The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 164 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 164 Opportunity Comes!
However, Fan Linkai won the qualification for the 100-meter semi-final, that is, he won the ticket for the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

It is conceivable that in this match, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Kai to advance easily!
Guaranteed to win the third place and sprint to the second place, this is a small goal that Lin Kai set for himself.

He and Hu Kai are really destined, but Lin Kai is extremely entangled in his heart. Meeting Hu Kai is a challenge, and it makes it more difficult for him to advance to the 100-meter final!
Hu Kai also saw Lin Kai's name on the list.

Hu Kai remembered the name Lin Kai, that handsome guy with impressive strength.

They have the same first name but different last names!
From Lin Kai's body, Hu Kai still seems to be the vigorous self when he was young.

So I was quite touched by this, so I remembered the name Lin Kai and Lin Kai's appearance.

In addition to Lin Kai's name, Hu Kai also saw Wang Peng's name.

How could Hu Kai not know about Wang Peng?
Be regarded as one of the few formidable enemies of oneself!
Hu Kai recognized the other party's strength from the bottom of his heart, but he just didn't say anything about it!
Unexpectedly, he met Wang Peng in advance in the 100-meter semi-final at the Tenth National Games.

It can be regarded as a kind of fate, and Hu Kai secretly thought something was wrong.

I have some physical problems. If I want to outperform Wang Peng, I'm afraid I have to work hard.

Of course, you can also release water yourself, but it’s not impossible to release water!
As long as you can advance, these are not a problem!
First or second, in Hu Kai's view, there is no difference.

What worries Hu Kai is that he lost the chain at such a critical moment as the Tenth National Games.

Feel bad for myself, I have been preparing for so long, and such a mess happened, it is really Hu Kai who doesn't know what to do.

To entangle and complain is not the choice of the strong, Hu Kai chooses to accept all this.

As for Hu Kai, who was on the 100-meter semi-final list for the [-]th National Games, Wang Peng knew what Hu Kai's strength was, and how much water was involved in his strength.

Hu Kai, a true genius, had never received professional training before going to college. He was completely different from professional athletes like himself who entered sports schools early or were on the city team.

And Rao is like this, he was able to catch up through his talent!
It is conceivable that his talent is so terrifying!
To a certain extent, Wang Peng did not want to meet Hu Kai in advance.

But since you encounter it, you definitely can’t escape by hiding, so just fight, and you will know in one fight!
Standing at the height of the top 100-meter athletes in the country, Wang Peng has never been a coward, nor a timid person.


It's a tough battle! Let's fight!
dare not?
In Lin Kai's dictionary, these words do not exist!
And Coach Cai naturally hopes that Lin Kai can go further, even if he doesn't say it, he still hopes in the bottom of his heart.

People always think more and think more!
After warming up, Lin Kai calculated the time and arrived at the entrance of the sports center.

At the entrance of the inspection, Lin Kai immediately saw Hu Kai, this frail scholar.

Always so out of place in the crowd.

Others are all handsome, or else they have a strong body, but when it is Hu Kai's turn, he has become a frail scholar with glasses.

Lin Kai's appearance was nothing more than one more contestant, and did not cause any movement.

"100m semi-final first group inspection!"

Only the staff shouted, and the waiting contestants finally moved a little bit.

But Lin Kai is in the second group of the 100-meter semi-finals, so naturally he is not so fast!

Following the staff into the track and field field in the sports center, Lin Kai felt his blood boiling as he stepped on the track and field track.

The restless elements in the body also began to beat.

Looking around, Lin Kai was more excited than nervous.

The contestants who entered the track and field had different expressions.

Hu Kai and Wang Peng's eyes were eager.

Both sides are well aware that the other party is an opponent who can threaten them.

If this kind of thing hadn't happened, Hu Kai felt that he didn't take Wang Peng too seriously at all.

But the tiger fell flat and was bullied by the dog. Hu Kai was injured in the 100-meter preliminaries and his strength declined, so he had to pay attention to Wang Peng.

Standing on their respective runways, Hu Kai is on the second lane to his right.

This is a bit difficult. If you are not careful, you can easily be affected by Hu Kai and your competition status!
After all, in the 100-meter semi-final, Hu Kai's speed in the first half was faster than that of Lin Kai. Obviously Hu Kai is a strong athlete in the first half.

As for the second half, I can’t say it’s weak, it can only be a bit mediocre!

"Everyone take your place!"



The moment the gun rings, the game is about to begin!
When running, Hu Kai can also deliberately ignore the pain caused by his leg strain.

Putting his head down to improve his acceleration as soon as possible, Hu Kai didn't want to lose, nor did he want to lose the qualification to advance.

The same is true for Lin Kai, feeling the unstoppable speed of a black shadow, leading him instantly.

Lin Kai, who was prepared in advance, was not too much affected.

If it has been greatly affected, then Lin Kai can directly declare the end of the game.

Staying steady is more important than anything else!
Anyway, Lin Kai thinks so!
Wang Peng was thinking that if nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely see Hu Kai when he looked up.

This is also an experience summed up after Wang Peng and Hu Kai competed on the same stage!
I have to say that Hu Kai's strength in this aspect in the first half of the race is indeed beyond doubt.

At least Wang Peng knew that it would be difficult for him to keep up with the opponent.

The 30 meters are fleeting, and Hu Kai, who raised his head, did not dare to take it lightly even though he knew that he was temporarily ranked first and had the advantage of leading.

Knowing that there was Wang Peng who could threaten him, Hu Kai had to be more cautious.

Lin Kai raised his head, and found that he was running in the second position, and Hu Kai was the only one ahead of him.

Such a great advantage, Lin Kai will naturally not let it go to waste!
An opportunity to advance to the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games was in front of me.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and Lin Kai believes that he is always prepared.

The body is exerting strength, increasing its speed as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Wang Peng who raised his head did not expect that besides Hu Kai leading him, there was actually another player.

However, this was an accident, and Wang Peng's speed did not slow down at all.

The competition is not a child's play, where there is no room for sloppy!
40 meters, 50 meters, Lin Kai soon realized that there was a huge threat behind him.

It's just that Lin Kai chose to ignore it and must not let any small things affect him.

(End of this chapter)

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