his aunt would give him a free bill, which was really beyond Lin Kai's expectation.

Maybe it’s because the Internet is not developed yet, but everyone still has a simple heart, and is not as impetuous as later generations, and lives an ordinary life.

"Here, my son, I have to finish the longevity noodles in one bite~"

Lin Kai, who was thinking about something in his heart, was interrupted by the voice of the canteen aunt.

"Thank you auntie."

"Thank you, what is a bowl of noodles!"


After eating longevity noodles, Lin Kai celebrated his birthday. There was no special grand ceremony, but the kindness expressed by others to Lin Kai. This was enough for Lin Kai!
After the birthday, life must continue as usual!
Seniors and seniors have been leaving school one after another, and the number of people has increased.

(End of this chapter)

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