The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 166 The feeling of being surrounded

Chapter 166 The feeling of being surrounded
Everyone wants to win the championship, but there is only one champion!
The champion can only choose the best one from the eight people in the 100-meter final.

Who will stand out from the eight 100m finalists!
Everything is unknown!
But every contestant is doing his best to put his best competition state in the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games.

With the small goal of running within 10 seconds, Lin Kai also came to the entrance of the sports center for inspection.

At the inspection entrance of the sports center, you can see other players except Hu Kai at a glance.

Being able to advance to the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games actually exceeded Lin Kai's own expectations.

Sure enough, it verified the sentence: your limit is beyond your imagination!
Being able to run into the finals, Hu Kai also looked at Lin Kai again.

Such a young face, but also possessing considerable strength, shows that he is not just here for a formality.

Have you ever seen a character who went through the motions and advanced to the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games?
Anyway, Lin Kai was looked at by Hu Kai, but Lin Kai didn't know it!
In Lin Kai's view, the key is to go all out and go all out for the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games.

As for the way others treat him, Lin Kai knows that it all depends on his own strength.

When you are strong enough, you will naturally receive the respect and admiration of others.

The opposite is also true. When the strength is not enough, others will not take it seriously, or even despise it.

After the inspection, Lin Kai in the eighth lane was of course at the end of the line.

Entering the track and field, Lin Kai and Coach Cai waved.

No matter what the result of this game is, I am proud enough!
At least I stood on the track and field of the 100-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

Facing Lin Kai's waving, Cai Quande also waved in response to Lin Kai, and gave Lin Kai a thumbs up.

The meaning expressed is naturally self-evident: believe in yourself, you are the best!
Moving his joints and making the final pre-match preparations, Lin Kai noticed Hu Kai's serious face.

Lin Kai, who was warming up, didn't pay too much attention.

Quan was nervous when the opponent was in the 100-meter final of the upcoming Tenth National Games.

But only Hu Kai himself knows what his physical condition is.

In this situation, he can only fight with his back to the wall. Hu Kai knows that it may be difficult for him to make up his mind to wait another four years to participate in the No.11 National Games.

With too many concerns in his heart, Hu Kai clearly realized that it would be difficult for him to concentrate [-]% on his love of track and field.

After all, people need to eat and live, and Hu Kai is no exception.

Looking directly at Hu Kai, Gong Wei knew how big a threat Hu Kai posed to him!
For this reason, Gong Wei believes that if he wants to win the championship, he must first set Hu Kai as the number one obstacle on his way to winning the championship.

Hu Kai, who had no idea that he was regarded as the biggest threat by Gong Wei, was still worried at this moment.

There is only one solution to worrying, which is self-comfort.

How could Wang Peng not have the idea of ​​winning the 100-meter championship at the [-]th National Games?

But Wang Peng knew very well that everyone present was a great threat to him, and he absolutely could not underestimate the enemy.


"Everyone take your place!"



The moment the gun rang out, the [-]th National Games was about to begin!
A player who kicks off the starting block is like a wild horse that has run away, and the speed is out of control!
The moment he stepped off the starting block, Lin Kai's mind went blank, all trivial thoughts were thrown away, and only one thought remained - go all out!
Lin Kai, who was speeding up, was in the eighth position, but he could still feel the rush of footsteps and the sound of the wind that surpassed him in an instant.

None of this can stop Lin Kai from running, and it is absolutely impossible to affect Lin Kai's running.

In Lin Kai's view, he was competing with his opponent, but more with himself.

Lin Kai knew better than anyone in his heart that he was bound to achieve his small goal.

In the fleeting 30 meters, Cai Quande, standing in the audience, with a God's perspective, could clearly see that Lin Kai had been surpassed by several players.

And even if the players did not surpass Lin Kai, they were all equal to Lin Kai.

Even Lin Kai's technical movements are no longer a big problem, and the most important thing is proficiency.

But he doesn't have much advantage over other players.

After all, his physical fitness was too weak in front of these players.

After 30 meters, Lin Kai raised his head and glanced over, all of them were the figures of the contestants, or else they were the shadows of the contestants in the corner of his eyes.

There is a sense of being surrounded!
However, Lin Kai has received professional training, so unless there are special circumstances, he will not panic.

Steady himself, Lin Kai continued to increase his personal speed by running.

As for Hu Kai who ran first, I thought to myself that I had to do my best to stabilize my running rhythm!
This is an opportunity!
Whether you can seize this opportunity is up to you!
Seeing Hu Kai who ran first, Gong Wei only felt that his guess was right, Hu Kai was the biggest threat to him.

If you want to win the championship, you must cross the hurdle of Hu Kai.

As for Wang Peng, who is only slightly behind Gong Wei, he desperately wants to catch up with Gong Wei and surpass him.

40 meters, 50 meters, half a hundred meters, too fast, Cai Quande in the audience felt that his eyes could not see.

In the fierce 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games, player Lin Kai's performance was unremarkable among the players.

But Cai Quande never felt that his teammate Lin Kai's performance was quite mediocre.

Athletes who can participate in the 100th National Games for the first time and run into the [-]-meter final will not be unknown.

What's more, Lin Kai plans to rush the ducks to the shelves. As for any sufficient preparations, I'm sorry, Cai Quande said he didn't.

Lin Kai, who was still buried by the crowd, still chose to focus on his current running.

If he were to watch the positions of other players, Lin Kai would of course mess up his mentality, thus messing up his rhythm.

60 meters, 70 meters, and soon Hu Kai found that his physical strength began to drain away, causing him to start to decline.

The condition of the body was affected after all.

Hu Kai thought that his body must be tougher and hold on to himself.

There are only the last few tens of meters left, no matter how you say it, you have to withstand it.

But the footsteps behind him told Hu Kai all the time that he might not be able to guarantee his current number one position.

(End of this chapter)

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