Chapter 179 My Boyfriend
Auntie was very enthusiastic, but Lin Kai was not used to it.

"Come in quickly, why are you hanging around here? Just let my mother wash the fruits."

Coach Ye Jianhui at home is dressed like a college student, without his usual coach appearance.

"Come back to see me this holiday, I'm flattered."

Ye Jianhui, who poured Lin Kai a cup of hot tea, sat down and joked.

"I'm not a big star. Coach, you're sorry for me."

"Hahahaha, you are still embarrassed. Don't tell me. I heard that you went to participate in the training camp organized by Beijin University. How about it? Have you made any progress?"

"Improvement is definitely there, but I think coach, you can go for further studies."

Taking a sip of the hot water, it was strangely hot, Ye Jianhui complained.

"Hey, stop talking. I don't have the spare time, and even if I do, I don't have the money. Now I just want to bring this batch of brats into the university first, and then the next batch."

Regarding coach Ye Jianhui's thoughts, Lin Kai nodded. Everyone has their own thoughts and pursuits, and others have no right to interfere.

Isn't it great to devote yourself to the grassroots education of sports!
"How are Li Wei's grades now?"

Lin Kai was quite concerned about his best friend Li Wei in his previous life.

I don't know if the other party is earnestly fulfilling the original bet.

"After you left, Li Wei has also worked harder, and he has become more and more like a captain. Do you think it's strange?"

"It's not strange, it's a good thing to work hard."

Since even the coach said this, Lin Kai was relieved!
"Nong! For the coach, if I remember correctly, it's 43 yards."

"Hey, what's the situation, give me shoes?"

I took it apart and saw that it was a pair of sneakers, and it was really a pair that I planned to buy recently, so I asked if it was a coincidence.

Ye Jianhui, who originally thought about refusing, felt that he really couldn't refuse.

I really like this one myself!
"You brat, you really make me unable to refuse!"

Which cadre can withstand such a test?

Anyway, Ye Jianhui accepted it and recorded the good intentions of his most proud disciple, Lin Kai.

"Here, eat some fruit. Xiaoye, I'm going out first. Remember what Aunt Wang introduced to you!"

Before leaving, Lin Kai showed a strange expression.

The coach is still being urged to go on a blind date?

Outrageous, far off the mark!
He had just graduated, and was only 23 years old at most, so he began to rush to find a partner.

It's really two completely different treatments for going to college and finishing college!
Ye Jianhui noticed the change in Lin Kai's expression, and naturally knew that Lin Kai definitely understood!
I made a circle in my heart silently, wondering why my mother didn't pay attention to the occasion at all.

My apprentice is still here!
His apprentice knew that as a coach, he was really embarrassed.

"Well, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

"I see."

"Then what, drink tea and drink tea!"

Ye Jianhui, who originally planned to explain, hesitated, and finally chose not to explain.

Stop struggling in vain!

After leaving the coach's house, Lin Kai felt that he didn't have to worry about the coach finding a partner.

Tall and tall, with a career, and a good family, he is considered a good blind date.

It's just that in Lin Kai's opinion, he specified that he doesn't plan to go on a blind date in the future.

The so-called blind date is nothing more than letting a group of men with little love experience meet a group of women who are almost impossible to solve!
The rare message ringtone in the phone, when I opened it, it turned out that Huang Susu, who had lost contact for a long time, sent me a message.

Going out to play, thinking that there would be nothing to do, Lin Kai agreed on his phone.


As for Huang Susu, Xu Meishu felt that there might be something wrong with Huang Susu's approach.

How long has it been since school started, and Xu Meishu never thought that Huang Susu would actually have a boyfriend!
When I was in high school, I talked about talking about boyfriends for three years, and it was all like a joke.

But this time I really talked about a boyfriend.

Looking at the boy running to buy water for Huang Susu, Xu Meishu felt that this boy was far different from Lin Kai!
It's just that Xu Meishu will definitely not say it out loud. This is something that offends people.

"How is it? My boyfriend is handsome, is he more handsome than Lin Kai?"

"Pretty handsome, I didn't know!"

"University, it's a pity that you don't fall in love in university. Don't you have any ideas? You've all gone to university, so you must have ideas!"

In response to Huang Susu's questioning, Xu Meishu didn't know what to say and just shook her head silently.

About boyfriend?

It seems that I want to, but it seems that I don’t want to!
Xu Meishu didn't know what was going on in her heart.

In fact, seeing that the three roommates in the dormitory all wanted to have a boyfriend, Xu Meishu also had this idea.

But this idea eventually came to nothing!
On the way here, Lin Kai thought that the location seemed to be in an entertainment city.

However, the entertainment city is still a bit chaotic, and it is necessary to pay attention to personal safety.

Thinking about it, it is definitely not possible that Huang Susu is the only one, there is probably Xu Meishu.

When he arrived, Lin Kai noticed the two women and one man waiting on the roadside and was a little puzzled.

Taking a closer look, two of the girls were Huang Susu and Xu Meishu. As for one of the boys, Lin Kai quickly came to a conclusion—it might be Huang Susu's boyfriend from college.

"Lin Kai—"

Huang Susu and Lin Kai waved, while Xu Meishu stood there gracefully, discouraging any boys with ideas.

"Lin Kai, my boyfriend, Li Peng."

"Hello brother!"

When Lin Kai shook hands with Huang Susu's boyfriend, he was not surprised.

Even if Huang Susu was really interested in and had ideas for him before, in Lin Kai's opinion, this is not a problem.

After seeing too much emotional poisonous chicken soup for later generations, Lin Kai actually didn't have too many illusions about love.

After all, no one can live without you. You can replace others, and others can replace you!
He's quite handsome, but it's a pity that he's not as handsome as me!

Walking up to Xu Meishu, Xu Meishu greeted Lin Kai.

"Where are you going? Any plans?"

Originally thought that Lin Kai would be very surprised, but the other party's expression was calm, as if nothing happened.

At the same time, Huang Susu found that junior Lin Kai had become more handsome, and he also had a temperament that showed off his butt.

"Let's go to the roller skating rink!"

Huang Susu started to propose, who made Huang Susu's own roller skating skills amazing.

Lin Kai is also a master at roller skating!
In the previous life in the provincial team, he was quite playful, so naturally he knew everything.

With unanimous approval, the combination of two women and two men set off!
It's just that Xu Meishu, who can't rollerblade, is a little bit difficult.

Just now, I just agreed to it in order not to spoil the fun.

At worst, I'll watch them play later, Xu Meishu thought in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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