Chapter 167
More and more players are ahead of him, Lin Kai is also quite helpless!
In the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games, I was obviously not enough to watch!
Already behind, and still at the tail of the crane, Lin Kai put all his energy into thinking whether he could catch up to one or two players.

At least don't be the eighth, the eighth is not a good ranking.

The eighth is the best, and the last is the worst.

When the distance between himself and Hu Kai is shortening, Gong Wei knows that his opportunity has come!
If you want to win the championship, you must first pass Hu Kai, the biggest hurdle!
Hu Kai, who ran first, really gritted his teeth, eager to stabilize his first advantage.

I hope my body can live up to expectations!
However, he still failed to live up to expectations. When Gong Wei appeared in front of him, Hu Kai vaguely felt that something was wrong!
As for Wang Peng, who ran in third, he wanted to catch up with Hu Kai and Gong Wei who were ahead of him, but he could do nothing.

Without the matching strength, everything will be a personal fantasy!
Lin Kai, who was running, didn't know where he was, but only knew where he was at the end of the crane.

Otherwise, how could there be so many figures appearing within his field of vision?

In the last 20 meters, no one wants to lose, and everyone wants to win the championship of the [-]th National Games.

Everyone sprinted with all their strength!
After catching up with Gong Wei, Hu Kai wanted to throw him off, but this seemed to be extremely difficult to do.

The position is so deadlocked, but if they want to win the championship, they still have to score first and second.

You must know that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second!
For the peak game, Lin Kai could only act as a participant, witnessing all this silently.

The reason is that Lin Kai's strength is not enough to defeat the opponent at all!
At 90 meters, Hu Kai showed unwillingness and felt that his body was not up to the mark!
Sprinting, players cross the finish line one after another.

Trying my best to cross the finish line, I don't know where I crossed the finish line, and I don't know whether I have achieved the small goal I set for myself.

But the only thing Lin Kai can clearly guarantee is that he will try his best!
Gradually stopping, Lin Kai panted heavily, the 100-meter final of the 100th National Games was over, and the [-]-meter competition for a single event was over!
And the coaches in the auditorium, or some of the contestants, can see the results of the competition clearly.

As for Cai Quande, he was naturally relieved. Lin Kai gritted his teeth, and in the end he was not an eighth.

It was enough to show that Lin Kai had tried his best.

Lin Kai, who stopped in his tracks, was curious about what he had achieved and his ranking.

It's just that Gong Wei who was present had already celebrated in advance.

The moment he surpassed Hu Kai, Gong Wei knew that he was the 100-meter champion in the Tenth National Games.

Can't believe I actually did it!
Wanting to do it and actually doing it are two completely different things!
Even though Gong Wei felt that he had at least an 100% chance of winning the [-]-meter championship in the Tenth National Games.

But when he really won the championship, Gong Wei couldn't help being excited!
He raised his arms and cheered, the joy in his heart could not be concealed on his face.

Some people are happy and some are worried. This is the most realistic track and field.

Hu Kai is depressed, his body is still not up to expectations!
Could it be that he missed the 100-meter champion in the National Games?
For a moment, Hu Kai doubted himself in his heart, why did he strain himself in the [-]th National Games!
Really which pot does not mention which pot!
No.1, Gong Wei, 10 seconds 24.

No.2, Hu Kai, 10 seconds 31.

No.3, Pang Guibin, 10 seconds 32.

No.4, Wang Peng, 10 seconds 33.

No.5, Shen Yunbao, 10 seconds 36.

No.6, Jin Ke, 10 seconds 42.

No.7, Lin Kai, 10 seconds 47.

No.8, Guo Fan, 10 seconds 48.


When the results came out, Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry, it was not the eighth, but the seventh, and he also successfully achieved his small goal.

10 seconds 47, I finally withstood the pressure and ran within 10 seconds 50.

Lin Kai was still satisfied with this result.

As for the so-called wishful thinking, Lin Kai had to be realistic.

Don't do this crazy dream that doesn't match your strength.

As for the 100-meter champion of this year's National Games, it turned out to be Gong Wei, which was beyond my expectations.

Just because Lin Kai had never heard of this name.

Maybe it’s because Lin Kai is a little ignorant!
He no longer wanted to see this result. The opportunity was placed in front of him, but he did not cherish it or seize the opportunity. Hu Kai's heart was full of regrets.

If I hadn't strained myself, I might have realized my dream in the [-]th National Games!
Looking at Gong Wei who was celebrating winning the [-]th National Games, his eyes were full of ridicule.

After all, it's not me, after all, it's one step away!
Wang Peng only felt that track and field is so cruel, the applause from the audience belongs only to the champion, not to himself.

And everyone's attention is on the champion.

In a game, there are always only the champion and other players.

My No.4 is also silently hinting to myself that I still need to practice!

After experiencing the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games, Lin Kai didn't feel much.

It's not that I haven't experienced the National Games in my previous life.

But Lin Kai couldn't help but sigh. No matter how confident he was before the game, no one could tell who would win the championship after the game.

Maybe even kill a dark horse!
Dark horse?
Im eager to be this dark horse!
The prerequisite for becoming a dark horse is to have matching strength.

At least Lin Kai believed that he did not have the strength to match it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be in the 100-meter final of the [-]th National Games, looking up and seeing people.

Forget about the past for now, Lin Kai's [-]th National Games is not over yet!
There are still 200m semi-finals waiting for Lin Kai.

After adjusting his racing state, Lin Kai took a step forward and set off again!
Every competition will be a rare experience for me, which will be transformed into pieces for me to win the championship later.

When enough fragments are collected, it will be the day when one wins the National Games.

Lin Kai believes that that day will not be too far away from him!
At least there is hope in life, there is light in front of us, there is room for progress, and youth has time, and there is still time for everything!
In the 200m semi-finals of the [-]th National Games, Lin Kai really relied on guessing.

Lin Kai didn't know which player was so powerful.

However, this does not affect Lin Kai's determination to qualify for the promotion.

The number of players inspected at the entrance of the sports center has changed, which also means that a group has been eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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