The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 165 Celebrate and take measures

Chapter 165 Celebrate and take measures

Temporarily occupying the second position, how could Lin Kai give it up so easily.

No matter how bad it is, Lin Kai has to let the other party know that if he wants to compete for his position, he has to pay a certain price!
Halfway through the [-] meters, he had not yet surpassed this unknown runner. Wang Peng thought to himself: Could it be another rising star?
I am so lonely and ignorant again!
I don't know this one, and I don't know that one. It seems that I have to learn more about this news and information.

At 60 meters and 70 meters, Wang Peng's late-range sprinting ability began to show its strength, and Lin Kai was surpassed by Wang Peng as expected.

For Lin Kai, he must be unwilling to give up and want to catch up.

On the track and field, being surpassed is never a pleasant thing!
However, on the track and field, everything depends on strength!
So if the strength is not enough, naturally there is no right to speak!
Wang Peng, who surpassed Lin Kai, set his sights on Hu Kai, who was ranked first.

Wang Peng is very interested in Hu Kai, an old opponent who has fought many times.

I don't know how the other party will respond to the [-]th National Games held every four years.

Anyone can dream!
But Wang Peng and others are already among the top 100-meter athletes in the country, and they no longer want to dream!
What is important is to win the 100-meter championship at the National Games.

How could Hu Kai, who was running first, not feel the threat Wang Peng posed to him.

It's just this threat that Hu Kai, who is sprinting, has his own countermeasures.

Small goals, strive for the second, keep the third!
If you can't keep third place, I'm afraid you will miss out on qualifying for promotion.

80 meters, 90 meters, there are always figures of Hu Kai and Wang Peng in front of me.

Fortunately, these two were the only ones present.

Press the line, sprint, all in one go!
Skilled technical movements will become a magic weapon for Lin Kai to gain as much advantage as possible on the court at any time.

How could Lin Kai throw it away for this reason?
After crossing the finish line, Lin Kai breathed a sigh of relief. He just ran down with all his strength. It can be said that he went all out.

As for the outcome, Lin Kai had no idea. It might not be as he imagined, but at least he wouldn't be unwilling and definitely not regretful.

Just because Lin Kai really did his best.

If you don't advance, then you have to practice your strength!
After Hu Kai finished running, he staggered when he stopped, but it was only a few steps and no one noticed.


But Hu Kai himself knew that it was indeed pain from the strain just now.

There will definitely be an impact, but the game can still continue.

How could Hu Kai give up just like that!
Hu Kai knew that he had advanced to the 100-meter final.

But promotion will never be his biggest problem.

My biggest problem is how to win the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games!
The hope was slim, but how could Hu Kai give up.

In Hu Kai's view, Wang Peng, who came here to hug him, couldn't be happier.

It is true that the first place in the 100-meter semi-finals of this group, but with my strain, it is even more difficult to win the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games!
But Wang Peng had no idea about Hu Kai's situation, and Hu Kai concealed his emotions very well on the surface.

You still have to have a strong side on the surface for others to see.

As for Lin Kai who stopped, he put his hands on his hips, curious about his running results.

If his guess is correct and he ranks third, he may be eligible for promotion.

No one can predict this, and Lin Kai doesn't know it anyway.

You have to see the results to know everything.

No.1, Hu Kai, 10 seconds 31.

No.2, Wang Peng, 10 seconds 35.

No.3, Lin Kai, 10 seconds 51.


My guess was right, I was third. Seeing this result, Lin Kai couldn't help punching the air, celebrating his qualification to advance.

Cai Quande, who was in the auditorium, was also pleased with his team member.

And he did what others thought he couldn't do.

Lin Kai advanced to the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

Cai Quande applauded Lin Kai, originally intending to cheer for Lin Kai.

However, there were other coaches around. Coach Cai Quande coughed twice, but still resisted his urge.

Gotta stay calm!
10 seconds 51, really half a foot into the threshold of 10 seconds 50, Lin Kai only felt his heart itch.

Obviously, he was deliberately whetting his appetite.

However, the person who ran out of this result was himself, and it was impossible for Lin Kai to scold himself.

A ruthless person even scolds himself when he is ruthless, but Lin Kai admits that he is not yet capable of being so ruthless!

The day's competition, the day's roster came out, and as expected, Lin Kai really advanced, and advanced to the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

You must know that Lin Kai's name appeared on the list of the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

Of course, Lin Kai ran at the end, eighth, and was also arranged in the eighth lane.

It's just that Lin Kai doesn't have much impression. From Lin Kai's point of view, so what about the eighth place.

These are won through their own hard work, and maybe some luck.

Pang Guibin, Hu Kai, Wang Peng, Gong Wei, Jin Ke, Shen Yunbao, Guo Fan, and Lin Kai from subject three.

The 200-meter semi-final of the 100th National Games was arranged after the 100-meter final, so Lin Kai could carefully prepare for the [-]-meter final of the [-]th National Games.

In addition, Lin Kai once again set a small goal for himself.

Not for anything else, just to give myself motivation.

It can be said that it is a bit difficult to run into the small goal of less than 10 seconds in 50 seconds, but it will not be impossible to achieve.

In preparation for the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games, Cai Quande has no demands on Lin Kai!
Lin Kai participated in the [-]th National Games for the first time, and he was able to run into the finals. It can be said that such a performance is quite amazing!
As long as it's not a round trip to the [-]th National Games, Cai Quande is satisfied!
Lin Kai's performance has long exceeded Cai Quande's expectations.

Before the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games is coming, every contestant has his own thoughts.

Hu Kai, who wanted to take a gamble, finally chose to take special measures.

After all, Hu Kai didn't want to leave any regrets for himself.

The National Games held every four years is four years, how many four years there are in life, and how many four years there will be in the career of athletes.

Hu Kai himself is not sure that he can persist until the next National Games.

It's better to take a gamble in this National Games.

I am a monk halfway, and I have many choices, which shows that I have many concerns in my heart.

So Hu Kai can’t guarantee it!
(End of this chapter)

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