Chapter 158 Freshman Congress
The days went by as usual, and the bustling campus had nothing to do with Lin Kai.

But one day, before Lin Kai reached the roadside, he was stopped by his senior sister and asked for his contact information.

In the end, Lin Kai had no choice but to use the excuse that he didn't have a mobile phone, and cruelly declined the senior sister.

Any fool knows that this is clearly a refusal, and the senior can only leave resentfully. Why does this handsome junior look like an elm head!
Although the senior sister is good-looking and proactive, Lin Kai is as delicate as a slut.

Maybe deep down in Lin Kai's heart, he is willing to pay for his heartbeat!

It's almost October. Lin Kai vaguely remembers Coach Cai talking about participating in the competition on the first day of training, but now there is no movement at all.

For a moment, Lin Kai felt that the other party was fooling him to increase his enthusiasm for training.

But then I thought about it, Coach Cai didn't seem like the kind of person who would joke about such things.

After much deliberation, Lin Kai chose to wait.

In a sense, Lin Kai chose to trust Coach Cai.

After all, since the summer training ended the day before September, Lin Kaiman had been fully prepared and had been personally led by coach Cai for nearly a month.

Lin Kai can still feel the recent improvement in physical fitness. Lin Kai knows the changes in his body best, so Lin Kai can feel that Coach Cai's teaching level is at least as good as Coach Wang.

Even from the perspective of Lin Kai's advanced ideas in his previous life, Coach Cai's teaching philosophy seems to be more advanced than Coach Wang.

For this reason, Lin Kai felt that it was not a wrong decision for him to choose to come to Peking University!
Choice, in a sense, is far greater than effort!
Effort is important, but choice is crucial.

Freshmen start school, but this doesn't seem to have much to do with Lin Kai.

Lin Kai originally wanted to make a cutscene, but was explained by Coach Cai that his student status had been transferred!
As for the follow-up expenses, we will wait for him to settle it at that time!
Is this special treatment?

Lin Kai didn't understand a little. His strength shouldn't be enough to receive special treatment!
The most important thing is that I haven't demonstrated my value in major domestic competitions.

Even if it shows its own value in major domestic competitions, it is actually not worth mentioning to put it bluntly.

You must know that being a sprinter has already explained with a high probability that it has nothing to do with making a lot of money.

Unless you can stand on the world stage.

Hearing that the freshmen received many beautiful seniors, Lin Kai originally wondered if it was possible to meet the girl he was interested in.

Now it seems that there are only two grown men on the track and field. Apart from himself, Coach Cai is the only one left.

"Now is not the time to slack off. From the start of the competition, it has reached a feverish stage, so starting next week, I will make a plan for you to adjust the competition status!"

The matter of the game was brought up by Coach Cai again, so Lin Kai didn't need to worry.

It turns out that Coach Cai has always remembered, so Lin Kai thinks that he can train well.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Lin Kai can't wait to win quality points. The days without quality points, Lin Kai feels really hard!
On days when he has more quality, Lin Kai can take shortcuts.

But in the days without quality points, it is really a little bit of sweat dripping on the track and field, and the strength is improved step by step.

It is undeniable that using quality points to directly improve physical fitness is indeed addictive.

But these are all at a price!

After repeated refusals, in the end, I still couldn't bear my parents. After all, I let my parents go to Beijing University of Gold in the capital to report with me.

Xu Meishu also knows that she is now the pride in the eyes of her parents.

It's the first time for me to travel far away, so far away from home, my parents don't worry that it's a fake.

And the parents have said that after signing up with me, the two of them will leave.

As for Huang Susu, it was a lie for Xu Meishu to say that she was not envious.

Parents pick up and drop off in person, and they are still in the province, so there is no need to worry about being too far away from home.

Accompanied by her parents, Xu Meishu finally came to Peking University where she would spend the next four years of college.

Not to mention, just because I am at Peking University, I have successfully become the pride in the eyes of my parents and teachers.

So Xu Meishu is looking forward to her upcoming college time.

Suddenly, he remembered that Junior Lin Kai was one of the few boys he could talk to.

I was still thinking about contacting the other party, only to realize that I didn't even have the contact information of the other party.

That being the case, maybe in the next four years of college, if you want to meet junior Lin Kai, you may need to meet by chance!

After training, Lin Kai passed by all kinds of freshmen, most of whom were accompanied by their parents and still dressed like they were in high school.

When new students enroll, it means that old students graduate.

For these students who can be admitted to Beijin University, Lin Kai believes that not to mention how smart and good a person they are, at least they have put in their own efforts in the three years of high school!
Of course, Lin Kai himself is no exception!
Even though Lin Kai is already at Beijin University, Yundu No. [-] Middle School still retains Lin Kai’s legend!
Brother is not in the Jianghu, but the legend of Brother is still circulating in the Jianghu!
Obviously he is a new student, but he is incompatible with these new students.

Whether it's psychologically or from other perspectives.

Perhaps this is the contradiction that comes from past life experiences.

It is obvious that he has just passed his birthday, but he still gives off a mature and steady temperament.

Even Cai Quande couldn't figure out why Lin Kai had such a temperament.

Give Cai Quande an illusion that this player may be more mature than himself in mental age.


Freshman Congress, there is really no way to shirk this.

As for who is the representative of the 2005 class of freshmen admitted to Peking University this year, Lin Kai still doesn't know.

Like other students, Lin Kai also stood on the track and field, wondering who it was.

Anyway, it can’t be me, otherwise I would have been writing the manuscript in advance!
Lin Kai's job this time is purely to be a supportive audience.

The excitement had nothing to do with Lin Kai. After waiting for about 10 minutes, the freshman congress was finally officially held.

Even though Lin Kai has now grown to a height of 1.8 meters, it is still inevitable that he will be blocked by some heads because he stands far back!
Coupled with the distance from the stage, Lin Kai could only see a vague outline.

I couldn't see clearly the appearance of the new student representatives. I could at most hear the voices coming from my ears.

Coming and going in a hurry, there is no sense of experience at all, simply wasting time.

The other two students admitted to Peking University who did not come to participate in the summer training finally arrived.

And Zhang Ze finally returned to the track and field from Beauty Township, so Lin Kai wouldn't be alone.

From one person to four, I don’t feel lonely at all!
(End of this chapter)

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